It looks like all those companies are selling the same product, minus the article

music to my ears nonetheless, although I live in a typical American neighborhood where people are slightly getting by, so I don't expect to see any nearby Vero/CXB-infused lamp posts anytime soon : / .
Do they have em' in Vero too? I bet they sell quite well.
Look closely and you will see that ain't the same product,not all of them ,at least .
Those designs that do look the same ,are most probably manufactured by the same facility also ,
but under different brands are ordered and sold .
But our main theme was and still is the actual number of COBs ordered & used
by different firms and not if their designs are the same or no .
Still,I can provide you with plenty of links about where cobs are used for :
Automotive industry & applications,
Aerospace industry & applications ,
In military industry & applications,
In mining and fossil fuel (petroleum ) industry,
In sports facilities,
In museums and so on ....
Many -many COBs are being manufactured as we speak ..
Not only in the US ,but all around the world...
Cheap COBs and branded COBs ...
Transported,selled,installed and finally used ,in a wide variety of applications ,
all with the same common purpose:
Provide light for humans .

That is the main purpose that the COBs exist,firstplace.
Do you seriously think that Osram,Cree,Bridgelux,Nichia,Phillips,Samsung,Citizen,Sharp and so many other brands
that you're aware of and you do not ,are manufacturing their COBs mainly for the legal or illicit indoor marijuana horticulture ?
Com'on ,now...
Would you say it's nearly impossible for both small and big companies to buy directly from manufactures, such as Cree and Bridgelux and that they have to instead go through either authorized and non-authorized dealers to obtain their Cree/Bridgelux cobs?
You do not need "nearly" ....
Visit Cree site or Bridgelux site and hit the "Where to buy" button.
They do not ask you "Who are you "
"Are you a big mothafucka light fixture manufacturer or a mere poor ass mj grower ?
We do not care who you are ,if you want our products ,you will find them there ..."
Cree and Bridgelux as physical entities ,are both some offices and laboratories ..
Their stuff researches,develops,designs and maybe making some prototypes ,too ...
The facilities that actually manufacture the mass production of their COBs are not owned by Cree or Bridgelux...
They are third party firms..
As also the vendors and retailers of their products ..
From the latter you,I ,he,she buy the goods..
As also the big facilities that manufacture light fixtures ,
under the specs and standards ordered from a large number of different lighting firms ...
Funny thing is ....
That all the chain ( take our poor little asses out of the big pic ) might belong to the same big
monstrous " Group " ( a multinational company )
Take Sony Group for instance ..
Just the music division ...
Sony Group owns recording studios where music is produced and recorded..
Sony Group makes the fuckin' CDs also ..(the means of storage )
Sony Group owns the MTV (or is a big fat share holder,don't remember exactly )
Sony Group owns radio stations ..
Sony Group owns the whole fuckin' promotion bussiness ...
Sony Group owns the factory that make the fuckin ' Hi-Fi ...(the means of reproduction )
Sony Group owns who knows what more ....
I wonder ,that 1% of the world population how exactly they spend their wealth..
(That being 50% of the worlds wealth .....)
It's kinda sick situation to own that much wealth ...
At least it makes me sick,just to think about it ...
To be so fuckin' rich ,to own the whole fuckin' world,
to feel so powerful and unique ,to feel like god ....
And still not being able to make a deal with death ...
Like all the fuckin rest poor bastards ,outta there ...
I prefer the poor little bastard option,truly ...
Anyway ,I got carried away ..
Hope that we will not keep derailing this wonderful thread any longer ...