Random Jibber Jabber Thread

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Hopefully his health is ok. Best thoughts headed your way.
He needs a circumcision. Doctor says we can wait for his insurance to kick in to get it but it is not going to get better without a full circumcision.

Sucky thing is he would have to ask for a Friday and Monday off for the surgery and he doesn't get any days off until he has worked at his new job for a year.

Doctor said we could resume sex as long as the irritation wasn't toon uncomfortable for him.

He was only able to get in halfway because entering fully would pull it back and his for skin will not open. It can only stretch to the point of pain/cracking.

Sucks but at least we can be intimate again. We were abstaining for a month and having sex made him worse and then we waited 3 weeks and it didn't get better.

At least now we know what needs to be done and he won't have to deal with it again after a month of recovery. One month for freedom the rest of your life is pretty good.

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
He needs a circumcision. Doctor says we can wait for his insurance to kick in to get it but it is not going to get better without a full circumcision.

Sucky thing is he would have to ask for a Friday and Monday off for the surgery and he doesn't get any days off until he has worked at his new job for a year.

Doctor said we could resume sex as long as the irritation wasn't toon uncomfortable for him.

He was only able to get in halfway because entering fully would pull it back and his for skin will not open. It can only stretch to the point of pain/cracking.

Sucks but at least we can be intimate again. We were abstaining for a month and having sex made him worse and then we waited 3 weeks and it didn't get better.

At least now we know what needs to be done and he won't have to deal with it again after a month of recovery. One month for freedom the rest of your life is pretty good.
Why did that happen?

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Why did that happen?
Entering me had always caused his skin to be pulled back. At first he had a short frenulum and it tore eventually to the point of not tearing anymore. past 2-3 years we have really ramped up our intensity in the bedroom and that caused more pulling and small stress cracks. He got a yeast infection once and it made the cracking really bad. Then scar tissue formed which just kept resulting in more tearing as that area became less flexible. It was a circular problem. First it was just uncomfortable for a bit and we could still have sex. Then it slowly progressed to us having to take 2-3 days for him to heal.

We didn't wait when it happened 2 months ago and it cause so much tearing that his foreskin would not receding due to swelling and shrinking to heal. When he got better one month out I told him to be gentle with sex but he banged it out at full strength and the skin was forced back and cause a ring of tears that left him pink and swollen on his foreskin for 2 days. 2 weeks later it was still not opening or showing loosening so we scheduled a doctor's visit.

I'm tight. He pounds it hard. Gets injured, heals tighter, gets pulled back again and injured... for 3 years.

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
Entering me had always caused his skin to be pulled back. At first he had a short frenulum and it tore eventually to the point of not tearing anymore. past 2-3 years we have really ramped up our intensity in the bedroom and that caused more pulling and small stress cracks. He got a yeast infection once and it made the cracking really bad. Then scar tissue formed which just kept resulting in more tearing as that area became less flexible. It was a circular problem. First it was just uncomfortable for a bit and we could still have sex. Then it slowly progressed to us having to take 2-3 days for him to heal.

We didn't wait when it happened 2 months ago and it cause so much tearing that his foreskin would not receding due to swelling and shrinking to heal. When he got better one month out I told him to be gentle with sex but he banged it out at full strength and the skin was forced back and cause a ring of tears that left him pink and swollen on his foreskin for 2 days. 2 weeks later it was still not opening or showing loosening so we scheduled a doctor's visit.

I'm tight. He pounds it hard. Gets injured, heals tighter, gets pulled back again and injured... for 3 years.
I'm willing to loosen you up for him, Or whatever. Let me know if you ever need my services.


Well-Known Member
Entering me had always caused his skin to be pulled back. At first he had a short frenulum and it tore eventually to the point of not tearing anymore. past 2-3 years we have really ramped up our intensity in the bedroom and that caused more pulling and small stress cracks. He got a yeast infection once and it made the cracking really bad. Then scar tissue formed which just kept resulting in more tearing as that area became less flexible. It was a circular problem. First it was just uncomfortable for a bit and we could still have sex. Then it slowly progressed to us having to take 2-3 days for him to heal.

We didn't wait when it happened 2 months ago and it cause so much tearing that his foreskin would not receding due to swelling and shrinking to heal. When he got better one month out I told him to be gentle with sex but he banged it out at full strength and the skin was forced back and cause a ring of tears that left him pink and swollen on his foreskin for 2 days. 2 weeks later it was still not opening or showing loosening so we scheduled a doctor's visit.

I'm tight. He pounds it hard. Gets injured, heals tighter, gets pulled back again and injured... for 3 years.


Well-Known Member
omg theres not enough room on the immigration forums for my last 5 years of employment....:|
Sounds like my job history.

The longest I have had a legal job was 4 years and that was my first real job.

They actually paid me what I was worth $18 bucks 14 years ago.. Ever since then everything has been BS, even the oilfield.. It's a scary thought where I would be without pot..


Well-Known Member
Entering me had always caused his skin to be pulled back. At first he had a short frenulum and it tore eventually to the point of not tearing anymore. past 2-3 years we have really ramped up our intensity in the bedroom and that caused more pulling and small stress cracks. He got a yeast infection once and it made the cracking really bad. Then scar tissue formed which just kept resulting in more tearing as that area became less flexible. It was a circular problem. First it was just uncomfortable for a bit and we could still have sex. Then it slowly progressed to us having to take 2-3 days for him to heal.

We didn't wait when it happened 2 months ago and it cause so much tearing that his foreskin would not receding due to swelling and shrinking to heal. When he got better one month out I told him to be gentle with sex but he banged it out at full strength and the skin was forced back and cause a ring of tears that left him pink and swollen on his foreskin for 2 days. 2 weeks later it was still not opening or showing loosening so we scheduled a doctor's visit.

I'm tight. He pounds it hard. Gets injured, heals tighter, gets pulled back again and injured... for 3 years.
I know a Jewish priest that will do it for free...


Staff member
Sounds like my job history.

The longest I have had a legal job was 4 years and that was my first real job.

They actually paid me what I was worth $18 bucks 14 years ago.. Ever since then everything has been BS, even the oilfield.. It's a scary thought where I would be without pot..
they put FOUR slots for five years worth of history wanted.


Staff member
Well what do you do?

I might have to go out of country soon, and I am a little worried about my criminal history
just add a seperate sheet of paper lol nothing huge

do you have a passport already? just look up the laws prior to entry of said country youre going to , to see if they will deny entry based off your past
if you do your information checking before leaving you wont have to worry about said criminal history past


Well-Known Member
just add a seperate sheet of paper lol nothing huge

do you have a passport already? just look up the laws prior to entry of said country youre going to , to see if they will deny entry based off your past
if you do your information checking before leaving you wont have to worry about said criminal history past
Yeah I am pretty sure I am f#cked even without felonies