Viking Fruit 15/16


Well-Known Member
When I see the tops/terminal ends twisting up and throwing multiple pistils, like Stumbleberry pic I posted in another thread, I consider that week one outdoor or at least "in bloom", but that's me.

ruby fruit

Well-Known Member
Yep, I feel the same way, but it's cool for reference next run same strain too.
Thats what im getting at i guess....but in general any indicas i put out start throwing hairs late january but to me i count week one when i stand back and can see small pom poms lol
Bubblegum only goes for 8/9 weeks so i would expect that to finish around last week march or soon after

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
Hey Ruby :) everything looks great, I'm just getting my season started... think I'll start my pepper plants at the end of this month, tomato's can wait till March. Was wondering if you had any hot sauce kicking around? Hmm maybe do a trade?