I love Oregon! Dr.D81 growing under the sun

I'm leaving Wednesday morning man and spending the night in Dodge City partner, lol. Plan on getting to the Springs Thursday pm. Man I'm excited to meet and smoke with you and @Joedank and super excited to see Joe's setup and Colorado in general. Never been there.

dont expect much out of my setup . it looks like shit right now . waiting on some help to get me squared away . my focus has been my 2 girls and my wife lately ... but it is shifting back to the garden :)
Chilled on the hill here and getting a bit done. Felt all hello legged working but am getting used to the thin air and did way better today. I will be back home this week and can't wait to see how much everything has grown.

Now that is cought up I have some bad news it seems Dc got arrested in fucking Nebraska night before last. He didn't come with me here and other than that i dont know a whole lot except if he can prove it was his stuff then they will drop some charges. Don't think he had a lot but not certain
Chilled on the hill here and getting a bit done. Felt all hello legged working but am getting used to the thin air and did way better today. I will be back home this week and can't wait to see how much everything has grown.

Now that is cought up I have some bad news it seems Dc got arrested in fucking Nebraska night before last. He didn't come with me here and other than that i dont know a whole lot except if he can prove it was his stuff then they will drop some charges. Don't think he had a lot but not certain
Thats shit news eh. Hope he gets it sorted. Arrested for a mf plant, ridiculous man
Chilled on the hill here and getting a bit done. Felt all hello legged working but am getting used to the thin air and did way better today. I will be back home this week and can't wait to see how much everything has grown.

Now that is cought up I have some bad news it seems Dc got arrested in fucking Nebraska night before last. He didn't come with me here and other than that i dont know a whole lot except if he can prove it was his stuff then they will drop some charges. Don't think he had a lot but not certain
Who is dc?