Donald Trump

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nitro harley

Well-Known Member
Fogdog seems pretty trustworthy to me. You just seem scared. We understand. Trump is not someone I would want to rely on to win a bet.

London, You just rely on the crooked bitch. You wouldn't even mention her name as a person you are supporting until the other day so I guess you were scared and embarrassed . Good luck nitro


Well-Known Member
Hey B4L, To be honest with you, I have thought you have been more sensible than most here, and good explanation. When the government extended coverage for their children to the age of 26 that was great. But then the dems admitted that they needed those young people to pay as a sales point for Obamacare to become reality. The Obama admin, uses tactics like this for just about everything and it never ends well.

The old system was great in Oregon and people actually moved to Oregon with health issues that were taken care of no matter what their issues were. It was a program called OMIP, it had no pre existing condition policy's. And then after Obamacare all of the people that had wonderful healthcare through OMIP were kicked to the curb because of the ACA. Then the rates went through the roof after the first year and then the rates went through the roof on the second year and then it went bankrupt at the beginning of the third year.

My point being is why didn't the nation just have a program like Oregon had? I was on OMIP for five years with zero increases and I wish I had it back. nitro
That's bullshit. The GOP reneged on payments to insurance companies to cover the extra numbers of low wage earners. This is the real reason your insurance is going up.

Oregon insurer files $5 billion class-action suit against feds over subsidies

Health Republic Insurance Company of Oregon, a Lake Oswego-based insurer that is phasing down its operations, on Wednesday filed a $5 billion class action lawsuit on behalf of insurers it says were shorted by the federal government under an Obamacare program.

The lawsuit, filed in the United States Court of Federal Claims, focuses on a program that was intended to offset insurer losses in the early years of the implementation of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.

Instead, payments to insurers under the "risk corridor" program amounted to 12.6 percent of the amount expected for 2014, and are expected to be similarly low for 2015.

You are reciting a very convenient lie. The problem lies with the GOP congress under funding the ACA. A shitty little liar you and your right wing echo chamber are.
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Well-Known Member
Well, I just don't make deals with people like you. Its that simple. nitro
Yeah, having to face facts is really inconvenient. Just ask your man baby Trump about having to face the truth about his fraud University. You are a sniveling little pussy just like Trump. I'll honor that bet if I lose and you should feel free to propose different terms if you are afraid of the ones I posed. but you won't because you are a pussy.

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
That's bullshit. The GOP reneged on payments for to insurance companies to cover the extra numbers of low wage earners. This is the real reason your insurance is going up.

Oregon insurer files $5 billion class-action suit against feds over subsidies

Health Republic Insurance Company of Oregon, a Lake Oswego-based insurer that is phasing down its operations, on Wednesday filed a $5 billion class action lawsuit on behalf of insurers it says were shorted by the federal government under an Obamacare program.

The lawsuit, filed in the United States Court of Federal Claims, focuses on a program that was intended to offset insurer losses in the early years of the implementation of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.

Instead, payments to insurers under the "risk corridor" program amounted to 12.6 percent of the amount expected for 2014, and are expected to be similarly low for 2015.

You are reciting a very convenient lie. The problem lies with the GOP congress under funding the ACA. A shitty little liar you and your right wing echo chamber are.
No I recited the truth about the young people not signing up after the Dems said thats what it was going to take to make it work. So I guess you think everybody signed up for the ACA just like you think everybody has a fucking job with unemployment at 4.7. This is the democratic crack that you consume. You might want to find some other sucker to suck up to your BS. nitro

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
Yeah, having to face facts is really inconvenient. Just ask your man baby Trump about having to face the truth about his fraud University. You are a sniveling little pussy just like Trump. I'll honor that bet if I lose and you should feel free to propose different terms if you are afraid of the ones I posed. but you won't because you are a pussy.

You just watch and learn pilgrim. nitro


Well-Known Member
No I recited the truth about the young people not signing up after the Dems said thats what it was going to take to make it work. So I guess you think everybody signed up for the ACA just like you think everybody has a fucking job with unemployment at 4.7. This is the democratic crack that you consume. You might want to find some other sucker to suck up to your BS. nitro
Nope, you recited a diverting little lie. The real reason for the cash crunch and rise in rates is that the GOP congress reneged on payments to cover subsidies for low income people. You are ignorant and just repeating lies told by the excusomatic machine othewise known as right wing talk radio. The 5 billion dollar lawsuit is only the beginning of court filings over this. Your idiot GOP congress mis-managed the budget in order to break the ACA. Lying sacks of shit.

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
Nope, you recited a diverting little lie. The real reason for the cash crunch and rise in rates is that the GOP congress reneged on payments to cover subsidies for low income people. You are ignorant and just repeating lies told by the excusomatic machine othewise known as right wing talk radio. The 5 billion dollar lawsuit is only the beginning of court filings over this. Your idiot GOP congress mis-managed the budget in order to break the ACA. Lying sacks of shit.
The young people broke the ACA no if, ands, buts, about it. nitro


Well-Known Member
The young people broke the ACA no if, ands, buts, about it. nitro
You don't really know that Nitro. I can point to multiple lawsuits over underpayments to insurance companies that mount into the billions. You don't have any real numbers to back up your lie. I know you don't have them because what you say isn't true. Its more made up shit.


Well-Known Member

Obamacare Premiums Are On The Rise, But Don't Blame Insurers

Why costs will continue to rise

What’s more is that premiums are expected to continue increasing through 2017 and beyond. That’s when the Affordable Care Act’s two central cost-concealing provisions—and the associated taxpayer handouts—will expire.

The first is called “re-insurance,” which uses taxpayer dollars to subsidize the highest-cost patients. The second is “risk corridors,” through which insurers are compensated for higher-than-anticipated costs—like they experienced in 2014 and 2015. Once these programs expire, the lost revenue will have to be replaced—and it will come directly in the form of higher premiums. Dr. Stephen Parente of the Carlson School of Management at the University of Minnesota has estimated what families and individuals can expect to pay.

Using a health insurance simulation model funded in part by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Dr. Parente estimates the expiration of these programs will cause average premiums for middle-of-the-road silver plans to jump another 12.1% and 9.2% for individual and family policies, respectively, in 2017. And the years after that will only see further hikes.

The fundamental problem is subsidies that were used to keep individual costs down are expiring and the GOP congress is refusing to extend them. What had been a good deal for everybody is now broken and it was done on purpose. You blame kids, sniveling little coward that you are, because you can't deal with the fact that your fucked up GOP has no idea how to manage a government and should be terminated like the health care act they so desperately want to shut down.

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
Obamacare Premiums Are On The Rise, But Don't Blame Insurers

Why costs will continue to rise

What’s more is that premiums are expected to continue increasing through 2017 and beyond. That’s when the Affordable Care Act’s two central cost-concealing provisions—and the associated taxpayer handouts—will expire.

The first is called “re-insurance,” which uses taxpayer dollars to subsidize the highest-cost patients. The second is “risk corridors,” through which insurers are compensated for higher-than-anticipated costs—like they experienced in 2014 and 2015. Once these programs expire, the lost revenue will have to be replaced—and it will come directly in the form of higher premiums. Dr. Stephen Parente of the Carlson School of Management at the University of Minnesota has estimated what families and individuals can expect to pay.

Using a health insurance simulation model funded in part by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Dr. Parente estimates the expiration of these programs will cause average premiums for middle-of-the-road silver plans to jump another 12.1% and 9.2% for individual and family policies, respectively, in 2017. And the years after that will only see further hikes.

The fundamental problem is subsidies that were used to keep individual costs down are expiring and the GOP congress is refusing to extend them. What had been a good deal for everybody is now broken and it was done on purpose. You blame kids, sniveling little coward that you are, because you can't deal with the fact that your fucked up GOP has no idea how to manage a government and should be terminated like the health care act they so desperately want to shut down.
by signing up for it to the tune of 4.5 million?
OK Fog and Buck, Everything is just rainbows and fucking unicorns. Every household saved 2,500 bucks, everybody got to keep there shit and the democrats are just about fucking perfect. LOL TRUMP!

Just Let Me Be Faded

Well-Known Member
I think he's the man that will build the wall to secure the border. I think it's a great idea. Many Mexicans are against it, but why? So they can't commit crimes and escape to mexico? So drugs can't easily be transported? Fuck all that, secure it from terrorist. You really don't have to justify building a wall. The fact that there is so much controversy over this wall just goes to show that we have a bigger problem than we realize.
I agree with you.. Having a wall built would only benefit the U.S.
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