Look closely and you will see that ain't the same product,not all of them ,at least .
Those designs that do look the same ,are most probably manufactured by the same facility also ,
but under different brands are ordered and sold .
But our main theme was and still is the actual number of COBs ordered & used
by different firms and not if their designs are the same or no .
Still,I can provide you with plenty of links about where cobs are used for :
Automotive industry & applications,
Aerospace industry & applications ,
In military industry & applications,
In mining and fossil fuel (petroleum ) industry,
In sports facilities,
In museums and so on ....
Many -many COBs are being manufactured as we speak ..
Not only in the US ,but all around the world...
Cheap COBs and branded COBs ...
Transported,selled,installed and finally used ,in a wide variety of applications ,
all with the same common purpose:
Provide light for humans .

That is the main purpose that the COBs exist,firstplace.
Do you seriously think that Osram,Cree,Bridgelux,Nichia,Phillips,Samsung,Citizen,Sharp and so many other brands
that you're aware of and you do not ,are manufacturing their COBs mainly for the legal or illicit indoor marijuana horticulture ?
Com'on ,now...