Donald Trump

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Well-Known Member

all good natured ribbing aside, how would you handle this business situation? i'm curious.

i hire you to inspect all 20 of my rental houses. we agree upon a price of $8000. i have my lawyers draw up a contract which you sign without letting your lawyer read it. you have 7 days to get the work done.

you get done the work. i say you did a great job. here's your check for $4000.

what do you do?

(i'm gonna show you what a scumbag your hero trump is when and if you answer)


Well-Known Member
If you don't like Trump, its because you are lazy, illegal, or read too many Facebook memes.
Racism: he's wants to deport ILLEGALS and ILLEGALS only.... Never in a single speech did he ever talk about deporting AMERICAN CITIZENS.
Bankruptcy: He made a few bad decisions. Who hasn't?? Again, never heard a single employee come out and say Trump was bad. He did stupid, but yet he took a couple million bucks, and turned it into a multi billion dollar empire. But its funny, he lost money, and claimed bankruptcy during the recession. In which half of America claimed bankruptcy
Let's face it people. Trump is the ONLY candidate with his own money and his own agenda. Yes he has an agenda... To make america great again..

Every single other candidate is "owned" by oil and pharmaceuticals, etc.

And my final rant TERRORISM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Remember when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor? Of course.
Remember when America rounded up EVERY Japanese-American they could find, and stuck them in fenced in camps? Of course not,

America has become feeble and weak, noone realizes


Well-Known Member
If you don't like Trump, its because you are lazy, illegal, or read too many Facebook memes.
Racism: he's wants to deport ILLEGALS and ILLEGALS only.... Never in a single speech did he ever talk about deporting AMERICAN CITIZENS.
Bankruptcy: He made a few bad decisions. Who hasn't?? Again, never heard a single employee come out and say Trump was bad. He did stupid, but yet he took a couple million bucks, and turned it into a multi billion dollar empire. But its funny, he lost money, and claimed bankruptcy during the recession. In which half of America claimed bankruptcy
Let's face it people. Trump is the ONLY candidate with his own money and his own agenda. Yes he has an agenda... To make america great again..

Every single other candidate is "owned" by oil and pharmaceuticals, etc.

And my final rant TERRORISM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Remember when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor? Of course.
Remember when America rounded up EVERY Japanese-American they could find, and stuck them in fenced in camps? Of course not,

America has become feeble and weak, noone realizes
You suck, dude.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
If you don't like Trump, its because you are lazy, illegal, or read too many Facebook memes.
Racism: he's wants to deport ILLEGALS and ILLEGALS only.... Never in a single speech did he ever talk about deporting AMERICAN CITIZENS.
Bankruptcy: He made a few bad decisions. Who hasn't?? Again, never heard a single employee come out and say Trump was bad. He did stupid, but yet he took a couple million bucks, and turned it into a multi billion dollar empire. But its funny, he lost money, and claimed bankruptcy during the recession. In which half of America claimed bankruptcy
Let's face it people. Trump is the ONLY candidate with his own money and his own agenda. Yes he has an agenda... To make america great again..

Every single other candidate is "owned" by oil and pharmaceuticals, etc.

And my final rant TERRORISM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Remember when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor? Of course.
Remember when America rounded up EVERY Japanese-American they could find, and stuck them in fenced in camps? Of course not,

America has become feeble and weak, noone realizes
I wanted to like this post until I read it as you saying we need internment camps again.

Is that what you are suggesting?


Well-Known Member
But I'm not wrong
It's debatable. Can I ask you a srs question though? Which of his policies do you think will help us the most, as a country?
Seriously. Trolling aside, are ypou happy with the way america has come in the past 15 years

Unless your a 15 year old Bernie supporter, you realize this country sucks
Bernie is a bright fellow. I enjoy watching him speak. He is very concise, and literate (nice to see for a change) but I feel like Hillary will do a much better job.


Well-Known Member
It's debatable. Can I ask you a srs question though? Which of his policies do you think will help us the most, as a country?
Honestly I don't find any. But between Hillary, who is just clearly a puppet, and Bernie, who thinks free shoot is the way, I support someone with a set of balls below his penis. Seriously
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