Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
So i went to this strip club with some people right.
Immediately i notice this gorgeous yellow bone.. she eyes me and you know how it goes im feelin her. So she comes. Over flirts, leaves for a few minutes and comes back, gets my number and calls me..
Oh and her "name" is cookie lol

Anyway I was like hell yea, well done

So then she texts me a surprisingly soon after. Saying im the first white boy she thought was cute.. cool..
Eventually she tells me shes "lesbian" but not to go, she gave me her number for a reason...thid was after we talked a minute you know

So now im confused

Will.report my progress


Got any nice dab pics.. wheres the finished product?
Im not trippin yet..

Edit awwww you suck..
lol the pic above is finished. It's just laid over and about a 1/2 thick.. And it's already sold.. So it worked out great for me..


Well-Known Member
Gonna find out if it's a boy or a girl in a week or so. She thinks it's a girl but I think it's a boy since karma has to fuck me since I was such a little shit my whole life.

Good luck man! There's a lot of old wives tales about gender. Like fast bpm it's a girl, sitting low it's s boy. Sending neo preggo nudes its a girl. Not sending them its a boy. Like I said a lot of tales.


Well-Known Member
So i went to this strip club with some people right.
Immediately i notice this gorgeous yellow bone.. she eyes me and you know how it goes im feelin her. So she comes. Over flirts, leaves for a few minutes and comes back, gets my number and calls me..
Oh and her "name" is cookie lol

Anyway I was like hell yea, well done

So then she texts me a surprisingly soon after. Saying im the first white boy she thought was cute.. cool..
Eventually she tells me shes "lesbian" but not to go, she gave me her number for a reason...thid was after we talked a minute you know

So now im confused

Will.report my progress


Got any nice dab pics.. wheres the finished product?
Im not trippin yet..

Edit awwww you suck..
Well? What happened? Did ya turn the lesbian to the pork side?


Well-Known Member
So i went to this strip club with some people right.
Immediately i notice this gorgeous yellow bone.. she eyes me and you know how it goes im feelin her. So she comes. Over flirts, leaves for a few minutes and comes back, gets my number and calls me..
Oh and her "name" is cookie lol

Anyway I was like hell yea, well done

So then she texts me a surprisingly soon after. Saying im the first white boy she thought was cute.. cool..
Eventually she tells me shes "lesbian" but not to go, she gave me her number for a reason...thid was after we talked a minute you know

So now im confused

Will.report my progress


Got any nice dab pics.. wheres the finished product?
Im not trippin yet..

Edit awwww you suck..
What's a "yellow bone"?


Well-Known Member
Tomorrow is the day.

Should I transplant my seedlings to 2 gallon pots and then 5 gallon ones later on?

Or should I just go straight to the 5ers?

Bubs :confused:


Well-Known Member
Well? What happened? Did ya turn the lesbian to the pork side?

Not yet ;)
We were talkin last night
And she wants a threesome with her gf..she says shes been with a couple dudes befpre so i guess shes really bi? Idk idc

Yellow bone and red bone
Are two examples of how we describe "black" girls atleast down south.
down here a yellow bone is basically a yellow black girl..i suppose could be a dude, never heard it that way..a red bone is, well a red black girl with red undertones on skin. Yellows can range from straight yellow almost odd looking if yiuve never seen a true yellow.. to just having a tinge, likewise red bones can range from straight up red to having a red tinge or a little red bone in em lol.
A little different than just a light skinned black girl. Thats almost like saying all black girls look the same..to exaggerate example

Im not racist, but most black chicks arent that attractive to me, tgis girl damn fine though.. if i do fuck her. Ill be cheezin for like a year
I normally date "mexicans"

You might need urban dictionary for that too lol

Sorry i am educated but being from the south and spending a majority of my time.in poor neighborhoods its how i prefer to talk when not in a professional setting
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