What is your Heritage?


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Spain and Morrocco, so close they can't even determine. That's awesome though, I got a kit for something like this a few years ago, but I don't know where it is.
You're right! My grandma might have been morrocon.
The yellow and orange circles are 100% from her though, previously unknown. My other grandparents are accounted for.


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before the Turkish Moorish Massacre and Alexander the Great there were a lot more Melinated people in Turkey than there are now. And many people don't know this, but parts of Turkey were considered "Ancient Greece" and some parts of Turkey actually reach back further in to history than Greece. You have heard of "The Midas Touch" right? That comes from Ancient Turkey.



When Americans think of the American revolution they picture a guy, with a musket or a drum, and a floppy red hat. This hat is known as a "Liberty Cap" and it can be found on the U.S. Army Seal/Emblem. The Red Cap in top of a Pole is known as a"Liberty Pole" and it was probably the first ever "Flag" that anyone flew in the air.

This was not something that comes from America though. These hats are an Ancient Turkish tradition. "Ancient Turkey" was known as Phrygia, and the "Liberty Cap" was originally the "Phrygian Cap" thousands of years before America was even a thought. Turkish history has shaped our History more than we know. In ancient Egypt (Kemet), the Pharaoh wanted to know whose language was older. The language of Kemet, or the language of Phrygia, so they raised 2 children in complete isolation in an attempt to find out what language someone would speak with no outside influence. After several years they let the children out and the first word they said was "Bekos" which is Phrygian for "Bread".

There are theories that the Phrygian Cap represents one of Phrygia's favorite Ceremonial Foods. Amanita Muscaria AKA Fly Agaric AKA Alice in Wonderland Mushroom. The effects of which are to make you feel like a giant and give you some extra strength supposedly. But you have to eat like 10 grams and they taste like shit and can kill you if you eat too much. Reindeer eat these mushrooms and they are known for not being easy to break down completely, so people will drink the urine and get the same effects as the Reindeer.

Phrygia is also the source of many words, and in Ancient Turkey they made the very first Rose extracts and perfume (which they still do), but more recently (the past thousand years or so) Turkey has it's own kind of liberty cap. And one that more of us are familiar with, we have all probably seen a Fez.

And at one point the Muslim empires (such as Turkey) were much larger than they are now, there was even a point (a LONG period of time) when Spain was Muslim territory, and the people there were Muslims up until the Christians came and killed them all in the Granada war.

Then there are the Tatars. Ex: The Volga Tatars and the Crimean Tatars, which have largely been forgotten, but after Genghis Khan and the break up of the Mongol empire, the "Golden Horde" was identified with the Western part of the broken Empire.

Volgan Tatars

Crimean Tatars

Lipta Tartars

Siberian Tatars

Baraba Tatars

If you have not seen the Turkish flag, it is a Crescent Moon next to a Star, this is also the symbol of Islam similar to how the Christian symbol is the Cross. If you look at the modern American organization known as "The Shriners" and compare their traditions (which are heavily Islamic) you can see that they have carried on the ideals (if not stole the ideas) and use them today to fund hospitals and communities around America. They even have parades and stuff. But as you can see, their symbol involves a sword being held over a crescent moon and star.

"Saint Nicholas" (the Catholic Saint) AKA "Santa Clause" was a Turkish man, and his hat is a Phrygian Cap, and the North Pole is a Liberty Pole.

Ancient Egypt also used red and white for "Crowns".

And we all know about Pirates, but we usually think of them as dirty European people. But as it turns out the "Barbary Pirates" which really started Piracy looked like this.

Here is a painting of them.


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No one has ever found Atlantean gold or Atlantean artwork, or a unique Atlantean weapon that someone brought to Greece from Atlantis or anything like that. Atlantis exists only in Myth, it does exist in the Myths of various people but it still only exists in Myth as far as anyone can find. There are underwater cities that have been discovered, such as the Dwarka town in the Gulf of Khambhat in India or the Bimini Road in the Bahamas and various others. But none of these have been discovered to have any culture around them that survived to be studied, meaning they probably did not have things like glass or metal.

But there is an Ancient Myth similar to Atlantis that has WAY more evidence of existing, this is the land of Punt. The Land of Punt in Egyptian means "The Land of the Gods" and if we ever find Punt we will probably find the Culture that brought Civilization to the Babylonians and Egyptians. So far Archaeologists have found Gold from Punt as well as well as Ebony wood from Punt. Then there is also a Tree stump that the Ancient Egyptian Myths say was a Tree that was a gift from Punt, and there are various shipping records where they ordered things like Naptha from Punt, meaning Punt was extracting Oils at a higher rate than Egypt and they were buying it from them for candle fuel and art work.

Right now the Land of Punt is thought to be in East Africa, but no one has ever found a structure of piece of Gold, or anything there that would indicate the Land of Punt was there.

According to the Egyptians, the people in Punt lived in houses that looked like the Huts pictured below. Dome shaped huts that were propped up on sticks. Usually this type of hut exists in Swampy regions because if you do not use stilts in a swampy region you will end up with a flooded house.

So I decided to do some research, and I started by looking at the Egyptian art of Punt. If you search "The Land of Punt" you will find carvings of the stilt houses with dome tops like pictured above. So I decided to do a search for "Stilt houses" and I found examples all over the world. But then I specifically found Ancient examples in Europe. For example, this cone topped dome is a reconstruction of the Ancient Crannoges they used to build in Scotland. They also used to build them in Ireland and Switzerland, which is not that far from Egypt. So I got a book called "The Lake Dwellings of Switzerland and Other Parts of Europe" by Ferdinand Keller. In his book he explains how these people would not only build stilt houses, but he theorizes that they actually connected the houses together and used them to form floating villages.

No one knows where the Land of Punt was actually located, but it is pretty much a guarantee that if Punt is ever discovered it will be found in a place where stilt houses were used, and most likely one of the Cultures that became part of the later Phoenician Culture.

Atlantis is a fun story to talk about, but Punt is just as Mysterious and we will probably actually discover it soon. I personally think it will be found in Northern Africa, or Somewhere in Europe


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Mungo Man Australia 50,000 years ago
A common theme in History is that "People were not able to cross large bodies of water until we made large wooden ships". And for the most part, this has gone unchallenged. But a few things Archaeologists and Anthropologists have discovered leave large questions to be answered. Such as, the Mungo man. The Mungo man is a skeleton that is located in Australia, and he died in Australia 50,000 years ago. Think about this, we are in 2014 AD and we think 2000 years is a long time. Imagine humans going from Africa to Australia via Asia and a theoretical land bridge (or possibly by boat) 70,000 years ago. Then that leaves another question, "How did the modern Aboriginals (supposed descendants of the Mungo man) become Homo Sapiens with a massive body of water in the way that we can't even find a missing plane in today (The Indian Ocean is where the Malaysian Airliner disappeared)

To get to Australia they would have needed a boat right? Now, I am not denying the land bridge theory, but a man named Thor Heyerdahl did some research and discovered that they had boats in Ancient Egypt, but we just don't have many left because they were made of reeds and didn't preserve long enough for us to keep. But we do have drawings of boats, and men fishing, which proves that they at least had the concepts if not used boats regularly. In 1947 (Kon-Tiki), 1969 (Ra I) and 1970 (Ra II) Thor Heyerdahl used ancient Egyptian and Peruvian Reed boat models (which are both basically identical even though they were across the ocean from each other), and he proved that using simple read boats ancient people could have gone anywhere a large wooden ship could.

Modern Peruvian Made

Ancient Egyptian Model


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Then 18,000 BC there is the Pepper plant and its relatives (Like Kava Kava). The pepper plant (and its relatives) has a unique formation, where the leaf seems to have a spear poking out. And this plant have traveled to all the same places as the "AtlAtl" which is known as a "Woomera" by Australian Aboriginals, and seems to be modeled after the pepper leaf.

Woomera, can be used as grinding bowl or weapon sling.

American AtlAtl

How they are used

Clogg's Cave Australia 17,000 years ago
Eve of Naharon 13,600 years ago

La Brea Woman Los Angeles around 10,000 years ago... (15,000ish BC) When the crazy stuff starts.

in Jericho (Syro-Palestinian, which is Bible stuff) and UrfaTurkey (Where the first statue was made, instead of statuettes).

Israel and Syria

Turkey and Greece

Syro-Palestinian Jericho.

Near Bethlaham, 11,000 BC (Ain Sakhri)


And contrary to what people say, as you can see, these people were hunter gatherers and they were able to come together and build, they were not just in tents.

Around 10,000 BC human beings around Egypt (known to the people of "Egypt" as "Kemet", the word "Egypt" comes from "Aegyptos") were the first to ever map the stars. The location of this "Map" is known as Nabta Playa.


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No one is absolutely sure how the first people to map the stars did it, but it has recently been discovered that Dung Beetles (AKA: The Ancient Egyptian Scarab, AKA: Khepri) use the stars, the sun and the moon to navigate. As well as used dung balls to roll around on (even rolling off small cliffs for fun), which probably taught humans how to make wheels.

In Ancient Egypt the Scarab Beetle was known as "Khepri" AKA: The Keeper. And this was an important icon to the Kemetic people. They saw the Beetle as a symbol for human growth. It starts as an egg, becomes a larva, then a Beetle. At which point it uses materials from other animals to care for its young and repeat the cycle. Basically representing the potential of the Children.

When you say "Australia" most Americans have a few things pop up in their heads. A Kangaroo and a Boomerang. Which brings up the next unexplained phenomenon known as "Throwing Sticks". Most Historians will chalk this up to "They probably invented these things independent of each other out of necessity" and I would like anyone reading this to accept that theory, until you start to see correlations that are too strong to be coincidence. What a throwing stick is, is basically a curved stick for throwing, so you can hit a bird or small animal in the neck or back and knock it down. The Boomerang is basically an advanced version of a Throwing Stick. The ones in the picture are actually African (Egyptian) not Australian. They can also be found in Europe, Asia and the Americas, popping up around 10,000 BC.

Then, next as you may have been thinking after the throwing stick, comes the lineage of the Dog. The first Dogs were around Europe and Asia, which is also where the first Boomerangs/Throwing Sticks were, and the first dogs that they consider to be truly "domesticated" are the ones than got buried the same as humans. The first domestic dogs have also been found to have been on mostly sea food diets, which leads me to believe that the people that domesticated them had boats to fish on, and dogs may have even been fishing companions. Dogs are another strange phenomenon that no one can really explain why, but they are in Australia (Dingo), America (Carolina Dog) and Asia (Common Breeds). Another animal like this is the Opossum, which can only be found in America and Australia and I think they have a relative in Africa, like the tree Kangaroo or something.


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Their are stones known as "Rocking Stones" in Scotland that are from the stone ages, and they seem to be some kind of weather indicator. As if the people were making "instruments" to measure glacial shift and other things after the Ice Age.

Strangely, similar structures can be found in Canada.

Then there is the "Dagon Stone". Dagon was a Philistine (Palestinian) God that was known for his affinity to Water and Fish. The stone has traditionally been used in wedding ceremonies.

Then there is the Granny Kempock stone, which also has traditionally been associated with Sailors and Marriage. This type of ancient standing stone altar thing, is call a "Menhir".

in Ireland there is "Black Pig's Dyke" which are giant excavated parts of land, that have no explanation. The local legend is that they were make by a Giant Black Pig's Tusks.

And tons of things like Bellykeel Dolmen in Ireland.


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The Greek Diffusion into Africa and Asia, as well as it's Infusion with these cultures is known as "Hellenization". And this era is called "The Hellenistic Era". The most well known Character in this era is Alexander the Great. He took his fathers army and Conquered everyone becoming king of Everywhere. When he went to Egypt he threatened the Viziers to say he should be crowned king, and the Pharaohess adopted him so that he would take the throne when she died. He went to what is now know as Turkey, and there was a rope that was tied into a knot with no end (The Gordian Knot), and whoever untied it was supposed to become King. So Alexander the Great Chopped it in half with his sword. His peers actually distrusted him because he adopted Eastern traditions in his court (like ring kissing) but eventually he gave it up and then died young anyways. I forget what killed him, but he could not talk at the end of his life, and his last major action was to wave at his army as they walked by one by one to wave bye. Alexander is part of black history, because his conquest began the gentrification (whitening) of Africa and the Middle East.

Ptolemy, who was a proxy for Alexander, instituted the Library of Alexandria (in Egypt on the continent of Africa). This library was basically the driving force behind scholarly historical research for the next thousand years, and it was burned down over and over in take overs and accidents. And we would have a lot more information about history if it was not burned down. Ptolemy also instituted the Musaeum, which was the first Museum. And had the Septuagint written, which is the first Bible.

In Kemetic culture, they would choose a bull every year that they would treat like a king. Not many people know this, but the word "Pharaoh" actually comes from the word "Par'Oh" which was not the title of the Egyptian king, but the name of the Palace he lived in, which included this bull which was treated like a king. The bull would be called "Apis" and was considered the son of "Hathor", who gave birth to him after being impregnated by a ray of light. Then, after the year was complete they would kill the bull in order to wash their sins for the year.

As this culture moved from Africa in to the European regions, it experienced problems as well. Just as when Imhotep came to Greece and was rejected for not being white, Apis was rejected for not being human. So, the Greeks decided to create a new version of the sin sacrifice. A man with a symbol of Enlightenment and Success on his head. The Head Quarters of this cult was a town called Sebennytos, where "Aegyptica" (the history of Egypt) was written by one of the cults leaders.

In 196 BC, the Rosetta stone was made, and without it, Egypt would be a complete mystery.


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1602, Jamestown Virginia is the first American Settlement. After Roanoke, where everyone mysteriously disappeared. The scribes at Jamestown claimed that native Americans already had 2 story stone houses, walls, etc when they got there, and that white prisoners were seen with natives, as well as various white people that were living along side natives. No one knows what happened to the Roanoke colony, and the number of white people seen with natives far outnumbers the number of people that were part of the colony. When the Jamestown people came they walled themselves in and acted as if the natives were just killing everyone outside, so there could have easily been booming commerce happening between people that never wrote anything down and all we have is the writings of crazy people who basically thought the zombies hordes were outside.

the only thing the Roanoke settlers left for the next colonists was a tree that said "Croatoan"

There is also record of Vikings having come to parts of the Americas from Iceland, and Forges have been found on the East Coast.


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Also, some Native Americans claim they came out of the ground, while some Native Americans claim they came on boats and just followed the Sunrise or Sunset for 40 days or something.

Then there are Chicken bones from Brazil that match Chickens in Serbia or somewhere, and there are Brazilian and other Natives that have links to Polynesians. Then there are Samoans (Hawaiians) and the Maori, and there was a mummy in America that was related to Serbians or something.