cloning and topping pictures

beenthere donethat

Well-Known Member
I would do something different than previously suggested, bifter

See the bottom 3 shoots on yer plant? the lowest is too small...but the next 2 are viable cuts for clones. I might wait a few days to take em and let em get just a BIT larger..but this is where I would start on my cloning...

I'd clone those...then I'd wait until they rooted to toss mom into 12/12. No roots on those? Take more cuts. By then you will see some side branching happening (you are on the brink of it branching all over) and you can take more cuts. Once something can sex and figure out wTF is goin on.

Taking the top is a good idea...but from my experience..big stemmed cuts like that are a bit trickier than a smaller/more pliable cutting. They key is that the cut is at least 4-5 inches long and has a couple of good leaf shoots sprouting from it and is actively growing.

You can always take the top later..just before going 12/12 if it's a female and you want a nice "meristem" cutting for a mother.

good luck

bt dt


Well-Known Member
Thanks bt dt but its too late i have taken the top off :-? i have it in a 2" rockwool cube and have put it in a propogator ,but what i was wondering was can i have it in my grow room in the corner not under the light but getting some light to it? and after what you have said would it be ok to wait say a week and then take some lower cuttings like you said?
thanks again it is a steep learning curve but is made easier with all you great people on here
cheers Bifter :joint:

beenthere donethat

Well-Known Member
I take lower cuts becaue they usually get trimmed off anyway. Most lower growth doesn't flourish and robs the main buds of energy.

hope it works for ya.

and can still wait a bit and take more cuts. I would. I ALWAYS make sure I have plant material to go on with...

good luck

bt dt


Well-Known Member
Sorry man, never heard that. Is that 12" vertically between nodes or a 12" width at the nodes or something else my mind hasn't figured out yet?
when you top it the nodes will usually all become close to the same length/height. so the plant itself is 12". however you want to measure it.

so i guess these would be 8" long(?).


Well-Known Member
What about putting the clone in my grow room is this ok? it is getting light just not directly under the lamp
cheers Bifter


Well-Known Member
lol 12 inches between nodes, got yourself a serious stretching problem if you have 12inches between nodes : )