Donald Trump

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Well-Known Member
poopy pants, You probably have the day off tomorrow so it should be a better day for you being home. That way you can here your wife giggle right before she shits on the floor for you to clean up. And then you can get it right away so the stink wouldn't linger like it does when you are gone for hours. TRUMP!
so my wife shits on the floor? and then i clean it up?

is that kinda like your belief that hawaii loves trump?

you are delusional and desperate.

also, do you consider yourself to be a hateful, racist bigot?

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
so my wife shits on the floor? and then i clean it up?

is that kinda like your belief that hawaii loves trump?

you are delusional and desperate.

also, do you consider yourself to be a hateful, racist bigot?
Oh, you came back for some more education. Yes she does. And yes you do. What a fucking nightmare dude. Fuck. TRUMP!


Well-Known Member
I see you are getting a sweet tooth for democratic candy. Droping the "n" word. go ahead and let'er rip. Stuff your mouth full of candy, I know you like it. All smart fuckers like you love that candy. TRUMP!
And see you have no argument for the fact you are wrong. Vietnam is one word, you used the word(s) Viet Nam, as it was used more than 50 years ago. I successfully drew a comparison to how you use the long forgotten word(s), Viet Nam with the words "Oriental" and "Nigger". You latched on to it like a defensive mental midget would.

Vietnam is one word. You used it as one would 50 years ago. As your complete way of thinking is dated by more than 50 years.

I own you. You are my bitch. Now go make me a sandwich.

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
and is hawaii gonna vote for trump and give its electoral votes to trump this year as well?

i just wanna see what your level of reality is here.


don't get punched in the throat.
Poopy pants, you are not good at trying to be a tough guy. Hawaii is the last state to vote and it won't matter. TRUMP!

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
And see you have no argument for the fact you are wrong. Vietnam is one word, you used the word(s) Viet Nam, as it was used more than 50 years ago. I successfully drew a comparison to how you use the long forgotten word(s), Viet Nam with the words "Oriental" and "Nigger". You latched on to it like a defensive mental midget would.

Vietnam is one word. You used it as one would 50 years ago. As your complete way of thinking is dated by more than 50 years.

I own you. You are my bitch. Now go make me a sandwich.
There you go. get that candy. I know you want more. Let'er rip tatter chip. satisfy that sweet tooth. TRUMP!

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
yeah, it's not like being 6'3'', 185 pounds, well built and muscular, and young give me any advantage over a frail old weakling like you.

it wouldn't even have to be a hard punch. even a slight hit would kill you dead.

and for the seventh time now, are you capable of admitting that you hate people simply for their skin color?

or are you too much of a pussy to admit it?
Food fight!!!!


Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
soecifically your mouth and anus.

in other words, you have gay sex with men.
Always dreaming about gay sex.

Here's a joke for you bucky.

Gay George goes into the doctor's office and has some tests run.
The doctor comes back and says, "George, I am not going to beat around the bush, You have AIDS."
George is devastated. "Doc, what can I do?"
The doctor says, "I want you to go home and eat 5 pounds of spicy sausage, a head of cabbage, 20 un-peeled carrots drenched in hot sauce, 10 Jalapeno peppers, 40 walnuts and 40 peanuts, 1/2 box of Grapenuts cereal, and top it off with a gallon of prune juice."

George asks, "Will that cure me, Doc?"
"No, but it should leave you with a better understanding of what your asshole is for."


Well-Known Member
There you go. get that candy. I know you want more. Let'er rip tatter chip. satisfy that sweet tooth. TRUMP!
In typical Retardican fashion, you repeat the same stupid shit over and over.

The best part of it all? You haven't spammed shit in the past few pages, you've been having to defend yourself. Because you are a weak old racist and you're too fucking stupid to see what's right in front of your face. You are so easily manipulated and so fucking gullible.

You're my bitch. I own you. Go make me a sandwich.


Well-Known Member
The white privilege rape culture is huge in your post uncle bunk but the comment about the retardican is very offensive to be people with mentally disabled friends. You're an asshole bigot
You and others are helping me understand why Trump is getting so much support. In spite of dreadfully obvious lies and out and out racist comments as well as making it clear that he's not really aware of many of the things he "talks" about, he has a rabidly loyal following. I didn't understand why but it's beginning to make sense. You and others that support Trump are mainly poorly educated, low wage earners with no prospects for a better life. @nitro harley has said many times he likes voting for a winner and brushes aside the obvious about Trump's ability and deceptions. It doesn't matter. For once, you folks can feel like winners. Trump has a sales pitch that is second to none and you are eating it up. Of course once the election is over, you will go back to losing and Trump will do nothing to change that but for once, you were a winner.

So, how about it Cezar, did I get the jist of the reasons for your support of Snake oil Trump?
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Well-Known Member
The white privilege rape culture is huge in your post uncle bunk but the comment about the retardican is very offensive to be people with mentally disabled friends. You're an asshole bigot
And your tiny penis is very tiny.

I'm sure mentally challenged people who read my post will be offended they are being associated with Republicans. And for that I am sorry.

I'm not UB. And you are retarded.

You should consider reading my post again, then reviewing the last 10 pages of this thread. You obviously have no idea what the fuck you are talking about. Because you are both retarded and have a tiny penis.
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