Everything MMA Thread


Well-Known Member
Does anyone watch axs. Fights...or legacy. ..I like watching up and comers bloom out....Dana white was at the last one scouting as usual as of lately ...some nice prospects ...I could imagine if they stay healthy and get in a good camp


Well-Known Member
Does anyone watch axs. Fights...or legacy. ..I like watching up and comers bloom out....Dana white was at the last one scouting as usual as of lately ...some nice prospects ...I could imagine if they stay healthy and get in a good camp
Would you happen to have the schedule for those? I can never find mma on TV when I look for it


Well-Known Member
I can look them up on my tv guide...they come on axs. Tv...they have mui Tia fights sometimes too..it's called lion fights I think...all good shit. ..I want to see some bjj comps !!


Well-Known Member
Nah...even if it looks like he is done he won't b3...he is in it for the bread...he knows "coming out of retirement fights " sell...


Well-Known Member
Ok here is what I have heard about the reason behind the sudden Mcgregor retierment.

From what I have heard is McG was asking for 10 Million $$$ is base pay for UFC 200 and a%of the PPV buys as well.

This was after McG got word that the UFC offered GSP 10 million $$$ to fight at UFC 200 as well.

Now after McG lost to Nate he lost all of the pull that he previously had with Dana and Co. So McG being the ego manic that he is was trying to play hard ball with UFC brass trying to get more money and he was using not showing up to promote his fight this week with the other UFC 200 fighters as a chip to get more money from the UFC.

But litte did McG know that UFC has no fear of calling his bluff now that he doesnt hold the cards anymore after his last loss.

Also McG is looking to get into movies like Rousey has done and make more $$$ off movies then he ever could from the UFC. and if McG had went threw this fight with nate again there would be a good chance he would lose again and then being 0-2 in his last 2 then have to fight the winner of aldo/edgar next I would think he can see him self going 0-3 in his last 3 and that would give him ZERO marketablity for movies and with the ufc.

Some rumors also floating around that McG got popped for roids and now he is reteiring to keep it covered up but I dont think thats the case.


Well-Known Member
i dont understand why he thinks the rules dont apply to him. His been given opportunities nobody else has. If went into work and told my boss im not doing this and im not doing that he'd tell me to take a hike. It's his choice to fight in different weight divisions. If its too much pick one ore the other, he's fucking with other peoples careers which is why they never let anyone else fight in twodivisions with belts. Training got him to the ufc but his mouth made him millions. The highest paid fighter in the ufc, not close to the best fighter. He's a diva who's been protected by the ufc because of his mouth. Even his fan boys can see he isnt as good as advertised, and the mush head made him quit. gave it up like whore on prom night. he should go to wwe


Well-Known Member
Why tell me who else promotes fights like mcG has for ufc ???
Nobody has done it as well as him, but they all have to do it. His self promotions is what made him millions. People are watching to see a guy call his shot and then do it. He's funny as hell quick witted thats why people watch. Thats what got him where he is. How many times have you seen someone win a belt and their next fight is for a belt in a heavier division or who else have you seen lose a fight then get a rematch in the main event of the biggest card ever? He didn't lose because of promotion he lost because he got big for his britches And started to beleive he's better than he is. Hopefully he's working with gunnar nelson to tighten up his ground game


Well-Known Member
I'm not a fanboy. But, conor is as good as advertised... At 145lbs.

I train and fight from time to time. At 145lbs my left puts everybody to sleep and I can man handle and execute at will.

Conors left does the same at 145, he took Nate way to light and thought he was going to knock Diaz out. Do ppl not remember Nate's face? His right eyebrow was mangled.

Conor quit, Nate didn't. A champ is someone who can dig deep, in the face of adversity, and stand and bang. Nate showed the heart of a champ. Conor curled up and gave up, not a champions action.