check out my babies...first grow (masta kush)


Well-Known Member
Thanx peace....I think were all winners here....tharx is a winner, cannabiatch is a winner, your a winner, and desert rat..... he's just a rat 4real.....thrax(I cant remember how to spell your you play warcraft or sumthing dude..??)....has a drug lab.... we could never get yield like him....I say we put up a thread at the end of september....One plant from each grower is judged on shear beauty....and people can post who they think is best.... I already have one vote from peace....haha...

and cameltoe..????? I did have a cfl in my grow room on the bottom of my plant....cause ther wasnt alot of light that reached that far down.....i dont anymore..... I didnt notice any adverse effects...ill try to check your threads if u hav some...always glad to help...

.Ill post some pics today if i can...yall....

yes im a winner!
what do it win? :twisted:


Well-Known Member
I have a PS3 and play COD4 and Resistance!! I actually won 500.00 bucks last year playing that PS3 on its a gaming site.. I am game to be in any competition, Your right Cheezy we are all winners I have seen nothing but beautiful gardens from all!!
Going into week five Boys and girls lets make the home stretch with no problems! Good harvest!
you won that much money playing a game? noway.


Well-Known Member
you won half millon american dollars? damn you must be really fucking good! so are you rich or did you blow it?


Well-Known Member
lol thats funny -_- you can win/make alot of money playing video games.. i have experienced this first hand :mrgreen: dont know if you ever heard of Counter-strike but they have a 100,000 dollar tournament each year. Making money while having fun sounds like dream job to me :) glad i got into playing games.. been paid to travel to play at different events i did have an advantage cuz i was on a all female team but still he aint lying was point ;) GL WITH UR GROW CHEEZE!!!bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
lol thats funny -_- you can win/make alot of money playing video games.. i have experienced this first hand :mrgreen: dont know if you ever heard of Counter-strike but they have a 100,000 dollar tournament each year. Making money while having fun sounds like dream job to me :) glad i got into playing games.. been paid to travel to play at different events i did have an advantage cuz i was on a all female team but still he aint lying was point ;) GL WITH UR GROW CHEEZE!!!bongsmilie
wow, that's freaking cool girl rock on!!


Well-Known Member
Yea two things I love gardening and games, Women come a close third! Na jk LOL! Rock on girl maybe we will play someday!! Anyone PS3 hit me up thraxz!


Well-Known Member
i play xbox360 ;) and pc might get a ps3 sometime though if i ever do ill hit you up bongsmilie my gals are getting nice and juicy buds ;) keep up the good work cheeze cant wait to see the end result i will be posting some new pics tomorrow you should check them out :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
what the hell.....??? Did my thread turn into a nerd convention......???...thanx for all of you coming by and checkin in.....peace, gdg, canna, tharx, and whoever else i didnt mention......Yo! when i play games...... i dont play video games dat much .....however. i was hooked on xbox live for a couple months....playing gears of war.....that shits ill.....i luv goin all interactive and talking shit to players..... Im kind of pressed for time... but im gonna get some pics was a fuckin crazy weekend....


Well-Known Member
yes im a winner!
what do it win? :twisted:
UUUUUUUHHHHH......A free trip to los angeles.... where youll get to blaze the finest cheeb....and get to do the hippidy dippidy with cheez......hahaha....jk..... im not a homewrecker....i just play one on tv...

I luv that dirty talk(down south)....nothin like a gurl wit sum thugmentals......


Well-Known Member
i play xbox360 ;) and pc might get a ps3 sometime though if i ever do ill hit you up bongsmilie my gals are getting nice and juicy buds ;) keep up the good work cheeze cant wait to see the end result i will be posting some new pics tomorrow you should check them out :mrgreen:
Wow.... chicks that play xbox online.....they are a rare bread.... people on xbox live know me as extreme cheeze..... I havnt went on since i started comin on this muthafucka....are u sure thats not alicia slilverstone...??? on your avitar...?????