Is the World Flat? The Flatlander's theory..

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abe supercro

Well-Known Member
I don't know, how many ozs can a caregiver have? Do you know? Why not take it to the Michigan forums? How many ozs do you have abe?
maybe I chose too edgy of an example to illustrate rules are bullshit in many instances. I hope you know how many oz's a CG can have... we both know that the mi law is messed up and we've all been corralled into a box by the system. grow more than 1 plant and a typical patient becomes over their limit. ive stopped growing until i see where it's all heading.

About the swearing topic. I don't mind goofy flippant swearing, but when it goes racist or disability, thats where I draw the line.


Well-Known Member
@Dr.Pecker Ive got my hot topics that I don't like so I give ppl hell over a few things. If you really dislike swearing, I can relate on some level.

Pinworm made few a badges for me and a few buddies and I would hope that you will accept one as an honorary r.i.u. deputy. I've always respected you because you are a good dude! :peace:
View attachment 3696110

be careful out there!


Well-Known Member
@Dr.Pecker Ive got my hot topics that I don't like so I give ppl hell over a few things. If you really dislike swearing, I can relate on some level.

Pinworm made few a badges for me and a few buddies and I would hope that you will accept one as an honorary r.i.u. deputy. I've always respected you because you are a good dude! :peace:
View attachment 3696110
Just a fleeting thought...Dr. Pecker doesn't have female patients that have to show him their tits to get weed does he?


Well-Known Member
no but the holocaust was fake.

just kidding, fuck you.
Are you saying 'fuck me' that I was saying that the holocaust was fake because it certainly was not fake because 6 million Jews got Zycloned without any doubt. Did you even bother to watch the video, you as ignorant as Buck. Are you Buck?
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Well-Known Member
@Dr.Pecker Ive got my hot topics that I don't like so I give ppl hell over a few things. If you really dislike swearing, I can relate on some level.

Pinworm made few a badges for me and a few buddies and I would hope that you will accept one as an honorary r.i.u. deputy. I've always respected you because you are a good dude! :peace:
View attachment 3696110
I don't give a shit if you cuss. I was talking about the degrading name calling. Its childish and you guys are smart enough to be above all that. You can articulate a point without calling people names.
Just a fleeting thought...Dr. Pecker doesn't have female patients that have to show him their tits to get weed does he?
That was just a joke dude. I'm sure I didn't say anything about giving anyone weed.
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