Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
As an alcoholic get rid of the drink,forget the idiot box.Reading is good but not at 4.30 am.Build a healthy routine,the hardest part is getting started.Healthy eating,exercise and other social activity.
I am an alcoholic, I have cut back quite a bit. I usually dont drink that part was kinda lols.

Some days ya I get plastered before 8 am. Normal routine is wake up prep for coffee, roll a joint as coffee cools and watch a bit of news mostly for the weather. Sit outside toking drinking coffee. Then I sit in my spot smoking and throw on a show I want to watch. Right nkw it is orphan black or I will read a book.

I have a routine. Judge if you want idgaf, I am a heavy drug user/alcoholic and enjoy watching good shows. It is a form of entertainment and one that I enjoy. I do quite a bit during the day for being on house arrest.

I eat healthy,read, workout and take care of who/what I need to.


Well-Known Member
I am an alcoholic, I have cut back quite a bit. I usually dont drink that part was kinda lols.

Some days ya I get plastered before 8 am. Normal routine is wake up prep for coffee, roll a joint as coffee cools and watch a bit of news mostly for the weather. Sit outside toking drinking coffee. Then I sit in my spot smoking and throw on a show I want to watch. Right nkw it is orphan black or I will read a book.

I have a routine. Judge if you want idgaf, I am a heavy drug user/alcoholic and enjoy watching good shows. It is a form of entertainment and one that I enjoy. I do quite a bit during the day for being on house arrest.

I eat healthy,read, workout and take care of who/what I need to.
Wasn't judging,I've been there and am back,minus the teevee which i fn hate a good movie ,something enlighting to read etc.


Well-Known Member
My friend that taught me something about meditation would call that random shit going through our mind at high pace "monkeychatter",hope you weren't thinking something else.


Well-Known Member
I just download and play shows I wanna watch. Prefer a good show over a movie. Much more time for character development and plot.

Trying to read a book a week at the minimum. My situation makes it easy to read 2-3 week
Each to their own,it's 12.25am here and I'm drunk and high,sooooo who am I to judge.


Well-Known Member
Lol Australia?

Its 12:33 am in melbourne right now. I am half drunk and about to call my friend over there.

Only 9:35 am here and it is another one of them days.
I'm in sydney,You say your having one them days,is your friend like a sponsor or just someone you can shoot the shit with (kinda same I guess).On a good note for you I'm usually wasted by 9.35am.
Good luck and Good night.


Well-Known Member
I'm in sydney,You say your having one them days,is your friend like a sponsor or just someone you can shoot the shit with (kinda same I guess).On a good note for you I'm usually wasted by 9.35am.
Good luck and Good night.
Naw I have no sponsor, a member here but never logs in anymore. We just talk, laugh and drink.