Bob Bitchen's buds


Well-Known Member
Now your friend is dead and the other guy's life is fucked. And the girl doesn't get either one. Senseless.
This reads kinda harsh a day later, and it got me to thinking (uh oh)...

I surely didn't mean to be in any way offensive, but life is a harsh place sometimes.

Sometimes, it really IS game over.

Sometimes, it really doesn't make any damned sense at all.

I'm glad you knew the victim, Bob. Share his memory and what he meant to you will live on. That's the best any of us can hope for.


Well-Known Member
Mo is likely right though....I read Crichton's "State of Fear" once
and it cleverly suggested that at the end of the Cold War that
The System lost the best goad that it had for The People: the
Cold War and the threat of Communism.

When the herd (The People) start to wander free, it makes
those with an interest in Status Quo nervous.

Onward and upward :0)


P.S. In that novel the replacement for The Cold War was "Global Warming". lol


Well-Known Member
Mo is likely right though....I read Crichton's "State of Fear" once
and it cleverly suggested that at the end of the Cold War that
The System lost the best goad that it had for The People: the
Cold War and the threat of Communism.

When the herd (The People) start to wander free, it makes
those with an interest in Status Quo nervous.

Onward and upward :0)


P.S. In that novel the replacement for The Cold War was "Global Warming". lol
The twisted truth is that we let our own CIA create the 'enemies' we then gin up into excuses to buy enough weapons to end the world singlehandedly, many times over.

How do we make it stop?


Well-Known Member
I will say this away with money, do away with problems, of all fucking sorts....Is it not fucked that every walk of life (nearly) is after a motherfucking dollar, or yen, or rupee, or pound, etc etc etc just to feed and put clothes on their own matter where they are in this world....