Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
i got an issue i need help with..
some of you guys know, i did a year in jail not too long ago because i got popped for a grow. but i left my ex girlfriend with all my stuff. was still my girlfriend when i went in.. but she had my wallet and everything. including one of my debit cards for an account i stopped using, just so itd build interest over time. but i still talk to her, and everything was pretty good it seemed. well the only times i used that bank account since i got popped was to buy my truck, i pulled out 35k right from the bank.. and to buy my work truck 30k.. after that i havent checked it til tonight. she took out 7500 dollars from my account in the past couple months. its my dumbass fault for not going to get all my shit back yet. but still she stole 7500 dollars from me. what would you do


Well-Known Member
i got an issue i need help with..
some of you guys know, i did a year in jail not too long ago because i got popped for a grow. but i left my ex girlfriend with all my stuff. was still my girlfriend when i went in.. but she had my wallet and everything. including one of my debit cards for an account i stopped using, just so itd build interest over time. but i still talk to her, and everything was pretty good it seemed. well the only times i used that bank account since i got popped was to buy my truck, i pulled out 35k right from the bank.. and to buy my work truck 30k.. after that i havent checked it til tonight. she took out 7500 dollars from my account in the past couple months. its my dumbass fault for not going to get all my shit back yet. but still she stole 7500 dollars from me. what would you do
Only 2 choices really. Either forgive her or press charges.


Well-Known Member
I'd get that card back immediately, what did she buy?
all ATM withdraws.. and i shut down the card. the bank kept telling me to call the cops and ill get the money back, but honestly its not about the money, it would be nice to get back but i dont call the cops.. i was with the girl for around 9 years, since high school. i gave her anything she wanted.. if she would of told me she needed help or something, i would of helped her. it really is bugging me and shes lucky im sane.

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
i got an issue i need help with..
some of you guys know, i did a year in jail not too long ago because i got popped for a grow. but i left my ex girlfriend with all my stuff. was still my girlfriend when i went in.. but she had my wallet and everything. including one of my debit cards for an account i stopped using, just so itd build interest over time. but i still talk to her, and everything was pretty good it seemed. well the only times i used that bank account since i got popped was to buy my truck, i pulled out 35k right from the bank.. and to buy my work truck 30k.. after that i havent checked it til tonight. she took out 7500 dollars from my account in the past couple months. its my dumbass fault for not going to get all my shit back yet. but still she stole 7500 dollars from me. what would you do
That's not cool. Sorry to hear it.

Be cool about it and gain some info quick, be persistent.


Well-Known Member
9 years is a long time..longer than some marriages... I'd probably just let it go to be honest with ya..she was almost like a wife.
If you press charges the bank will replace the money. They're insured for that. Most banks have that policy
tomorrow morning im going to go talk to her family, tell them what happened and tell them if i dont get my money back i got to press charges. they are ridiculously loaded, which is another reason im amazed she stole from me. so i gotta wake up and hit the bank and get a printout of all the transactions and bring it over there. i told her the same thing and she said she cant afford it and tried to guilt trip me about getting popped.. saying i just left her. but i left her with 20k to get her going without me when she got a pretty good job.. if i dont get my money back by the end of tomorrow.. shes done.. i hate being that person, but i work my fucking ass off for my money and its not like she only slipped a couple hundred from my wallet, this is serious to me


Well-Known Member
they are ridiculously loaded, which is another reason im amazed she stole from me.
that's why she took it, because she's gotten her way most of the time with her family. good luck man, hope her parents do right by you.


Well-Known Member
. . . but honestly its not about the money, it would be nice to get back but i dont call the cops..
Then that's your answer. Or you could take your chances with small claims court. But even if you hit a home run . . . what are your chances of collecting?

Sounds like $7500 bucks may not have hurt you that much. Coulda been worse. Move on, and keep that chit tucked in your back pocket.


Well-Known Member
Then that's your answer. Or you could take your chances with small claims court. But even if you hit a home run . . . what are your chances of collecting?

Sounds like $7500 bucks may not have hurt you that much. Coulda been worse. Move on, and keep that chit tucked in your back pocket.
nah i already told her what im doing so im following through. small claims wouldnt help at all.. i got that problem with work, if someone dont pay theres no point in paying for a lawyer and all that shit just to not get paid again. unless you or finshaggy are available to help me out


Well-Known Member
nah i already told her what im doing so im following through. small claims wouldnt help at all.. i got that problem with work, if someone dont pay theres no point in paying for a lawyer and all that shit just to not get paid again. unless you or finshaggy are available to help me out
You represent yourself in small claims. No lawyers allowed. Just a filing fee, and hope you get a sympathetic Judge.

The police won't give you your $7500 back. And the City attorney/DA may not even take the case.


Well-Known Member
You represent yourself in small claims. No lawyers allowed. Just a filing fee, and hope you get a sympathetic Judge.

The police won't give you your $7500 back. And the City attorney/DA may not even take the case.
im in a commonwealth theyd take the case in a heart beat, but im really not trying to take that route. we'll see what happens. small claims court is a waste of time, money and i lose a day of work... not worth it


Staff member
all ATM withdraws.. and i shut down the card. the bank kept telling me to call the cops and ill get the money back, but honestly its not about the money, it would be nice to get back but i dont call the cops.. i was with the girl for around 9 years, since high school. i gave her anything she wanted.. if she would of told me she needed help or something, i would of helped her. it really is bugging me and shes lucky im sane.
you got two choices
confront her, and ask for the money back in time

or cut your losses and move on


Well-Known Member
but cat owners arent attached to every cat.. if your dog died would you be able to grab another one right away and feel the same way about it as the 1st one?.. theres tons of dogs out there too..
Actually...my rotty midge died and about a year later I went out and got another Rotty and love that one almost as much as midge, iv had people tell me it's fucked up that I got another rot to "replace" my other one but I loved that dog more then anything so I wanted to keep it around in a fucked up kinda way I guess