Am I the only grower that doesn't smoke?


Well-Known Member
20160207_192918.jpg I feel like a weirdo. I've been wanting to grow forever just to grow. A nice bud is as sexy as any orchid. But I don't smoke, or really partake. Any one else grows just for fun basically?

My first harvest is probably split between the girlfriend and any of the really sick patients I see in the ER. Those little old people in deep pain, can't eat, wasting away from cancer and such. Not much I can do for them in the ED. But I can now at least offer the family the option of free bud. It hurts me, that helpless feeling.
I trust karma to pay me back later.

Thanks to everyone that's shared their grow tips. I'm listening.


cap master

Well-Known Member
I do bro I used to be a daily smoker 3 bongs+ a day but when I suffered from ergotism and had brain trauma from it and central nervous system damage I can no longer smoke but I still love to grow weed and shrooms for a hobby I love marijuana still if not more than I did before and wish I could consume it but I still have the respect and passion for the plant as before so I grow plus all my friends fam and GF smoke so its not going to go to waste make a few bucks to support my hobby smell the sweet aromas and everyones happy.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Cap. Just barely set up the net. The ladies are just 4 weeks old from seed. NL fem seed for this first grow. I think that strain would be most forgiving to a new grower like myself. Have purple kush seed on stand by for round 2. After that I'll get serious about finding a good high CBD strain.

Now I am educating myself on preparing edibles.

Ugh, I love my ladies.

cap master

Well-Known Member
don't we all love our ladies I grew once in high school ouside just a plant and retrieve and they did ok first official grow was dwc and it was a fail second was I micro grow in pc box for fun and I only yealded 1/4oz this time I'm trying to get serious on a super tight budget getting layed off so running flouros u can check out my journal and cab build my setup was built with stuff I had laying around. I have some sick clones but I also have 12 1 week and seedlings and 22 more that just sprouted the link to my grow in in my sig


Well-Known Member
I smoke 10 joints or so a day. The only people I've met that don't burn and grow commercial are the Cubans that grow in Miami.


Well-Known Member
I hardly smoke anymore since I dedicated my life to alcohol. Don't get me wrong, I still puff, but only in the evening when my wife comes home, and then only 3 hits (with the shit I grow, I don't need more) as she hates smoking alone. I love to grow, and if I didn't, I probably wouldn't toke at all, because herb fucks with my booze buzz (I can't drink as much)

cap master

Well-Known Member
I can only drink now and not as mutch as I used too its strange I drink to beers at 8% and I'm messed up after 30 mins I drink a few more and I'm not that drunk anymore its strange drinking with a neurological thing going on. I can still drink 6-9 but I used to be able to drink 10-15 and have a good buzz. growing is more therapeutic even tho I'm not too good at it I love to do it. I'm only on my 3rd attempt indoors. I wish I could smoke 10 joints aday... I wish I could moke at all anymore. but smelling and watching them grow and having a fun hobby are some satisfying things that still llet me love the plant and the best part the buds. u guys can check out my grow log here and tell me what u think? just mad a new diy cab.


Well-Known Member
View attachment 3603750 I feel like a weirdo. I've been wanting to grow forever just to grow. A nice bud is as sexy as any orchid. But I don't smoke, or really partake. Any one else grows just for fun basically?

I frequent the orchid forums a lot, no way is any bud as good looking as some of those exotic orchids.....

Dr Grinspoon strain is the prettiest weed bud d i can think off but damn hard to get right apparently

Orchids are way more trippier and weird
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Well-Known Member


I thought those were monkeys, and the one above a tropical fish.

Bud is still prettier to me, but my judgment may be impaired.


Well-Known Member
I don't smoke as my place of employment has random drug screenings and I don't want to risk it.

Unless I'm on vacation where I can smoke for two nights and then detox the rest of the time.


Well-Known Member
View attachment 3603750 I feel like a weirdo. I've been wanting to grow forever just to grow. A nice bud is as sexy as any orchid. But I don't smoke, or really partake. Any one else grows just for fun basically?

My first harvest is probably split between the girlfriend and any of the really sick patients I see in the ER. Those little old people in deep pain, can't eat, wasting away from cancer and such. Not much I can do for them in the ED. But I can now at least offer the family the option of free bud. It hurts me, that helpless feeling.
I trust karma to pay me back later.

Thanks to everyone that's shared their grow tips. I'm listening.

I don't smoke very often but I take oil every day.the other thing I know plenty of growers that grow great bud for retail ,nothing wrong with that has long has you don't sell shit


Well-Known Member
I don't smoke as my place of employment has random drug screenings and I don't want to risk it.

Unless I'm on vacation where I can smoke for two nights and then detox the rest of the time.
Be carful cannabis is one of the drugs that stays in the blood stream the longest


Well-Known Member
I frequent the orchid forums a lot, no way is any bud as good looking as some of those exotic orchids.....

Dr Grinspoon strain is the prettiest weed bud d i can think off but damn hard to get right apparently

Orchids are way more trippier and weird
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I grow Alae Vera along side most of my grows ,because I use it for cloning and feed when the clones are young they love the stuff