Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
I smell of coca and molly.

Decided to grip a p of molly n a balf brick of new blo.

This blo is insane. Straight pearly chunk.

Not bad wither at 50 a ki.

Dude thoughr when i said y got a key i can use i meant a kilo and goes ya 10 min morr then just gunna bag it.

Lol love this new guy. Aeesome dude. My new main connecy i tink at 50aki

This stuff is having me rockin out. Some loser aon the traintried telling the drivet j wss smoking the driver laughed ay hun


Well-Known Member
" sir u cant amoke here"

Me "ok"

My vapr was pressed fown in mu pocket didnt realize.

The driver looking at me says he doesnt care.

I only noticed it was pressed down after I got off the yrain5 and kept smelling peanut butter


Well-Known Member
So I got these samsung 2500 mah batteries. They were 5$ cheaper then the imren (rewrapped) batteries the imren are supposedly 3500 mah

The imren are shit. They die aftwr a day of vaping. These samsung last me 2 days easy. Had them since friday and still no charging needed. I have a quarter battery left.

Teaches me to trust a shady shop owner. Just switched vape ahops as the other were dicks. This other shop owner will help me a bundle. Also he runs a dispensary above the vape shop.

Fun guy to talk to. Last time i was jn on Friday he had Pantera blaring and was getting high.

9/10 would shop again


Well-Known Member
I should have bought samsung or lg batteries to begin with.

I knew the imren were rewrapped but now i see the difference in how long they last.

@Aeroknow what batts you use? Ever seen these imren before? They are totally faking the stats on them.

Fucking rewrapped batteries u gotta be careful with.

Worse purchase to date. That and my rx200 the usb port stopped working.

Least i got a warranty


Well-Known Member
I hate the fsct pat has retired from music.

I am muxh like him and at a crossroads wjth this punk scene. I do not have the same beliefs I did when i was 12.

Life still sucks but I have matured drugs arent what I want juat a way of life. I awear by thia time next year I want to clean and happy with myself again.

I am debating going to a detox facility. I have my old addiction councillors # maybe he will rush me through. He was a great guy. I just cant do detox that way.

Whatever i will try doing a taper myself. I have benzos and wverything i neeed. Know these wds will be dangerous.

@curious2garden maybe u can help me build a proper taper schedule. I cant do hospitals. I think this needs to happen.

I vomit blood now. And it is fresg blood. All red and gooey. I seen the dried up blood a lot, never this freah coloured. Blah alcohol is fun m8


Well-Known Member
Got our first new addition to the farm last night. Gave him his feedings of colostrum then put him out to the field to get to know the others. We're really hoping we can get our momma to feed him to save us some time/money. It's against their instincts to feed a calf that isn't theirs but being a new mom you never know.

Vegan is 3 weeks old now and doing real good. Raising them naturally is so much better for them.:smile:


Well-Known Member
I should have bought samsung or lg batteries to begin with.

I knew the imren were rewrapped but now i see the difference in how long they last.

@Aeroknow what batts you use? Ever seen these imren before? They are totally faking the stats on them.

Fucking rewrapped batteries u gotta be careful with.

Worse purchase to date. That and my rx200 the usb port stopped working.

Least i got a warranty
I just made the switch to the replacable battery. Only because my jellyfish finally took a shit. So no real imput yet.
Here's the two batteries I have so far
I'm gonna be picking up a couple more soon and a charger. Not sure what i'll be getting.


Well-Known Member
I hate the fsct pat has retired from music.

I am muxh like him and at a crossroads wjth this punk scene. I do not have the same beliefs I did when i was 12.

Life still sucks but I have matured drugs arent what I want juat a way of life. I awear by thia time next year I want to clean and happy with myself again.

I am debating going to a detox facility. I have my old addiction councillors # maybe he will rush me through. He was a great guy. I just cant do detox that way.

Whatever i will try doing a taper myself. I have benzos and wverything i neeed. Know these wds will be dangerous.

@curious2garden maybe u can help me build a proper taper schedule. I cant do hospitals. I think this needs to happen.

I vomit blood now. And it is fresg blood. All red and gooey. I seen the dried up blood a lot, never this freah coloured. Blah alcohol is fun m8
You always have the option of quitting drugs and just smoking/eating weed...

It worked for a lot of us...and you can still be buzzed...

Cuts down on morning vomit by 100%!

Smartest guy I knew in school sold drugs but never did them.

Today...he owns his own company. True story.


Well-Known Member
Drugs fucking suck man :-(

Not too long ago I realised my really good childhood friend who was watching over my other spot, and my trimmer, was doing a fentanyl patch for the last year. I thought he was clean from the heron and opioids otherwise I would have never hooked him up in that pad up in the sticks.

Apparently, just because I was worried about him and said something, i'm a dick???? The guy used me as a dick for a reason, and went back home to Hawaii where his ex's and kids still live. Problem with that, is the guy loves smoking meth. And that's what he does in Hawaii.

I'm no saint, but I fucking hate hardcore drugs nowadays. Fuck that shit