Donald Trump

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Well-Known Member
I know. You're irresponsible and selfish and criminally negligent. You would have your own baby starve due to lack of money you didn't have when you had it and make it wear the same diaper for weeks. I've see your type around. The same people that get punched in the face at Trump rallies. Was that you talking shit at one of his rallies? It was, wasn't it! I really hope you don't have kids, and if you do, I'm sure they'll give you the biggest peice of shit dad award soon. Congratulations! Gotta block ya now though, it was a fun bickering session!
Hysterical nellie, take your meds.


Well-Known Member
Which explains why Republican leaders actually love immigrants. They just provide lip service to their broke ass constituents to pacify them. They make billions off of cheap immigrant labor, and trust me, they care much more about those billions than they care about you.
It's on both sides of the coin more wealth has went to the top then the bottom in the last 10 yrs. Funny only the Republican side wants to do anything about it Tip guaranteed Reagan border security after the last amnesty never happened


Well-Known Member
The media is trying as hard as possible to derail Trump, it is so blatantly obvious. You can see the sneer on their faces as they report. Any time Trump says anything there is some out of context sound bite that is in the news headlines. He is playing the media like a fiddle, he takes every controversial headline thrown at him and uses it to his sure isn't hurting him too bad, his numbers keep proving that.

I think its funny to watch as he manipulates the media, do you really think he is racist? The KKK thing with David Duke , lets see I'll denounce the KKK after the deep south votes lol Honestly did people not see this. He acted as if he never heard of the KKK, come on now...

Hillary was much tighter with the good ole boys than Trump ever will be, read up on her. Yet somehow she wrapped up he black vote...crazy.

"Lets secure the boarder", thats racist! give me a fucking break. From NY, Boston, or Seattle that may seem crazy but spend some time in south TX and see if you think the border may need to be tightened up a bit. I don't know about a wall, but right now you me and every other American is paying for border patrol to not do shit, so maybe something should be done. Everything he said was aimed at ILLEGAL immigrants, at no time did I pull from his words that he hates Mexicans.
I think people are really reaching for something to prove he's racist or bad, like many here it is the easiest argument to make, and hard to disprove. The second anyone disagrees about anything being discussed, the race card is thrown. usually its pure bullshit.

Its going to come down to Trump v Hillary , when it is down to those two and they are in full on competition and the dirt on both candidates is being aired full time Hillary will loose many more voters. Half of the republicans hate trump because he is not conservative, the most democratic republican in the race, hahaa yep it will be interesting because he IS pulling dem voters. I think many Bernie supporters are behind him, for no other reason than they won't vote for Hillary, so where are they going? Also they will be fresh out of Trump dirt by then as they have been throwing everything they can at him already (his own party lol). The warm up for exposing Hillary has only begun, Bernie is being very gentle. The polls show a close race between Hillary and Trump, with her winning, but I think she will be dropping enough voters to make that race very close, or go the other way.

I have said it before, I hope someone else shows up as a voting option. I will never vote for Hillary, so I hope I get a better option than Trump, even though it is quite entertaining to watch him terrorize the political machine.


Well-Known Member
Funny only the Republican side wants to do anything about it Tip guaranteed Reagan border security after the last amnesty never happened
But they don't. Again, they're providing lip service. Much like the "presumptive" nominee for the Republican party. He talks about bringing jobs back, but the reality of his own business practices tell a completely different story. Not to mention that he's on the record saying that American wages are too high, but keep believing his bullshit.



Well-Known Member
You mean like the way that I keep calling you dumb?
No, I don`t take internet personally. Who would go out to the Nation and announce they are racist ? Do you think someone running around the country spreading racism, hate, and violence, is the first choice of strategy to win an election ?

You should be able to answer those, they don`t ask for examples.

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
Thats funny, LOL. When I look at the faces of liberals on TV you would think the world was going to end soon. What makes it so funny is they ran out of stuff to attack Trump with so they all decided to just go ahead and destroy what was left of their integrity and careers. LOL TRUMP!

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
I think he's the man that will build the wall to secure the border. I think it's a great idea. Many Mexicans are against it, but why? So they can't commit crimes and escape to mexico? So drugs can't easily be transported? Fuck all that, secure it from terrorist. You really don't have to justify building a wall. The fact that there is so much controversy over this wall just goes to show that we have a bigger problem than we realize.
Hey MrstickyScissors, You started a monster thread. I thought the very first post was worthy of a repost so here is a bump! for TRUMP!


Well-Known Member
No, I don`t take internet personally. Who would go out to the Nation and announce they are racist ? Do you think someone running around the country spreading racism, hate, and violence, is the first choice of strategy to win an election ?

You should be able to answer those, they don`t ask for examples.
To a certain percentage of the population? Absolutely. But that's precisely why he won't win. That percentage isn't large enough. You can continue to defend his abhorrent behavior all you want to. Have you ever wondered how far Obama would have gotten had he acted like this, you know, not racist and all?
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