water only


Well-Known Member
1You might not need to cut it because you're using different stuff and you already used light warrior I don't know what the other thing is. . 2 You could try it I never used that stuff either. 3 stay the course 4 you might be fine either way. some people still get good results. I put all kinds of stuff in mine and it made it kind of hot. My super soil is done with roots organic I can give you my recipe if you want.


Well-Known Member
1You might not need to cut it because you're using different stuff and you already used light warrior I don't know what the other thing is. . 2 You could try it I never used that stuff either. 3 stay the course 4 you might be fine either way. some people still get good results. I put all kinds of stuff in mine and it made it kind of hot. My super soil is done with roots organic I can give you my recipe if you want.
Yea, what's your recipe? I pretty much have all the amendments I need to create another SS and wouldn't mind going off a tried and true formula.


Well-Known Member
7 bags roots organic,2 bags light mix, 60L 40lb bag of ewc, 5lbs bloodmeal, 5lbs guano or substitute I don't use the guano anymore. 5lbs fishbone meal, 1 1/2 cups dolomite, 1 1/2 cups epsom salts, 1 1/2 cups green sand, 2 cups organic balance, 2 cups crab meal you can add more, 2 cups neem seed meal,2 cups oyster shell, 2 cups azomite,2 cups kelp meal, 7 tbs humic acid 7 tbs great white mycorrhizae( probably best if you save that and sprinkle it on the roots when you transplant). eyeballed the perlite. Mix it all together and spray with a gallon and a half of water, mix it again and store it in a trashcan. after a month or so dump it out and mix it again then back in the trashcan. That's one recipe I'll have to look for the other one. Cow manure is much simpler that's what I'm doing now.


Well-Known Member
Yea, what's your recipe? I pretty much have all the amendments I need to create another SS and wouldn't mind going off a tried and true formula.
I'll give you another tip for super soil. If you want to make it out of fox farm look at the ingredients listed on the bag and add more of that. I don't know what all they put in it so I cant say what to add. just add more and beef it up. You're making a soil concentrate.


Well-Known Member
I'll give you another tip for super soil. If you want to make it out of fox farm look at the ingredients listed on the bag and add more of that. I don't know what all they put in it so I cant say what to add. just add more and beef it up. You're making a soil concentrate.
7 bags of R/O!? You must have a decent size grow! I only need like one bag, only ever vegging 4 at any given time. I guess since I am over loaded with seeds and have plenty more plants already vegging/cloning and germinating as we speak, I'll just try a lil bit of everything. My SS alone, my SS mixed with Pro-Mix, etc. I have a few Sativas that mean the world to me so I realllllly hope my SS is up to snuff. I'm almost positive I should be ok for the rest of this grow if I can just dial in my PH. I am learning a lot here by messing up. Dolomite Lime seems to be the number one thing to add to any soils to make sure the P.H stays leveled. Do you bother letting your water sit for 24 hours to burn the chlorine off? When my water FIRST comes out the tap, it's 8.6 but when I let it marinate for 36+ hours it drops to 7.6. What I am getting at is, I could feed my plants with 6.6 water using my current nute selection if I can feed it RIGHT out of the tap since it lowers it by 2.0, instead of allowing it to get to 7.7 and it lowering to 5.7 but if I have to wait to de-chlorinate then I'll go with your 1/4 servings instead to get the right PH. I promise I won't keep bothering you. I am just about to hop off the training wheels and start riding alone for awhile.


Well-Known Member
7 bags of R/O!? You must have a decent size grow! I only need like one bag, only ever vegging 4 at any given time. I guess since I am over loaded with seeds and have plenty more plants already vegging/cloning and germinating as we speak, I'll just try a lil bit of everything. My SS alone, my SS mixed with Pro-Mix, etc. I have a few Sativas that mean the world to me so I realllllly hope my SS is up to snuff. I'm almost positive I should be ok for the rest of this grow if I can just dial in my PH. I am learning a lot here by messing up. Dolomite Lime seems to be the number one thing to add to any soils to make sure the P.H stays leveled. Do you bother letting your water sit for 24 hours to burn the chlorine off? When my water FIRST comes out the tap, it's 8.6 but when I let it marinate for 36+ hours it drops to 7.6. What I am getting at is, I could feed my plants with 6.6 water using my current nute selection if I can feed it RIGHT out of the tap since it lowers it by 2.0, instead of allowing it to get to 7.7 and it lowering to 5.7 but if I have to wait to de-chlorinate then I'll go with your 1/4 servings instead to get the right PH. I promise I won't keep bothering you. I am just about to hop off the training wheels and start riding alone for awhile.
I live in the country with a hand driven well, I have very clean well water. chlorine will screw up your soil. Let it sit, you don't want to use cold water on plants you don't want chlorine. It you want to use that stuff you might want to look into a ro system (reverse osmosis) and regardless use the 1/4 teaspoon every watering for your low p plants. just on the plants that are messed up. After the water sits you can put an airstone in it, you can raise the ph that way. if that don't work just add lime to the soil. A teaspoon or tablespoon not much spread it evenly and scratch it into the soil.


Well-Known Member
I live in the country with a hand driven well, I have very clean well water. chlorine will screw up your soil. Let it sit, you don't want to use cold water on plants you don't want chlorine. It you want to use that stuff you might want to look into a ro system (reverse osmosis) and regardless use the 1/4 teaspoon every watering for your low p plants. just on the plants that are messed up. After the water sits you can put an airstone in it, you can raise the ph that way. if that don't work just add lime to the soil. A teaspoon or tablespoon not much spread it evenly and scratch it into the soil.
Should I crush up the pelleted Dolomite LIme I have? Use what I got? Or go buy pulverized DL?


Well-Known Member
Hey, wanna see what water only can do,,, check this guys grow, he is at week 7,, water only in Soil
So lets say I use my Super Soil (not sub-cools mix I just call it that) and during flower I see deficiencies. How do I go about correcting those problems without using the blue fertilizers like I did? I'm sure I won't run into problems, but just in case I am looking in contingency nutes I can add when I start to see 'em. I think I am going to run an exp and use a full pot of SS and one cut with something else so it's not so "rich", and one transplanted to see what gives me the least amount of defs during a grow.

Tim Fox

Well-Known Member
So lets say Ithe my Super Soil (not sub-cools mix I just call it that) and during flower I see deficiencies. How do I go about correcting those problems without using the blue fertilizers like I did? I'm sure I won't run into problems, but just in case I am looking in contingency nutes I can add when I start to see 'em. I think I am going to run an exp and use a full pot of SS and one cut with something else so it's not so "rich", and one transplanted to see what gives me the least amount of defs during a grow.
The idea is to start with a mix that will make it all the way through the whole grow
But if you can't make it because the soil was weak, week by all means ad something,
But if you do add more consider adding a dry organic fert such as happy frog or one of the other dry organics


Well-Known Member
I am in the process of building the 2.1 master mix by the REV. Total cost was about 350 to get every amendment that he says to get . But I would assume that it will last me for a long time as I now have 4 shelves full of bags. Fingers crossed it will work. I haven't ran into anyone saying it didn't work yet ! We will see soon as I'm starting the cooking tomorrow.
TLO is the way to go !


Well-Known Member
The idea is to start with a mix that will make it all the way through the whole grow
But if you can't make it because the soil was weak, week by all means ad something,
But if you do add more consider adding a dry organic fert such as happy frog or one of the other dry organics

The idea is to start with a mix that will make it all the way through the whole grow
But if you can't make it because the soil was weak, week by all means ad something,
But if you do add more consider adding a dry organic fert such as happy frog or one of the other dry organics
Would top dressing and teas have worked? I have this dry fertilizer made by Fox Farms, I always wondered how quickly does this stuff become available for the plant to use? Or could I make a tea out of that dry fertilizer? Out of genuine curiosity, why doesn't Ocean Forest last all the way to flower in one pot? I have been researching for months and if everything they say is true, then there soil is basically a Super Soil mix, with nothing differ in it that I am doing to my own mix. So why does FF run out half way through where my own soil that I amended with basically the same shit, probably even less, will get me all the way through flower. Hell, I've heard of people just putting Peat moss/ EWC/ Perlite + Kelp&Alfalfa + Dolomite Lime + Azomite and call it a night. That mix sounds NOTHING compared to FFOF and yet people say that brings them all the way to flower. I just don't understand. I'm reading "Teaming with Microbes", I hope to get some clarity.

Tim Fox

Well-Known Member
"Teaming with Microbes"
thats a good read,

on my next grow I am going to use nothing but ffof and domolite lime in a SIP container and use nothing but water all the way thru flower

the last time I "thought" my ffof needed nutes I ended up to Nitrogen tox, because the soil already had plenty of nutes in it,, many people report burning thier plants and having lock outs when adding nutes to fox farms ocean forest,, so its water only for me the whole ride,,
hope this helps


Well-Known Member
FFOF has made it all the way thru for me and several friends now thru several grows,,
Yes, but with repotting, no? That's kind of a big differ don't you think? My super soil will take me all the way through flower with no repotting but with FFOF you have to. I don't get why. Or is there something I am not understanding here?

Tim Fox

Well-Known Member
whats the big deal on up potting?,,, small plants in little containers, like seedlings and clones, move them to 1 gallons and after that into final containers,, i dont see the big deal?

Tim Fox

Well-Known Member
so, your soil gets you all the way thru flower with no re potting,, and ffof gets you all the way thru with re potting,, both methods get you all the way thru with water only,,,
win win,,,