How packed is your grow area?

Kind Sir

Well-Known Member
Hey guys, I started growing in Feb and owe alot to this site. Everything is going very well, Im just curious if Im utilizing my 4x4 tent to its full potential. Id like to see pictures of how full your tents are. Do your plants touch?


Well-Known Member
That picture is pretty cool. I would never have guessed the size correctly. Looks like 4x4xX and a LB plus, weird how scale is hard to judge.

I judge when the room is truly full by the amount of light hitting the floor. The floor should be well shaded, but not dark. I trim the lower branches before flower so all branches will have some full light exposure.

My plants touch/overlap a bit. The key is to make sure you don't overfill to the point that air circulation is insufficient or that you have too much plant for the amount of light. If you have too much plant the floor will be nearly dark. Trim before flower and in early flower to hit the ideal balance.

Oregon Gardener

Well-Known Member
Stop touching me! In a perfect world/ room I would prefer them not. But reality is always ( because of space and electricity ) I wind up packing them in. Most of the plants on the left will be culled (probably/ hopefully they are 50% males) I was supposed to throw away a couple, but stuck them in the nursery together. What the hell, I take in strays too. I will be spreading these out. I think the scrog or ( yet to be tested by me) vertical grow using one strain will yeald the most. I also have learned a lot from this site and I started growing in the 1970s ! The second pick is from the same room and a previous harvest. They are always touching, but like I said,"I wish they weren't" I have been using this tent for six years at this location, and before that, 5 years at ten different locations! Anyway, I appreciated your kind words and what you do so I wanted to post this up for you. :bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
That picture is pretty cool. I would never have guessed the size correctly. Looks like 4x4xX and a LB plus, weird how scale is hard to judge.

I judge when the room is truly full by the amount of light hitting the floor. The floor should be well shaded, but not dark. I trim the lower branches before flower so all branches will have some full light exposure.

My plants touch/overlap a bit. The key is to make sure you don't overfill to the point that air circulation is insufficient or that you have too much plant for the amount of light. If you have too much plant the floor will be nearly dark. Trim before flower and in early flower to hit the ideal balance.
That was my first SOG in that tent to use up some extra clones and see what the COB LED's could do, 6x 1gal + a couple of party cup males in the pic (fems were done so started transitioning the males). Don't normally run anything but males in there but hey, an extra 6 zips never hurt anyone ;)