Stop touching me! In a perfect world/ room I would prefer them not. But reality is always ( because of space and electricity ) I wind up packing them in. Most of the plants on the left will be culled (probably/ hopefully they are 50% males) I was supposed to
throw away a couple, but stuck them in the nursery together. What the hell, I take in strays too. I will be spreading these out. I think the scrog or ( yet to be tested by me) vertical grow using one strain will yeald the most. I also have learned a lot from this site and I started growing in the 1970s ! The second pick is from the same room and a previous harvest. They are always touching, but like I said,"I wish they weren't" I have been using this tent for six years at this location, and before that, 5 years at ten different locations! Anyway, I appreciated your
kind words and what you do so I wanted to post this up for you.