Donald Trump

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Well-Known Member
A breakdown on a Republican convention from the Washington Post? Not one single person from that liberal rag plans to vote Republican, no matter who the nominee is. You do know that, right?
If newspaper reporters voting republican is your criteria for journalistic quality you've raised you paw to the "where are the idiot sheep" question. Or "who here failed out of Trump U"

#5 Washington Post
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Well-Known Member
A breakdown on a Republican convention from the Washington Post? Not one single person from that liberal rag plans to vote Republican, no matter who the nominee is. You do know that, right?
I'm not sure what the news source is, I don't follow it, but it was sent by a friend to me to look at. I don't think the article is biased, it just explains how it works from how I read it. My only news source is npr and yahoo lol, anything else I'm not sure what is what, sometimes I check out those truth-o-meter sites after a debate :p


Well-Known Member
"a black"
A black person it said when I wrote it, riu does this thing where I type something sometimes, hit space or add a comma (the comma is also missing) and it deletes the word. Thanks for pointing that out.

Edit: I'm on my phone when I type, also if I quote someone, if I add a symbol it moves the cursor to the middle of a paragraph and messes it all up, I don't know if it's my phone or not, but it's been the same for all my android phones for years. Not sure what's up with it
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Well-Known Member
I'm not sure what the news source is, I don't follow it, but it was sent by a friend to me to look at. I don't think the article is biased, it just explains how it works from how I read it. My only news source is npr and yahoo lol, anything else I'm not sure what is what, sometimes I check out those truth-o-meter sites after a debate :p
I believe you, but NPR is way down on the truth-o-meter. National Democrat Radio is extremely bias. Try listening to some conservative talk radio hosts instead. It's much more informative as to what's going on. Yahoo is mostly centrist, and reliable. The bottom 3 liberal bias gutter rags to steer clear of are:

Washington Post
New York Times
LA Times


Well-Known Member
I believe you, but NPR is way down on the truth-o-meter. National Democrat Radio is extremely bias. Try listening to some conservative talk radio hosts instead. It's much more informative as to what's going on. Yahoo is mostly centrist, and reliable. The bottom 3 liberal bias gutter rags to steer clear of are:

Washington Post
New York Times
LA Times


Well-Known Member
I think npr and public television is absolutely awesome personally. Whats tbat documentary expose news series called on public tv? I forget the name. I love that shit. Thats real unbiased news actually.


Well-Known Member
Hardline....thats it....Hardline. The expose series from public television. lam almost sure thats what its called. That one is great. Watch it everytime it comes on. I grew up on public t.v. Some of the programming is pretty lame nowadays but the good stuff is really good.


Well-Known Member
I believe you, but NPR is way down on the truth-o-meter. National Democrat Radio is extremely bias. Try listening to some conservative talk radio hosts instead. It's much more informative as to what's going on. Yahoo is mostly centrist, and reliable. The bottom 3 liberal bias gutter rags to steer clear of are:

Washington Post
New York Times
LA Times
Which ones are truly unbiased then? Which sources specifically do you get your news from?


Well-Known Member
I believe you, but NPR is way down on the truth-o-meter. National Democrat Radio is extremely bias. Try listening to some conservative talk radio hosts instead. It's much more informative as to what's going on. Yahoo is mostly centrist, and reliable. The bottom 3 liberal bias gutter rags to steer clear of are:

Washington Post
New York Times
LA Times
I really feel npr is in the middle, I hear all sides of everything on there on the radio, it's so much better than anything on TV, too. Are you talking about the radio station? I don't have any affiliation with the other 3 listed, too many online news sources lean too far one way or the other so I really try to stay away from those. Yahoo is really great though, they lay it all down


Well-Known Member
I believe you, but NPR is way down on the truth-o-meter. National Democrat Radio is extremely bias. Try listening to some conservative talk radio hosts instead. It's much more informative as to what's going on. Yahoo is mostly centrist, and reliable. The bottom 3 liberal bias gutter rags to steer clear of are:

Washington Post
New York Times
LA Times
Mindless fucking 'conservative' zombie.


Well-Known Member
They played a greater hand than he did. Matter of fact....the Republican Party pretty much laid the ground work for a douche nozzle like Trump to come along. No ones fault but thier own. Bound to happen. Been a long time coming. Old stale party politics as usual. Stuck on retarded issues like abortion and gay marriage and silly non issues. Its the economy stupid!!!! At least thats what i want to tell the GOP establishment. One thing i hope Trump does....ruins that cobweb of a party while he ruins himself.


Well-Known Member
They played a greater hand than he did. Matter of fact....the Republican Party pretty much laid the ground work for a douche nozzle like Trump to come along. No ones fault but thier own. Bound to happen. Been a long time coming. Old stale party politics as usual. Stuck on retarded issues like abortion and gay marriage and silly non issues. Its the economy stupid!!!! At least thats what i want to tell the GOP establishment. One thing i hope Trump does....ruins that cobweb of a party while he ruins himself.
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