Whatever was said about light being too close is wrong! T8's? Shit, unless you have them under HID's, your fine on light. Take a look at any high end production clone room, they use hundreds of t5/t8's just inches above the domes. Hell most are using rack setups with lights on each level. i cloned for several years under a t12 shop light no farther than 6"s off mine. That's certainly no where near the problem you're after! I would suspect the bleach mixture or just them being cut down too much. I don't have experience with the cloning machine so I can't say too much other than I know people use peroxide. I do have a lot of experience though with cutting clones and only leaving two leaves to do the work could very well be part of the problem. I take flowering clones quite a bit and am of the opinion that cloning is stressful in itself on the cutting, but also topping the cutting is literally almost hacking it to death all at once!