Random Jibber Jabber Thread

lol apparently im just like the only person on earth who has problems with amazon LOL

i give up , :p
il stick it out the year since i paid and move on with life :p
Are you still in alaska? There are probably different shipping costs for Alaska and hawaii.

I make 1-2 orders on amazon a month. I got some nice closet maid cubes for 5 bucks a peice this week.

2 day shipping is awesome.
Are you still in alaska? There are probably different shipping costs for Alaska and hawaii.

I make 1-2 orders on amazon a month. I got some nice closet maid cubes for 5 bucks a peice this week.

2 day shipping is awesome.
but that shipping is still covered by prime. regardless if you live in alaska, i order plenty of other things and still get shipping as long as youre prime.
obviously not everything can be shipped here but the items im referring to can be. and yet i still have problems
my state doesnt have anything to do with it, thats why people from here get amazon prime because they are one of the only places who ship here promptly

my problems arent so much shipping problems as they are just general bullshit that happens on every order. whether im charged where i shouldnt be.
ordered something that they charged me for and went out of stock and wasnt going to get it even thoughi paid for it

just little things here and there with every order...my problems arent so much shipping related.
you never get 2 day shipping here tho more like 3-4 days which is fine. im not picky on that
Jack boys tried to take me out. Shits all over the news. Buddy got hit once.

KNew rhese youngin would be no good around here. Not goos but sure we know who it was. Not many others would try that.
Like kill you ?!

Shit and I'm over here complain about Amazon prime as my biggest life problems
shit man u need to be packin heat youself eh
I aint un prepared we were parked out bacm my 3 buildings. No way to know iit was coming. I know they jack boys, cause i know who they are. They know I am moving weight and probably caught on to the car. Buddy been slacking using his van too much.

@sunni ya they tried killing us. Just came from over fence as we were chatting and immediately started shooting.

Didnt want it to come to this wity these young kids. Fucking little boys trying to make a name fo them selves. Some fuckboy shit for sure.

Obvioualy im slacking if this can happen.
Man what the heck do you folks get into on Saturday nights shit
Lol its thursday sunni...

Usually only so it once a week/month depending what thw substance is.

This kid in highschool, wtf and people already calling thwy heard. It was a 15 yrold kid and his 23yr old brother. Im gunna stay inaide a few days amd see whay I hear. Not too scared but gotta be ready. Year ago my buddy got shot same builsing out back multiple times.
Lol its thursday sunni...

Usually only so it once a week/month depending what thw substance is.

This kid in highschool, wtf and people already calling thwy heard. It was a 15 yrold kid and his 23yr old brother. Im gunna stay inaide a few days amd see whay I hear. Not too scared but gotta be ready. Year ago my buddy got shot same builsing out back multiple times.
I just meant like what are you people doing in your daily lives that you're getting shot at for

I'm glad you're safe
And that no one was seriously injured

I'm gunna go back to sewing some baby bibs lol !
I just meant like what are you people doing in your daily lives that you're getting shot at for

I'm glad you're safe
And that no one was seriously injured

I'm gunna go back to sewing some baby bibs lol !

I am a business man. But my business makes me affiliates with some dangeroua people. Honestly thia doesn't happen often. Especially when you are in the car with someone who I was with. All I can do now is stay low and that kid better run, I am mean but the guy shot is very bad and pretty well known.

Whatever, ahit happens and I need a beer and too calm down.