Donald Trump

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Well-Known Member
I would like to see a Trump /Kasich duo. If that doesn't happen I'm putting my cards on Hillary. At least I know with Hillary, nothing will change for 4 years and will stay as it is now, I'm ok with that. Then in 4 years we can try again. Maybe even give some independents a chance to run.


Well-Known Member
Closing tax loopholes. Taxing money kept over seas. Taxing business from Americans overseas. I'm not rich. I would fall into the category of 0-10% tax rate which is better than what we have now. Also, would be better for lower/middle class than bernies tax plan.
Economists looked at his plan and say that his plan would increase the deficit by 10 T or so over the next decade.


Well-Known Member
Joe Biden

Hillary Clinton


If we're still talking about racists, let's hear it from the horses mouth.
Ahh man I see youre trying to reason with them. It's not possible they will call you a racist or a bigot or a knuckle drager

You don't use the Kings English chap. But we are the idiots remember that facts don't matter to liberals or rational for that matter! Oh wrong punctuation on that I'm sure our good friends dog c4 and buck maybe even bearkat will swoop in to help me I'm fucked without the English lessons I get called here and it teaches me to check my white privilege that c4 has but is insulated from because he is so blessed in his white privilege.


Well-Known Member
Or my favorite.

“For a lot of well-meaning, open-minded white people, the sight of a young black man in a hoodie still evokes a twinge of fear.”- Hillary Clinton
Lol no context quotes. She was speaking about the problem of racism in the US and how that is a problem.


Well-Known Member
Everyone's like "Trump is so against illegals and sending jobs overseas! He wants Americans to work!" Then forget about his Polish Brigade that later sued him over working conditions and withheld pay. Then they forgot about where all his crap is manufactured and that his Hotels and Casinos love to hire green cards/work visa people.

I watched that John Oliver clip posted a few pages back. He documents Trump as the craziest, most atrocious lying, phoniness and black souled POS

How the fuck can you explain support for a creepy rich guy. It cant be based on logic, nor achievement or character. I think fear and resentment and the hope that good ole white days will return makes Trump the flaming POS that he is.

trump klan.jpg


Well-Known Member
I guess I should have said, if you're broke and working minimum wage, fuck as much as you can with out protection! Have as many kids as you possibly can, without having 2 months of a break after pregnancy, the more kids you have the more you get from assistance! Woohoo!! You'd be on board with that, I mean you support Bernie. So you probably live at your mom's house. Is she still giving you an allowance too? You're an idiot. I get your user name now, because your just a nut sack with no common sense. Pathetic. What's really wrong with America is people like you.


Well-Known Member
I guess I should have said, if you're broke and working minimum wage, fuck as much as you can with out protection! Have as many kids as you possibly can, without having 2 months of a break after pregnancy, the more kids you have the more you get from assistance! Woohoo!! You'd be on board with that, I mean you support Bernie. So you probably live at your mom's house. Is she still giving you an allowance too? You're an idiot. I get your user name now, because your just a nut sack with no common sense. Pathetic. What's really wrong with America is people like you.
Calling me intolerant of your views and you post up a fuck stick post like that? Look up the definition of: irony.


Well-Known Member
I guess I should have said, if you're broke and working minimum wage, fuck as much as you can with out protection! Have as many kids as you possibly can, without having 2 months of a break after pregnancy, the more kids you have the more you get from assistance! Woohoo!! You'd be on board with that, I mean you support Bernie. So you probably live at your mom's house. Is she still giving you an allowance too? You're an idiot. I get your user name now, because your just a nut sack with no common sense. Pathetic. What's really wrong with America is people like you.
You are a pathetic juvenile half assed bigot. Try running those toxic thoughts by anyone with character. Youll get puked on. Youre a rotten POS bro, straight up.


Well-Known Member
I watched that John Oliver clip posted a few pages back. He documents Trump as the craziest, most atrocious lying, phoniness and black souled POS

How the fuck can you explain support for a creepy rich guy. It cant be based on logic, nor achievement or character. I think fear and resentment and the hope that good ole white days will return makes Trump the flaming POS that he is.

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Yeah that's all correct right except the lie part Hillary has that market sewn up


Well-Known Member
You are a pathetic juvenile half assed bigot. Try running those toxic thoughts by anyone with character. Youll get puked on. Youre a rotten POS bro, straight up.
You're soooooooo Cool! I mean really, sooooooo cool! Man wow! How many kids do ya have? Does your parents house at least have a few spare rooms for all those kids or are you just making them sleep in the dresser drawers ;)
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