About HomoSexuality


Well-Known Member
Don't be afraid to ask for help.

Coming out is an experience shared by many gay, bisexual, lesbian and transgender people. You are not alone and there is help available.

There are many resources available for you and your family and friends. Browse through the Gay Life site or the discussion forum for advice and information. If you still don't find the answers to your questions, feel free to contact your Gay Life Guide with any concerns or just to say hello. Happy coming out and congratulations on this major life step!


New Member
Don't be afraid to ask for help.

Coming out is an experience shared by many gay, bisexual, lesbian and transgender people. You are not alone and there is help available.

There are many resources available for you and your family and friends. Browse through the Gay Life site or the discussion forum for advice and information. If you still don't find the answers to your questions, feel free to contact your Gay Life Guide with any concerns or just to say hello. Happy coming out and congratulations on this major life step!

I thought I was clear on where I stand. I am not physically gay; nor do I have any sexual inclinations toward people of the same sex. Thank God.​

I appreciate you adding resources to the page; however, I would hope that these links are principally consistent with the position I posted; I would hate for someone who was having doubts to be entrapped by a wrong decison because of manipulation based on false of short motives as opposed to non-biased and fundamental emotnal and self identity based psychology and philosophy (as in understanding.) However, by posting those links you reminding me to post these helpful resourcful links.​

Awakening the Emotional Intelligence: Mastering the Heart Revision 2.0(e-book)Download: $13.50

by Mark Daniels

"Awakening the Emotional Intelligence: Mastering the Heart" 2.0 by Mark W. Daniels is a much needed psycho-spiritual approach to revealing the individual’s true self identity, as well as it provides great insight to the understanding of the often misunderstood or neglected emotional subjects of the person's daily living and how external circumstances may affect them. More importantly, "Awakening the Emotional Intelligence: Mastering the Heart" 2.0 helps the reader get a rare, but true insight of how to better control themselves and their responsibilities appropriately.

Making Decisions and Overcoming Obstacles during Middle and High School (Adolescent Years)(e-book)Download: FREE
by Mark Daniels

"Making Decisions and Overcoming Obstacles during Middle and High School (Adolescent Years)" was a book I originally wrote in 2002, but, revised in 2007. Basically, it takes a serious, but, realistic look into the challenges faced by middle and high school youth, such as, learning in the classroom, sex, family and peer relationships, and the other principle cultural challenges faced during these sometimes trailing and uncertain times for adolescents going through the transition of elementary to middle school to high school and in some circumstances into college; and how they can principally and/or morally answer them without compromise of who they truly are or how their true friends receive them. Its a great book for a parent of this group to review and give to their child for a good heart to heart discussion or just to give to their child to take some of the work out of having those tough discussions. Non-the-less, both parent and child can benefit from this book.



New Member

I wouldn't say He hates fags; I would say he hates the things that leads people out of His Divine Will for them.

Many homosexuals as my articles/essay states have been manipulated unknowingly into such a state of being on false pretense.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Uh...I AM in touch with my feelings.I HAVE expressed them.You just can't hear anything for screaming about the invisible man in the sky.I've told you before...YOUR truth is not everyone's truth.Your principles aren't necessarily the right ones.I'm completely against organized religion, and its long line of recruiters, such as yourself.You have so little faith, you must preach to everyone about how much faith you have...because if someone agrees, it means you're right.DOUBT.There's nothing wrong with it...but you are trying to hide it, because you have so thoroughly been brainwashed, you really are afraid God will get you.Well, I've said this in another one of your posts, and I'll say it again.If there is a God....and he's omnipotent.....he already knows what's in your heart.No amount of praising, recruiting, and preaching will drown out the sound of your fear and doubt.But there is no benevolent being in the sky watching over us. Christianity, like all organized religion, is mind control.That's why I get angry when you spew your religious spam...all you're doing is recruiting, trying to bring more and more into the fold of shuffling zombies who are afraid of their own free will, and so use God as an excuse to do nothing about it.He doesn't exist, and I'm sick of otherwise intelligent people clinging to him like a life raft when shit gets tough.Watch me.I won't get struck by lightning.Jesus Christ is not my savior.To hell with him.

Pussy Cat Dolls: "Be careful what you wish for cause you just might get it"

McFried, I wil be glad when you finally get in tough with your true feelings and is able to express/articulate it.

I would also like it for you to let people think for themselves. All I am doing is to provide informaton that I have found to be healthy for others to potentially apply to their lives. I don't tell people what to think necesarily but I attempt to help them thin with the right fondations/principles, particularly Truth.

You are the one imposing your laws and regulations on people (who just happen to be visiting my posts on their own free will I might add)>

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
It's NONE the less, oh brilliant scholar:rolleyes:...and doesn't your advertising a book you wrote qualify as spam?You sure do sound like PoseidonsNet.

I thought I was clear on where I stand. I am not physically gay; nor do I have any sexual inclinations toward people of the same sex. Thank God.​

I appreciate you adding resources to the page; however, I would hope that these links are principally consistent with the position I posted; I would hate for someone who was having doubts to be entrapped by a wrong decison because of manipulation based on false of short motives as opposed to non-biased and fundamental emotnal and self identity based psychology and philosophy (as in understanding.) However, by posting those links you reminding me to post these helpful resourcful links.​

Awakening the Emotional Intelligence: Mastering the Heart Revision 2.0(e-book)Download: $13.50

by Mark Daniels

"Awakening the Emotional Intelligence: Mastering the Heart" 2.0 by Mark W. Daniels is a much needed psycho-spiritual approach to revealing the individual’s true self identity, as well as it provides great insight to the understanding of the often misunderstood or neglected emotional subjects of the person's daily living and how external circumstances may affect them. More importantly, "Awakening the Emotional Intelligence: Mastering the Heart" 2.0 helps the reader get a rare, but true insight of how to better control themselves and their responsibilities appropriately.

Making Decisions and Overcoming Obstacles during Middle and High School (Adolescent Years)(e-book)Download: FREE
by Mark Daniels

"Making Decisions and Overcoming Obstacles during Middle and High School (Adolescent Years)" was a book I originally wrote in 2002, but, revised in 2007. Basically, it takes a serious, but, realistic look into the challenges faced by middle and high school youth, such as, learning in the classroom, sex, family and peer relationships, and the other principle cultural challenges faced during these sometimes trailing and uncertain times for adolescents going through the transition of elementary to middle school to high school and in some circumstances into college; and how they can principally and/or morally answer them without compromise of who they truly are or how their true friends receive them. Its a great book for a parent of this group to review and give to their child for a good heart to heart discussion or just to give to their child to take some of the work out of having those tough discussions. Non-the-less, both parent and child can benefit from this book.



Well-Known Member

I wouldn't say He hates fags;
Of course not! God is a loving God, and whether they were (somehow tricked?) into gayness, or they're one of us regular homo's, God loves us all anyway. We're his children after all.

Prophesy, I just renewed my netflix account, and I watched a really old 70's-80's movie called "Oh God!". The part of God was played by George Burns. It was really enjoyable to watch from a Christian point of view, in my opinion. Have you seen it?

If not, I recommend it to you, but be warned, it is an old movie, and doesn't have the best picture quality.


New Member
Uh...I AM in touch with my feelings.I HAVE expressed them.You just can't hear anything for screaming about the invisible man in the sky.I've told you before...YOUR truth is not everyone's truth.Your principles aren't necessarily the right ones.I'm completely against organized religion, and its long line of recruiters, such as yourself.You have so little faith, you must preach to everyone about how much faith you have...because if someone agrees, it means you're right.DOUBT.There's nothing wrong with it...but you are trying to hide it, because you have so thoroughly been brainwashed, you really are afraid God will get you.Well, I've said this in another one of your posts, and I'll say it again.If there is a God....and he's omnipotent.....he already knows what's in your heart.No amount of praising, recruiting, and preaching will drown out the sound of your fear and doubt.But there is no benevolent being in the sky watching over us. Christianity, like all organized religion, is mind control.That's why I get angry when you spew your religious spam...all you're doing is recruiting, trying to bring more and more into the fold of shuffling zombies who are afraid of their own free will, and so use God as an excuse to do nothing about it.He doesn't exist, and I'm sick of otherwise intelligent people clinging to him like a life raft when shit gets tough.Watch me.I won't get struck by lightning.Jesus Christ is not my savior.To hell with him.
The red text that I highlighted in your quote was to me an unjust statement and it would seem to me that if yur are wrong for such a position in his eyes, and the saying is true that we will reap what we sow; so be it it unto you.​

I need not quarrel with you in what I know and believe in my heart to be true; I hope that those who don't see things as you do go with the convictions of their hearts moreso then the manipulation of anyone, you or me, if that is what is being done. However, I encourage people to look within their hearts; it is through my Scriptual reading, particularly the Christian Bible that I have come to this realizaton.

"To each their own."

I think I feel sorry for you.

You have the free will not to enter my post, do it, since I can't enlighten you.


New Member
Uh...I AM in touch with my feelings.I HAVE expressed them.You just can't hear anything for screaming about the invisible man in the sky.I've told you before...YOUR truth is not everyone's truth.Your principles aren't necessarily the right ones.I'm completely against organized religion, and its long line of recruiters, such as yourself.You have so little faith, you must preach to everyone about how much faith you have...because if someone agrees, it means you're right.DOUBT.There's nothing wrong with it...but you are trying to hide it, because you have so thoroughly been brainwashed, you really are afraid God will get you.Well, I've said this in another one of your posts, and I'll say it again.If there is a God....and he's omnipotent.....he already knows what's in your heart.No amount of praising, recruiting, and preaching will drown out the sound of your fear and doubt.But there is no benevolent being in the sky watching over us. Christianity, like all organized religion, is mind control.That's why I get angry when you spew your religious spam...all you're doing is recruiting, trying to bring more and more into the fold of shuffling zombies who are afraid of their own free will, and so use God as an excuse to do nothing about it.He doesn't exist, and I'm sick of otherwise intelligent people clinging to him like a life raft when shit gets tough.Watch me.I won't get struck by lightning.Jesus Christ is not my savior.To hell with him.

The red text that I highlighted in your quote was to me an unjust statement and it would seem to me that if yur are wrong for such a position in his eyes, and the saying is true that we will reap what we sow; so be it it unto you.​

I need not quarrel with you in what I know and believe in my heart to be true; I hope that those who don't see things as you do go with the convictions of their hearts moreso then the manipulation of anyone, you or me, if that is what is being done. However, I encourage people to look within their hearts; it is through my Scriptual reading, particularly the Christian Bible that I have come to this realizaton.

"To each their own."

I think I feel sorry for you?​

You have the free will not to enter my post, do it, since I can't enlighten you.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
So be it unto you...HAH! You have no power, false prophet.And he can't hurt me.BYE BYE!
The red text that I highlighted in your quote was to me an unjust statement and it would seem to me that if yur are wrong for such a position in his eyes, and the saying is true that we will reap what we sow; so be it it unto you.​

I need not quarrel with you in what I know and believe in my heart to be true; I hope that those who don't see things as you do go with the convictions of their hearts moreso then the manipulation of anyone, you or me, if that is what is being done. However, I encourage people to look within their hearts; it is through my Scriptual reading, particularly the Christian Bible that I have come to this realizaton.

"To each their own."

I think I feel sorry for you.

You have the free will not to enter my post, do it, since I can't enlighten you.


New Member
Of course not! God is a loving God, and whether they were (somehow tricked?) into gayness, or they're one of us regular homo's, God loves us all anyway. We're his children after all.

Prophesy, I just renewed my netflix account, and I watched a really old 70's-80's movie called "Oh God!". The part of God was played by George Burns. It was really enjoyable to watch from a Christian point of view, in my opinion. Have you seen it?

If not, I recommend it to you, but be warned, it is an old movie, and doesn't have the best picture quality.

Actually, its been awhile since I've seen that one, but I do recall enjoy its plot; I suppose that one I wouldn't mine havng n my archives some day.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
And another thing...this is a public forum.You can't run me off.But if you don't want anyone to disagree, and therefore not post in your threads, then how about you do the courtesy of not spamming other folk's threads with your nonsense?Practice what you preach, so to speak.Later.


New Member
And another thing...this is a public forum.You can't run me off.But if you don't want anyone to disagree, and therefore not post in your threads, then how about you do the courtesy of not spamming other folk's threads with your nonsense?Practice what you preach, so to speak.Later.

Why are you speaking for everyone else; I pitty you; however, if anyone esle feel as they do as I will your thread upon request, I will stop psting there.

If you realize that you have soken in vain, I encourage you to repent to God through Jesus Christ since he is the one you have sinned against.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
LOl...there is no Jesus Christ.And if there were...your finite mind couldn't comprehend an infinite one.Stop speaking for god.And I don't need your pity...I have free will, an intelligent mind, and good grasp of the English language.

Why are you speaking for everyone else; I pitty you; however, if anyone esle feel as they do as I will your thread upon request, I will stop psting there.

If you realize that you have soken in vain, I encourage you to repent to God through Jesus Christ since he is the one you have sinned against.

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member

I wouldn't say He hates fags; I would say he hates the things that leads people out of His Divine Will for them.

Many homosexuals as my articles/essay states have been manipulated unknowingly into such a state of being on false pretense.

I've been watching your posts since I joined... seems like every single one is filled with "God this" and "pray to the Lord that". Wouldn't you be happier on a religion forum?

Here's what bothers me about every single one of your posts being centered around "god"...... it comes across that you are out to save us "sinners".... and quite frankly ..... in a forum of mj users that goes over like a lead balloon! I think this crowd is more the type of crowd that DESPISES judgmental fucks like you!

Yes I know I don't have to read your posts or threads... in fact I'm thinking you might just be the first person I add to my IGNORE list!

Don't bother praying for me either.... if heaven is filled with the likes of you .... I'd rather spend eternity partying in hell with the rest of my imperfect friends.

Now you run along and have a blessed day :finger:


Well-Known Member
Uh...I AM in touch with my feelings.I HAVE expressed them.You just can't hear anything for screaming about the invisible man in the sky.I've told you before...
Stoney, you don't seem to understand that YOU don't know your feelings, Prophecy knows what you should be feeling and until you conform to his beliefs then you don't REALLY believe what you believe.

Jesus Christ, you have to explain every God Damn thing to a woman.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Ah...how silly of me to forget.May I bear your children and receive my beating?
Stoney, you don't seem to understand that YOU don't know your feelings, Prophecy knows what you should be feeling and until you conform to his beliefs then you don't REALLY believe what you believe.

Jesus Christ, you have to explain every God Damn thing to a woman.


Well-Known Member

I wouldn't say He hates fags; I would say he hates the things that leads people out of His Divine Will for them.

Many homosexuals as my articles/essay states have been manipulated unknowingly into such a state of being on false pretense.
"god" shouldnt hate anything...its supposed to be an all knowing all loving being. gay people are not manipulated into being gay. i have several gay friends...and they tend to be more comfortable with who they are than many other people i know. many people that dislike gay people are actually closet homosexuals themselves. like that one guy...ted haggard. he was an evangelical preacher...pastor ted. he had very strong views on homosexuality and how "sinnful" it was. he got busted for soliciting a male prostitute. dont worry y'all its only a matter of time before shit hits the fan and all this religious bull is put to rest. and stoney! didnt you realize that you arent smart enough to believe what u want! haha this thread is jokes...prophecy is jokes...seriously dude...u need to get over yourself.


Well-Known Member
I've been watching your posts since I joined... seems like every single one is filled with "God this" and "pray to the Lord that". Wouldn't you be happier on a religion forum?

no...in a religion forum everyone already sees things his way...so he really cant do a whole lot of preaching. he also cant attempt to convert people in a religious forum. but he really did pick the wrong place to preach...people who smoke pot tend to think more "outside the box" or at least from my personal experience. i find pot smokers to be more enlightened than non tokers. i dont think any of the pot smokers i know believe in god. marijuana causes people to think, and to question things. preaching to stoners is a waste of time and energy if u ask me. a christians response to everything is to believe in god...and have faith in god...a stoners response is "i have faith...in good ol mary jane!...my response is to stuff their faces with BIG blunts so they shut up...hehehehe. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member

Why are you speaking for everyone else; I pitty you; however, if anyone esle feel as they do as I will your thread upon request, I will stop psting there.

If you realize that you have soken in vain, I encourage you to repent to God through Jesus Christ since he is the one you have sinned against.
I guess I have to speak for everyone here, and I might have to take the infraction for it, but...
