BB grow! DOG Kush (canna cup entry 2012)Deep Blue & Psycho Killer :D

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
yeah man I had the yellow traps up and was spraying them with fertilome, its an american brand thats banned over here i.e. it works....

Aye the fireballs is deffo on my to do next list but I need some coin crops first. be GG4 and plemon first round. something I can bang out for 2's in the GG4 and plenty weight out the plemon. I've only 1 600w though so won't be humongous yields but it'll be cool tubed so with a bit canopy management I should hit a decent number.

I'd better I was looking at my jars thinking, fuck am I making it til harvest lol!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
I'm probs gonna go on the scrounge to a few mates, I sort him the 'yokes' I believe you potato munchers call em, he sorts me the odd bag when I'm short.


Well-Known Member
Lmao yeah yolks or small things...ive a few myself but the audi are dirty for sure.some horrible come down off em,definetly not worth it so ill probably sling em for a tenner n buy a case of cider haha

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
furry muff geezer, you use aye?

I got a load of the silver bars recently, they're still as banging as they were. I munched way too many in one sitting so I'm leaving them for another month at least.

I've ordered a geezy of Md and I've the caps and .00 scales to make my own dose batch up.


Well-Known Member
Yeah the audi had great fucking reports around 220 on p-report but these are definitely knock offs but the lads around here shouldn't know.yeah ud have a tidy return if u source the md from the much u gonna sling em for? A g of md here's around 60+e n I've seen ounces for fuck all on the dn...biiiig money to be made but I wouldn't trust myself shit would end out like my great idea to buy benzos in bulk haha

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
I've just seen 10gram for about 85 bar man. killing to be made if folks will buy them. guarantee the quality and it should be a peice of piss do 200mg for 10's all day. 150's for the weaklings among us haha.

I've ordered a test couple of G from a vendor and see how good the quality is. 25g's going for £177 Think my pal offered me an ounce for 300's last I asked. DN's gonna put folks out of business


Well-Known Member
Well there you have it shits a no brainer.first! it's their own fucking fault for getting so greedy man you'll chean up with them prices...nice bit of dosh for ur holidays.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
rights man! I don't really have a massive customer base for them but the guys who see me for em want quality all the time. no shite. I know a couple gay lads who have plenty mates who'll go mad for decent swag


Well-Known Member
It's better if u keep the customer base smaller n do deals on larger amounts,clean up like some Hispanic house cleaner man! I can picture it now...


Well-Known Member
I'll bung you a bit of exo in a couple of weeks if you're running out of bud. It's not my finest effort but it's okay.
You can have some next week if you want to dry it yourself


Well-Known Member
Haven't tried any of the PK yet but I've found the keepers of most things. The cq48 is real nice. I think the qqpk is nice too, just need to wrap my head around a bit more of an up smoke. Seems to smoke a bit more like the pk but with the weight of the QQ. They were huge buds on all of them.

pk #2 :)
pk-1.jpg WP_20160114_005.jpg

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
That Jack the ripper with the psychosis f1 pledge cut was up in my top five for sure. No real haze structure or spicy smell just lemony psycho and skunk vigour.

Man I'm hoping jiggy is going to make my day here.