Is Islamic terror a way of life now for peaceful Europeans? Brussels attack.....

Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
of course.

americans love to root for an underdog, and ISIS is just that.

they are a ragtag group of about 20,000 brave fighters, and they have geriatric republicans like you quaking in your compression socks.

they really stand no chance in the long run, and i disagree with their methods, but i wish them luck in driving out of their homes the foreign imperial invaders who left half a million innocent men, women, and children, who they called family and friends, dead and bulldozed into mass graves across the middle east.

do you want to see ISIS defeated?
I thought you might.

They should be defeated, they dont play by the rules.

Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
then why don't you pick up a gun and go defeat them?

were we playing by the rules when we killed half a million innocent muslim women and children in iraq, an then bulldozed their dead bodies into mass graves?
If they were outside my door I would, otherwise it's too far to travel.
They're also terrorists with some big guns and money.

Half a million? Citation?


Well-Known Member
If they were outside my door I would, otherwise it's too far to travel.
They're also terrorists with some big guns and money.

Half a million? Citation?
you're gonna let a 14 hour plane ride stop you from fighting ISIS?

you massive pussy.

i have some money just sitting here. i will pay for your plane ticket (since you are too poor to afford one) and even buy you some nice drugs to zonk you out for the plane ride. i will even buy you a nice semi automatic assault rifle and 20,000 rounds of ammo.

all i ask in exchange is a photo of you on the front lines fighting ISIS.

also, half a million is the lowball estimate for civilian casualties in iraq. if you count the number of people that died because we cut off their access to clean water, food, electricity, medical care, hospitals, and the like, it goes up to a range of 1-2 million innocent civilians dead.

feel free to look it up for yourself, or not.

you massive pussy.

Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
you're gonna let a 14 hour plane ride stop you from fighting ISIS?

you massive pussy.

i have some money just sitting here. i will pay for your plane ticket (since you are too poor to afford one) and even buy you some nice drugs to zonk you out for the plane ride. i will even buy you a nice semi automatic assault rifle and 20,000 rounds of ammo.

all i ask in exchange is a photo of you on the front lines fighting ISIS.

also, half a million is the lowball estimate for civilian casualties in iraq. if you count the number of people that died because we cut off their access to clean water, food, electricity, medical care, hospitals, and the like, it goes up to a range of 1-2 million innocent civilians dead.

feel free to look it up for yourself, or not.

you massive pussy.
No, I'm quite comfortable here in the USA.
Many soldiers paid the price for us to sit in our homes and bitch about how terrible America is.
People tend to forget.

Destroying a country's economics is how war is won,
though in Vietnam... well, that's another story.


Well-Known Member
The liberal mind is so diseased to think that the problem with respect to ISIS is our western values.

Im for killing fuck load of people in black pajamas.

First step is giving the Kurds a lot of weapons and money. They're a solid group. Then give them a state. Mosul should be their capital.

After that, fill the skies with drones and declare open season.
I hope it swells their numbers. More potential radicals to kill there, less of them else where.


Well-Known Member
you're gonna let a 14 hour plane ride stop you from fighting ISIS?

you massive pussy.

i have some money just sitting here. i will pay for your plane ticket (since you are too poor to afford one) and even buy you some nice drugs to zonk you out for the plane ride. i will even buy you a nice semi automatic assault rifle and 20,000 rounds of ammo.

all i ask in exchange is a photo of you on the front lines fighting ISIS.

also, half a million is the lowball estimate for civilian casualties in iraq. if you count the number of people that died because we cut off their access to clean water, food, electricity, medical care, hospitals, and the like, it goes up to a range of 1-2 million innocent civilians dead.

feel free to look it up for yourself, or not.

you massive pussy.
You forgot to subtract from that number the total of people who would be killed under Sadam and it makes no account for the number of rapes that occured.

Sadam's sons would stop at weddings in Baghdad and decide to rape the bride. Often they'd kill her too.

It's got to be part of the equation.


Well-Known Member
Donate all Little's... Have a toke and a smile. Instead of Chem trails send over edibles ..operation teach those rag heads to garden instead of killing ... Just stop pissing in the rothchilds cheerios.


Well-Known Member
People try to blame terrorism on the USA cause they feel guilty for some stupid reason.

Then the terrorists go and blow up France or Belgium and prove those people totally fucking wrong.


Next argument....


Well-Known Member
Hi all,
Newbie here.

First post

A few facts (pro USA types, please absorb)

Regime change in Syria was decided upon in 2006...5 years before the civil war started.

During war game scenarios the likely outcome of intervention was, it was declared, the rise of an Islamic caliphate such as Isis.

The CIA have been funding what were piss ant terrorist organisations, any anti Assad outfit, in order to destabilise Assad.

Obvs the American taxpayer wouldn't sanction such use of their taxes so the black ops are funded by controlling the global drug supply...hence your war in Afghanistan

Saudi Arabia and Isreal also wanted rid of Assad.

My enemies enemy is my friend.

Isis was funded and supported by (amongst others) USA.

Then ignorant people (lied to by their state) blame muslims.

*side note...Google Pike letter and ingest, interesting eh


Everything I have told you so far is fact and provable (ty E Snowden) but here I move into opinion

Educated opinion mind you...who owns their central bank? or more to the point, who doesn't?

Google Genie energy, check out their major shareholders. Genie energy have just been given the rights to drill for oil in the Golan Heights by Isreal!! They do not own the Golan Heights and Syria refused Genie energy the rights to drill for oil there as a result....but that was a stronger syria, it is no longer in a position to object.

Genie energy have now found oil in the Golan Heights... what a surprise eh

Make of this what you will but let's not reduce global terrorism into anti muslim, USA flag waving bollocks please. It's a distraction



Well-Known Member
Hi all,
Newbie here.

First post

A few facts (pro USA types, please absorb)

Regime change in Syria was decided upon in 2006...5 years before the civil war started.

During war game scenarios the likely outcome of intervention was, it was declared, the rise of an Islamic caliphate such as Isis.

The CIA have been funding what were piss ant terrorist organisations, any anti Assad outfit, in order to destabilise Assad.

Obvs the American taxpayer wouldn't sanction such use of their taxes so the black ops are funded by controlling the global drug supply...hence your war in Afghanistan

Saudi Arabia and Isreal also wanted rid of Assad.

My enemies enemy is my friend.

Isis was funded and supported by (amongst others) USA.

Then ignorant people (lied to by their state) blame muslims.

*side note...Google Pike letter and ingest, interesting eh


Everything I have told you so far is fact and provable (ty E Snowden) but here I move into opinion

Educated opinion mind you...who owns their central bank? or more to the point, who doesn't?

Google Genie energy, check out their major shareholders. Genie energy have just been given the rights to drill for oil in the Golan Heights by Isreal!! They do not own the Golan Heights and Syria refused Genie energy the rights to drill for oil there as a result....but that was a stronger syria, it is no longer in a position to object.

Genie energy have now found oil in the Golan Heights... what a surprise eh

Make of this what you will but let's not reduce global terrorism into anti muslim, USA flag waving bollocks please. It's a distraction

Americans are not anti-muslim. We are anti getting blown up while going about our lives.

Ironically it is what our government is doing overseas. I am sorry about this but I have no control over what Obama is doing.

Here is the rub though. It is muslims that are doing the killing. They are changing opinion, not Americans. So, appeal to the Muslims to stop killing innocent people or eventually there will be a flashback point against all muslims.

Constantly being chastised for being the target of attacks gets old really quickly.


Well-Known Member
I was raised a catholic when the IRA were bombing people in the name of Catholicism, it didn't reflect the religion I was taught in any way.

(atheist now btw)

The majority of Isis are mercenaries, fighters who fight for no ideology other than the largest paycheck.

Isis fund those wages by selling oil through turkey and, before they had the oil and were amassing their army, CIA funding.

The elites rule by divide and conquer. 1% of the global population own more than 50% of the wealth. They are on a resource grab (re-read about Genie energy)

Religion, nationalism... anything that breeds hatred divides us and makes us easy to manipulate.

That hatred ensures (in this case) that the military industrial complex can keep their fat fucking piggy snouts in the public purse as long as they keep bombing muslim nations.

The very rhetoric you speak is exactly what they want from you.

Conditioned response.

Educate yourself, in the age of the internet, ignorance is a choice.

Think for yourself


Well-Known Member
I was raised a catholic when the IRA were bombing people in the name of Catholicism, it didn't reflect the religion I was taught in any way.

(atheist now btw)

The majority of Isis are mercenaries, fighters who fight for no ideology other than the largest paycheck.

Isis fund those wages by selling oil through turkey and, before they had the oil and were amassing their army, CIA funding.

The elites rule by divide and conquer. 1% of the global population own more than 50% of the wealth. They are on a resource grab (re-read about Genie energy)

Religion, nationalism... anything that breeds hatred divides us and makes us easy to manipulate.

That hatred ensures (in this case) that the military industrial complex can keep their fat fucking piggy snouts in the public purse as long as they keep bombing muslim nations.

The very rhetoric you speak is exactly what they want from you.

Conditioned response.

Educate yourself, in the age of the internet, ignorance is a choice.

Think for yourself
I am thinking for myself. I do not approve of our war on the middle east. Donald Trump says Europe is a European problem. I think he is actually right about that. I thought that was what Obama wanted but he just wanted to meddle in a different way.

The only person who would change the status quo would be trump and the establishment on both sides and the world is terrified of that. Note that everyone but the people want the status quo.


Well-Known Member
Good, I do like free thinkers

It seems to me (as a casual observer from a distance) that Trump is very good at manipulating the stupids

Please note; I am not saying all who support him are stupid in any way but he is saying stuff that certain people wish to hear.

I agree that he MAY not be establishment. I dread the thought of Clinton getting in, wall Street writing legislation once again.

Unfortunately, neither you or I will be represented by either of our respective governments but they will both bomb other nations in the name of democracy... oh the irony:clap:


Well-Known Member
Americans are not anti-muslim.
some idiot went out and shot a fucking sikh literally 3 miles from where you live (yes, i know where you live) ribght after 9/11.

in polls, 60-70% of your fellow trump supporters consistently say they want to ban muslims from the country.

We are anti getting blown up while going about our lives.
if that were actually the case, you'd want to do something about the massive amounts of gun violence that kill thousands more americans than terrorism.

It is muslims that are doing the killing.
they have a long way to go to catch up to our tally of half a million dead innocent civilians, dipshit.


Well-Known Member
do you disagree because you are a terrorist, or do you agree because you are a patriotic american?
I remember hearing Bush on the news saying, "You're either with us, or with the terrorists", or words to that effect, and realising that the world had gone mad. What is it now, 13 years later? Well nothing that has happened since has made me rethink that conclusion.


Well-Known Member
I remember hearing Bush on the news saying, "You're either with us, or with the terrorists", or words to that effect, and realising that the world had gone mad. What is it now, 13 years later? Well nothing that has happened since has made me rethink that conclusion.

We need to stop playing by their rules. I wouldn`t, Obama and Bush will.