Iowa Caucus

No.. The defense is in there, what you mean?
First off, I was just poking at you. Second, in a completely hypothetical discussion, it looked like you were saying the budget could be balanced without tax increases by taking a fairly sizable chunk out of defense spending. I didn't take it seriously though. I don't think the budget can be balanced without tax increases.
Unemployment has actually gone down, and no people didn't stop looking and just gave up. That's some Republican self-defeating fantasy.

Good grief. :shock:

From one of the best investment mags, Fortune -

"But actually, this view can be supported by actual statistics. If you use the broadest definition of unemployment, the ratio of people over the age of 16 with jobs to the overall 16-and-over population, the Labor Department says that 40.6% of the population is unemployed."
Good grief. :shock:

From one of the best investment mags, Fortune -

"But actually, this view can be supported by actual statistics. If you use the broadest definition of unemployment, the ratio of people over the age of 16 with jobs to the overall 16-and-over population, the Labor Department says that 40.6% of the population is unemployed."
Give it up Ben, you are good at growing weed and earlier in your life must have been good at your ag studies -- c hopkins cafe and all that.. Statistics are over your head, though.
Good grief. :shock:

From one of the best investment mags, Fortune -

"But actually, this view can be supported by actual statistics. If you use the broadest definition of unemployment, the ratio of people over the age of 16 with jobs to the overall 16-and-over population, the Labor Department says that 40.6% of the population is unemployed."

Assuming everyone should have a job. Lots of people don't work or need too.
Assuming everyone should have a job. Lots of people don't work or need too.

Of course, and that would include you, right? Bernie's gonna give you all that free stuff :mrgreen:

BTW, except for the retired people I know who are sitting comfortably, typing on a computer at 3:25 like I am now, itching to catch today's The Five on FOX episode.....they are working.

You must be living on skid row with a bunch of bums.

Time for my siesta. I'm running wee late today. :)
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At todays exchange rates that 28000 USD translates to 560 000 ZAR. You can live like a king if this is your pay per year over here. My definition of very poor is 45 dollars a week. I know people that earn this or less. Perspective is a nasty thing.
over here 45 dollars a week comes to 2340 a year or 1.12 an hour based on a 40 hour week. That would never work in America. and I have no desire to move to South Africa
You seem like a pretty sharp guy, haven't you realized that Whoever gets elected MUST raise taxes? We are 19 trillion in the red...Bernie is just being honest about it.
must is not a word I would use. Every ones taxes does not need to be raised. You want to find areas America could get out the red to black...start with the military.
Bernie got you guys not paying attention. I ask this question and heard nothing but crickets. Maybe you can answer. What has Bernie accomplished with his time in congress ?
Good grief. :shock:

From one of the best investment mags, Fortune -

"But actually, this view can be supported by actual statistics. If you use the broadest definition of unemployment, the ratio of people over the age of 16 with jobs to the overall 16-and-over population, the Labor Department says that 40.6% of the population is unemployed."

Good grief. :shock:

Can you not read also? :roll:

Lower in the article...

"Unfortunately, the veracity of Trump’s analysis ends there. As you can see from the above chart, 40% of the 16-and-over population not having a job is nothing new in America. Trump’s campaign slogan, Make America Great Again, presumably refers to his hope of returning America to it’s post-war glory, when the U.S. economy accounted for a much larger share of global GDP than it does today. But that was a time when a lower percentage of Americans of working age had a job....

But to claim that the unemployment rate is a statistic that, as Trump said, “was made up by the politicians for the politicians . . . so they could look good,” has no basis in fact."
Of course, and that would include you, right? Bernie's gonna give you all that free stuff :mrgreen:

BTW, except for the retired people I know who are sitting comfortably, typing on a computer at 3:25 like I am now, itching to catch today's The Five on FOX episode.....they are working.

You must be living on skid row with a bunch of bums.

Time for my siesta. I'm running wee late today. :)
as he raises taxes to pay for all this free stuff. Only the poor poor benefits from Bernie. Sad world when you and I can agree
[QUOTE="londonfog, post: 12296004, member: 118767]"What has Bernie accomplished with his time in congress ?[/QUOTE]

About as much as Ron Paul did or Hillary did as Sec. of State - nothing. At least Paul didn't destroy good lives.

Millenials are hung on ideologies, bullshit. What Sanders did is not important. It's about perceptions, fantasy stuff.
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Speaking of I'm getting coffee and this guy who comes there has this car with the most huge aentenna on a car I've ever seen since the 70s looks like someone from the bible with long white beard and staff..I swear..asked him that must be some CB you have and he tells me with a gleam in his eye about how he speaks to people from around the world all the time like Russia and Antarctica..whoa! That surely is some feat..
you got a story for everything. Get a job and stop being so damn nosy
as he raises taxes to pay for all this free stuff. Only the poor poor benefits from Bernie. Sad world when you and I can agree

The poor would NOT benefit from Comrade Sanders. They would be fed crumbs instead of being empowered by the free enterprise system to make a good life for themselves.

Contrary to what you've been brainwashed to believe, the poor would only be helped by conservative values, capitalism, the FREE enterprise system. Look at Belize, Cuba, Nicaragua, Mexico if you want to see what socialism looks like.
You seem like a pretty sharp guy, haven't you realized that Whoever gets elected MUST raise taxes? We are 19 trillion in the red...Bernie is just being honest about it.

First off, I was just poking at you. Second, in a completely hypothetical discussion, it looked like you were saying the budget could be balanced without tax increases by taking a fairly sizable chunk out of defense spending. I didn't take it seriously though. I don't think the budget can be balanced without tax increases.

Interesting that in the case of government budgets, you guys have zero control over how much is taken from you and what it is spent on and then you behave like good slaves and think the debts are yours.

over here 45 dollars a week comes to 2340 a year or 1.12 an hour based on a 40 hour week. That would never work in America. and I have no desire to move to South Africa
must is not a word I would use. Every ones taxes does not need to be raised. You want to find areas America could get out the red to black...start with the military.
Bernie got you guys not paying attention. I ask this question and heard nothing but crickets. Maybe you can answer. What has Bernie accomplished with his time in congress ?

I agree on the military slashing, that's one of the reasons I can't vote for any GOP slug.. They won't stfu about rebuilding the military and infusing more money into that bloated budget. For the second part of your query...
First off, I was just poking at you. Second, in a completely hypothetical discussion, it looked like you were saying the budget could be balanced without tax increases by taking a fairly sizable chunk out of defense spending. I didn't take it seriously though. I don't think the budget can be balanced without tax increases.
no need to tax the middle class or the poor. Hell just tax those in the top 10% more. Raising someone taxes who only pulls in 30,000 is crazy. Can't believe these fools are voting for it.
as he raises taxes to pay for all this free stuff. Only the poor poor benefits from Bernie. Sad world when you and I can agree

No Bernie will still keep the military industrial complex going and by continuing to deficit finance he'll let the big banks benefit too. See? Bernie will spread the misery.
must is not a word I would use. Every ones taxes does not need to be raised. You want to find areas America could get out the red to black...start with the military.
Bernie got you guys not paying attention. I ask this question and heard nothing but crickets. Maybe you can answer. What has Bernie accomplished with his time in congress ?

Here let me help you...

What has ANYONE accomplished in Congress?