Top bin COB comparison

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@stardustsailor Wow do really wanna go there with me. First of why the profanity? It doesn't make what you say more valid. Did you ever ask jerry where he gets them from? Wait no but I have and I've made it an effort for RIU members to get better prices dealing with Jerry. Don't hate wait you can't help it. Where are you from? I know you live in a country that had an economical downfall and wrecked the value of the Euro that's what I know and I don't expect you to be excited about me helping Jerry because you are not in the US. What's really funny is it's not even official yet and you are already butt hurt wow. I haven't even sold a cob and you are rambling hate lol.
@stardustsailor Wow do really wanna go there with me. First of why the profanity? It doesn't make what you say more valid. Did you ever ask jerry where he gets them from? Wait no but I have and I've made it an effort for RIU members to get better prices dealing with Jerry. Don't hate wait you can't help it. Where are you from? I know you live in a country that had an economical downfall and wrecked the value of the Euro that's what I know and I don't expect you to be excited about me helping Jerry because you are not in the US. What's really funny is it's not even official yet and you are already butt hurt wow. I haven't even sold a cob and you are rambling hate lol.

Are you taking pills of some sort ,boy ?
Any weird medication ?
Sniffin' shit ?

Sit on your couch or somewhere really comfy ...And relax ...
Leave the COBs and shit aside for a moment ,boy ....
Clear your mind ...
Let your sight to be drifted slowly inside the image ...
Enjoy the view ..

I'm not your boy. Do you even know calling a black person boy is old racist term. I'm 47yrs old no where near a kid or a boy. I'm cool not even angry. I'm actually laughing my ass off. I know better than to argue I've been there and I don't have the time for it. My new venture for my garden is my new Worm Factory 360 and I have over 4000 worms right now and going to do Organic living soil and hydro. I used to be a Master grower for a dispensary until the car accident March 2014 changed everything in a great way for me, that's why I'm where I'm at now.You need to chill lol I'm smoking on this

I do not live in US and I couldn't care less about the color of your skin ...
It means nothing to me where you're white ,black,yellow,or multicolored like a fuckin' rainbow...
What it matters to me is that you' re full of shit ...
And I do not hate you ,brother ..(or this is also an old or new racist term ,too ? )

Boy,brother,mate,pal,dude,lad ,whatever ...
they are words that mean nothing to me ,but express my feelings...
Nothing else than the meaning itself hides behind a word ,only dirty minds maybe ...
Boy means boy ,to me ...
As yes means yes or
White means white ...
Or black means black ...

Now how the fuck the "boy" becomes a bad rasist term
when you call ian american ,is something unknown to me ...

Your attitude reminds of a boy,nevertheless,thus the calling like that ...
Whether that boy is white or black,silver ,,or whatever else ...

Acting like a boy ...

47 years old ?

Fuck ...
Then it must my shitty country that " had an economical downfall and wrecked the value of the Euro "....

(ain't that racism @mary'sConfidant ? Or you favour only one "party" ?
Give me a break and crawl back to your hole ... ) ,

......that makes it's residents grow old & mature really fast ...

I envy you REALSTYLES ,I'm only 40 and I feel like being your grandfather ..

Or might be you that makes me feel that way ,I wonder ..

Cheers .
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It would only be racist if he meant it / knew it that way ... which i'm pretty sure he didn't.

RS, if you're 47 man, grow up a little man ...

Seriously tho, just seems you spend more time telling the world how cool you are, and how much you help ... than actually ... helping.
you're the one always pretending you know "super secret shit', and being all dramatic and all, telling everyone they suck, but "you da man" ..

You're kind of an anti-supra to me, so to speak :lol:

And btw, you think we can't see you're always taking pictures at an angle, pretending your buds are bigger than they are .. ?!?

Try to keep it real ;)

Fuck ...
Then it must my shitty country that " had an economical downfall and wrecked the value of the Euro "....

(ain't that racism @mary'sConfidant ? Or you favour only one "party" ?
Give me a break and crawl back to your hole ... ) ,

......that makes it's residents grow old & mature really fast ...

I'm a bit confused, are you attacking me? I simply pondered in message form, whether you knew that was some racist shit you were saying. You replied you didn't intend it that way and I can take you at your word so no harm done.

What party are you referencing? Which hole are you suggesting I crawl back in? Pretty strong words when I didn't attack you.
I'm a bit confused, are you attacking me? I simply pondered in message form, whether you knew that was some racist shit you were saying. You replied you didn't intend it that way and I can take you at your word so no harm done.

What party are you referencing? Which hole are you suggesting I crawl back in? Pretty strong words when I didn't attack you.

Pointing out my racism ,but forgot about the racism of RS ?
Do you have to "attack " me you think ,for me to react to something like that ?
Seriously ,now ?

Or you mean that "Where are you from? I know you live in a country that had an economical downfall and wrecked the value of the Euro that's what I know and I don't expect you to be excited about me helping Jerry because you are not in the US " ,ain't racism ?

What exactly it is to you ?

Pretty strong words ,you say ?
No ,brother ,you haven't seen "pretty strong words" from me ..Yet ...
Keep on insulting my inteligence like RS ,and you might get lucky ...
I do not live in US and I couldn't care less about the color of your skin ...
It means nothing to me where you're white ,black,yellow,or multicolored like a fuckin' rainbow...
What it matters to me is that you' re full of shit ...
And I do not hate you ,brother ..(or this is also an old or new racist term ,too ? )

Boy,brother,mate,pal,dude,lad ,whatever ...
they are words that mean nothing to me ,but express my feelings...
Nothing else than the meaning itself hides behind a word ,only dirty minds maybe ...
Boy means boy ,to me ...
As yes means yes or
White means white ...
Or black means black ...

Now how the fuck the "boy" becomes a bad rasist term
when you call ian american ,is something unknown to me ...

Your attitude reminds of a boy,nevertheless,thus the calling like that ...
Whether that boy is white or black,silver ,,or whatever else ...

Acting like a boy ...

47 years old ?

Fuck ...
Then it must my shitty country that " had an economical downfall and wrecked the value of the Euro "....

(ain't that racism @mary'sConfidant ? Or you favour only one "party" ?
Give me a break and crawl back to your hole ... ) ,

......that makes it's residents grow old & mature really fast ...

I envy you REALSTYLES ,I'm only 40 and I feel like being your grandfather ..

Or might be you that makes me feel that way ,I wonder ..

Cheers .
Just stop already you are very confused in what way am I acting like a boy please show me where I typed a childish comment towards you. Please show me and you know I'm black from the Mars video I made you mean you didn't see it? and You say you are a smart guy so you know about slavery in America as well as most of what they called blacks so stop playing dumb and attacking others like @Mary's Confidant you are showing me who you really are and how does it feel to be outwitted by a guy that's dumb hahahaha at least that's what you think I am.
@stardustsailor I've already won because where do you get your Vero's from?......Wait from a source I promoted with my marketing skills lol and just a reminder I'm not at all mad I find it very funny on how you are actint and calling me boy hahahaha
Just stop already you are very confused in what way am I acting like a boy please show me where I typed a childish comment towards you. Please show me and you know I'm black from the Mars video I made you mean you didn't see it? and You say you are a smart guy so you know about slavery in America as well as most of what they called blacks so stop playing dumb and attacking others like @Mary's Confidant you are showing me who you really are and how does it feel to be outwitted by a guy that's dumb hahahaha at least that's what you think I am.
Look man ...
No seriously ,I didn't know that the term "boy " is an old racist term ...
I never been in US ...
And trust me ,the US way of life,culture or knowledge of US history and everyday life
is not spread around the world or dominating the world ,as you may think ...

My country has a culture and history dating back ,long before the Mayas travelled from Polynesia to the
American continent ...

Let me finish studying my own culture and history
and then I might bother with the modern American one ,later

And no I did NOT know that you are "black " ..Still ....I could not care less ..
African imigrants (same skin color as you I guess ) here in my country ,live way differently
that in your country ,I guess ...
Way better ,I think .

Color skin means shit ,here where i leave ..
The soul and the mind of a person matters in everyday life ,around here..
Cause thats all whats left to us ...

Give me a break RS ..

You're still full of shit ...
At least for the Cree SHENZHEN factory ...and some more ,maybe ...
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Pointing out my racism ,but forgot about the racism of RS ?
Do you have to "attack " me you think ,for me to react to something like that ?
Seriously ,now ?

Or you mean that "Where are you from? I know you live in a country that had an economical downfall and wrecked the value of the Euro that's what I know and I don't expect you to be excited about me helping Jerry because you are not in the US " ,ain't racism ?

What exactly it is to you ?

Pretty strong words ,you say ?
No ,brother ,you haven't seen "pretty strong words" from me ..Yet ...
Keep on insulting my inteligence like RS ,and you might get lucky ...

I think you are attributing something to me that I never typed. My only comment towards you was regarding the "boy" comment since it was a common derogatory term used by slave owners.

You told me you didn't know that and I accepted it. Then you end the post threatening me with strong words.

I don't think we are arguing but I have a feeling you're going to threaten me again. Maybe.
I think you are attributing something to me that I never typed. My only comment towards you was regarding the "boy" comment since it was a common derogatory term used by slave owners.

You told me you didn't know that and I accepted it. Then you end the post threatening me with strong words.

I don't think we are arguing but I have a feeling you're going to threaten me again. Maybe.

I thought slave owners used another word ..
At least that's what I hear always in the movies ...
(the main audio contact with the US culture and history )

A word that when it's spelled among "black" people seems like a "friendly" term,
but when a "white" says it to a "black " ...Oh ,then it's a racist term ...

Ain't that childish ,somewhat ?
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