Soldiers Co Op Outdoor thread

Hung out today with some old friends from my old apartment, and he got me squared away with his contact I was buying blue city diesel from. Long story short, scored a mom of the blue city. I been looking for it for a while, when last I bought some off him he wasn't sharing cuts. Pretty stoked to add that to the stable as its Fire smoke and blue buds.
In addition to the ones you had going slready? Awesome man! The wet dreams x bl I pulled outta the indoor last run smoke just as good as they look. Came out a lot more berry flavored then the orginailyy wet dreams.
got more tilling done whew we. shoulders and arms are nice and sore now. but the tiller sure does a good job, and nothing like putting it some sweat into the land.

and heres the new blue city diesel strain I picked up.

I Treated it with neem, azamax, and spinosad at the end of my driveway, then treated it again, as well as treated entire indoor garden with a azamax/spino mix once I brought it inside. Its definitely taking a lot of refills in my little 1.5 gallon sprayer. Might be time to upgrade to a bigger sprayer! Going to hit all the outdoor plants tonight once the suns down.
In addition to the ones you had going slready? Awesome man! The wet dreams x bl I pulled outta the indoor last run smoke just as good as they look. Came out a lot more berry flavored then the orginailyy wet dreams.

Yup in addition to what I had already! All my cheesequakes ended up male, so had to pop more. Hmm doing any breeding with that blue city diesel? ;p

Good work on the farm man. I gotta get out to mine this weekend. Going to haul out rail ties and set them in place for the new chicken coop. Already have one out there but it's kind of small. Gotta reinforce for existing pig pen and get it ready. 4 bee hives to haul out. All my veggies are pre started, just bought a fuck load of pea, bean, and carrot seeds. Looking like a good season. Stay high man.
Yup in addition to what I had already! All my cheesequakes ended up male, so had to pop more. Hmm doing any breeding with that blue city diesel? ;p

Good work on the farm man. I gotta get out to mine this weekend. Going to haul out rail ties and set them in place for the new chicken coop. Already have one out there but it's kind of small. Gotta reinforce for existing pig pen and get it ready. 4 bee hives to haul out. All my veggies are pre started, just bought a fuck load of pea, bean, and carrot seeds. Looking like a good season. Stay high man.

dang thats to bad on the males! anyone worth chucking some pollen around?

And YEA! I definitely plan on using the BCD in breeding, providing I like how she grows/flowers out. I am going to pull a few clones, uppot, then flip her in the flower room as soon clones root. The buds I have gotten from him of the BCD are pretty fucking good, so Im excited to see how she does for me. IMO blue bud is a lot harder to find the purples.

And awesome news from your farm! What sorta acreage are you on? I been looking around still at land, found one I am eyeballing thats over the cascades in high desert county. I debate bidding on it (its on own those auction sites - no credit check monthly payment - type deals) but IDK if I could really live in the high desert.

I keep saying I am done rototilling, but keep deciding to do a bigger veggie / fruit garden. My wife and I went to a home and garden show and she picked out a ton of dhalia bulbs - so now I gotta till her up a nice garden spot for that. I also want to plant prob a 50x50 section of just black oil sunflowers to feed to the chickens over the winter. If I owned this property here I would just rototill the whole backyard and say fuck the grass lol.
I keep saying I want to do bees in my mind, and I debate it, but I probably wont do them. I have always gotten stung, for some reason my pheromones or something don't agree with bees. Im literally the dude that gets stung inside watching tv lol. I have debated just getting a simple hive and putting it in the back somewhere and just let nature do its thing - not try to catch the swarms, steal the honey, etc just to kinda help do my part to help the bees. but from what I understand, thats not really how modern bee hives work.

Here are the 3 female grand daddy x master kush from seed. The 2 stronger of them will go into the greenhouse in 200 gallons, the 3rd will get clones pulled off, then flowered indoors. The 2 I selected I transplanted up into 10s today. The soil was 75/25 homemade compost / earth worm castings with a dash of kelp meal, bone meal, neem seed meal, dolomite, seabird guano, bat guano, and mycos. Tomato cages installed, and ya. They will stay in the 10's for a bit, then into the 200s!


Here are the 3 female grand daddy x master kush from seed. The 2 stronger of them will go into the greenhouse in 200 gallons, the 3rd will get clones pulled off, then flowered indoors. The 2 I selected I transplanted up into 10s today. The soil was 75/25 homemade compost / earth worm castings with a dash of kelp meal, bone meal, neem seed meal, dolomite, seabird guano, bat guano, and mycos. Tomato cages installed, and ya. They will stay in the 10's for a bit, then into the 200s!

Looking good man. Those are going to stack up nicely
Picked the 3 stinkiest, robust, and most wet deams leaning wet dreams x blueberry lotus females, and uppotted to 3 gallons. The best 1 next month will get up potted, and full season greenhouse it goes. This is bred by me, I pollinated the wet dreams full season plant last year. I plan on f2ing it again this season with the best wet dreams x blueberry lotus male - and hopefully next year the offspring will REALLY trigger on time.

I culled out all 4 wet dreams x seawarp. 2 of them showed hermie sacs, and the third one was the runt, so just decided to cull. Also killed the male wd x sw, and going to discontinue working that line.

I find it odd that both of them hermied on me. The beans when made didnt go as planned either... it was a wet dreams clone left to flower outdoors next to a seawarp male - but only had 4 seeds in the whole plant. Was odd it only made 4 seeds, and now half are hermies. Very very odd.
I been looking around still at land, found one I am eyeballing thats over the cascades in high desert county. I debate bidding on it (its on own those auction sites - no credit check monthly payment - type deals) but IDK if I could really live in the high desert.

For growing? It's cold over there at night - not many frost free at all. I get it: it's beautiful and sunny and hot during the day but than the sun goes down...
@Garden Boss ty again man....grape ape is 2 weeks in...I'm calling it. She's the same cut or very Damm similar. Smell is identical, love it. It's not very often those cuts you lose find their way back, but sure is awesome when the do!! Now, if I can get fubar, super skunk, and skunk x nl back,