Donald Trump

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nitro harley

Well-Known Member
Uh, that's kind of what Trump says. He'll figure it out later. You like that he says he's going to round up 11 million people within a year.

Doesn't know how to find them
Doesn't have the infrastructure to hold them or process them
Doesn't know how many have children in this country
Doesn't know how much it will cost.
Doesn't know how many agents it will take
Hasn't worked out the legal issues

Why are we doing this again?

This sounds like a pretty bad idea to consider without a plan.
You worry to much dog. Relax , everything will be alright. You won't have to do anything like work or nothing. Just let the big boys handle it. nitro


Well-Known Member
You worry to much dog. Relax , everything will be alright. You won't have to do anything like work or nothing. Just let the big boys handle it. nitro
Just pointing out that there are a few holes in this plan. You say "trust Trump". Uhhh no. I wouldn't have trusted Hitler either.

One of the great things about Obama was that he took time for planning before launching a large initiative. Even so, things didn't always work out, such as the roll out of the ACA. But we didn't have total clusterfucks like GW did with hurricane disaster relief (good job Brownie) or going into Iraq unprepared (You go to war with the military you have, suck it up and die grunt).

So, a domestic operation to search out and deport 11 million people with no real reason driving it and no plan for how to do it. No thanks. Fuck off Trump.

Trump is a man baby. Not a big boy.
Just pointing out that there are a few holes in this plan. You say "trust Trump". Uhhh no. I wouldn't have trusted Hitler either.

One of the great things about Obama was that he took time for planning before launching a large initiative. Even so, things didn't always work out, such as the roll out of the ACA. But we didn't have total clusterfucks like GW did with hurricane disaster relief (good job Brownie) or going into Iraq unprepared (You go to war with the military you have, suck it up and die grunt).

So, a domestic operation to search out and deport 11 million people with no real reason driving it and no plan for how to do it. No thanks. Fuck off Trump.

Trump is a man baby. Not a big boy.
Defending the president that bailed out banks to the tune of 37 TRILLION DOLLARS only to crash the economy twice. ACA was a bailout for insurance companies that can't survive in a 0% interest rate spread. Libya was a war crime and a complete disaster the likes of which this country has never seen. Syria is also a war crime, Iraq is and was a war crime, and Democrats defend Obama's wars because they are not anti-war, they are anti-republican. Get real.


Well-Known Member
Defending the president that bailed out banks to the tune of 37 TRILLION DOLLARS only to crash the economy twice. ACA was a bailout for insurance companies that can't survive in a 0% interest rate spread. Libya was a war crime and a complete disaster the likes of which this country has never seen. Syria is also a war crime, Iraq is and was a war crime, and Democrats defend Obama's wars because they are not anti-war, they are anti-republican. Get real.


Well-Known Member
So Paul Ryan dumps Trump.

Lindsay Graham held a press conference today on the evils of Trump. There were tears. Lindsay Graham's.

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nitro harley

Well-Known Member
Just pointing out that there are a few holes in this plan. You say "trust Trump". Uhhh no. I wouldn't have trusted Hitler either.

One of the great things about Obama was that he took time for planning before launching a large initiative. Even so, things didn't always work out, such as the roll out of the ACA. But we didn't have total clusterfucks like GW did with hurricane disaster relief (good job Brownie) or going into Iraq unprepared (You go to war with the military you have, suck it up and die grunt).

So, a domestic operation to search out and deport 11 million people with no real reason driving it and no plan for how to do it. No thanks. Fuck off Trump.

Trump is a man baby. Not a big boy.
Fogdog, You remember when the ACA got crammed down our throats? You remember when the democratic party said just pass it and find out what all the goodies are after you pass it? Do you remember that? I told you and your friends at that time that the most bad ass democratic playbook known to mankind will bite you in the ass when the other side had a chance to use it.

And where are we now? Just sit down and relax because some great things are happening and you will find out win Trump wins. nitro
Buck, are you OK dude? I want to break the news to you gently but I am just a spectator .nitro
UncleCuck is severely autistic, hence his round the clock shitposting. He has no arguements, he loves calling people racist because he thinks it makes him look like a virtuous champion of the unwashed masses. Virtue signal harder UncleCuck, or post some irrelevant image that makes you feel better about being patently unintelligent.

Don't ever site anything from the failing Huffington Post, they're no better than failed Gawker media and are universally regarded as yellow journalism. White america accepts SNAP? Oh wow, we pay the most taxes and are the largest portion of the population, that only makes sense. 40% white despite being 60% of the population sounds a lot better than 25% while being 13% of the population. And illegal immigrant accepting welfare is an absurdity. 0% of immigrants to any country should be accepting public assistance. Try moving to Canada or Mexico and applying for welfare. You can't even apply for citizenship in Canada without being able to prove financial self-reliance for 10 years. Trump isn't racist for wanting to do what every other country with sense is already doing.


Well-Known Member
i remember obama running on a promise to implement it, and then getting swept into office in an electoral landslide along with a supermajority in congress based on his promise to implement.

sorry you are such a sore loser, geezer.
No Reagan was a landslide uncle bunk 49 out of 50. I don't have a PhD like you but is that 98%? Post a bud picture of your latest killer homegrown.


Well-Known Member
UncleCuck is severely autistic, hence his round the clock shitposting. He has no arguements, he loves calling people racist because he thinks it makes him look like a virtuous champion of the unwashed masses. Virtue signal harder UncleCuck, or post some irrelevant image that makes you feel better about being patently unintelligent.

Don't ever site anything from the failing Huffington Post, they're no better than failed Gawker media and are universally regarded as yellow journalism. White america accepts SNAP? Oh wow, we pay the most taxes and are the largest portion of the population, that only makes sense. 40% white despite being 60% of the population sounds a lot better than 25% while being 13% of the population. And illegal immigrant accepting welfare is an absurdity. 0% of immigrants to any country should be accepting public assistance. Try moving to Canada or Mexico and applying for welfare. You can't even apply for citizenship in Canada without being able to prove financial self-reliance for 10 years. Trump isn't racist for wanting to do what every other country with sense is already doing.
Uncle cuck much better name. Until he moves out momma's basement he can't grow anymore devils lettuce.
Jews are good with money historically (Janet Yellen, Ben Bernanke, Alan Greenspan all Jewish and heads of the Federal Reserve for the last 20 years) and black neighborhoods are among the most violent and underemployed in the country. Face facts, he isn't coming from left field and you are just virtue signaling. We get it Cuck, you aren't racist and Donald Trump is. Despite not being a billionaire, you are a better person than Donald Trump. There is a huge difference between speaking generally and universally. Liberals will never understand that.

Pulitzer Prize oh wow, Obama won a Nobel Peace Prize despite being referred to by the rest of the world as the "Drone King" and starting 7 unconstitutional wars. Argue to authority harder, Cuck.
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