Donald Trump

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Well-Known Member
Trump put this out. Lol. Balls the size of melons.

Whoever can knock down hillary will go down history. Could trump be that guy?

Its fucking delicious to watch her squirm. Now she gets a taste of her own medicine.

Very possible he gets assasinated.
hillary is up 10 points in the polls and is squirming?

you are brainwashed by trump the same way germans got brainwashed by hitler.


Well-Known Member
Trump put this out. Lol. Balls the size of melons.

Very possible he gets assasinated.
You'll need to check with megan kelly about his testicle size, she sniped his nads way back when... you mean melon balls like a fruit cocktail? The 'man' youre referring to fears journalists. He has no balls he's a witless abomination.

"assasinated" you're dull AF, aren't you the heifer that barfed up that "hillary is a dog" post? you're fucking vile

Trump is harmless no one wants to go down in history for killing a clown


Well-Known Member
You'll need to check with megan kelly about his testicle size, she sniped his nads way back when... you mean melon balls like a fruit cocktail? The 'man' youre referring to fears journalists. He has no balls he's a witless abomination.
I love you.


Well-Known Member
man, you are having a complete meltdown. this is even worse than the meltdown you had when see4 correctly identified forbes as right wing propaganda, or the days-long meltdown you had following abe supercro around.

allow me to explain the incredibly simple context that you are failing to see with that 6th grade education of yours.

fox news lover NLXSK was trying to scream at the top of his lungs that the orlando shooting was so incredibly definitely done by a terrorist. i pointed out that not even his own beloved "news" network was reporting that. i did not even read the article beyond the headline, or rely on the veracity of their incredibly shitty reporting.

so ya see, you have it incredibly wrong, like always.

and fox news, just like forbes, is nothing but right wing propaganda. the people like you who watch it are all very dumb, and almost 100% racist without fail.

go take your meltdown elsewhere, bigoted little princess.
LOL. I'm having the meltdown? All I did is point out your hypocrisy.

The only one here we can positively confirm is a patron of FoxNews is the idiot that cites them. You.

Brevity is key. No need for the angry War and Peace tantrum you just posted.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
You'll need to check with megan kelly about his testicle size, she sniped his nads way back when... you mean melon balls like a fruit cocktail? The 'man' youre referring to fears journalists. He has no balls he's a witless abomination.

"assasinated" you're dull AF, aren't you the heifer that barfed up that "hillary is a dog" post? you're fucking vile

Trump is harmless no one wants to go down in history for killing a clown



Well-Known Member

BOOM, Fireworks to follow.

Hillary for Prison 2016 :)

Even the extreme left media smells the blood in the water.

Hillary = Too Corrupt / Incompetence to be elected. :)


On positive note, regarding foreign politics: Congrats to the UK for finding your balls, and telling the EU to get stuffed. The NWO was unavailable for comment, but you can bet they're unhappy.


Sad day in Canada. Your high court rules oral sex with animals legal. I'm sure this makes Hillary feel good. Because I've always put her in the she's a " Dog " column on looks. That should excite UncleBuck as well. He'll be stocking up on creamy peanut butter, and visiting a Dog adoption center soon. ;)

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Well-Known Member
LOL. I'm having the meltdown? All I did is point out your hypocrisy.

The only one here we can positively confirm is a patron of FoxNews is the idiot that cites them. You.

Brevity is key. No need for the angry War and Peace tantrum you just posted.
what hypocrisy?

only hypocrisy i see is your ongoing meltdown and chasing me around while not making a single peep about all the posts your fellow right wing racist retards have made actually citing fox news, rather than throwing it back in someone's face.

anyhoo, continue with your meltdown, i find it amusing.


Well-Known Member
You think her experience in mishandling state business is behavior worthy of the presidency.
still trying to make something out of this whole fake scandal?

you've already declined to wager your account on her getting indicted. so now you are just flapping your gums.

besides, you are supporting a guy on trial for violating the RICO law in multiple states right now.

with standards that incredibly low, you have literally no room to criticize anyone else.


Well-Known Member
what hypocrisy?

only hypocrisy i see is your ongoing meltdown and chasing me around while not making a single peep about all the posts your fellow right wing racist retards have made actually citing fox news, rather than throwing it back in someone's face.

anyhoo, continue with your meltdown, i find it amusing.

I see you've already abandoned your 1st argument. Remember? When you claimed that citing their website is nothing like watching them on tv. That was a good argument. It made you seem smart. Seriously.


Well-Known Member

I see you've already abandoned your 1st argument. Remember? When you claimed that citing their website is nothing like watching them on tv. That was a good argument. It made you seem smart. Seriously.
so why aren't you desperately following everyone else around who has actually cited fox news?

don't want to bother your fellow racist right wing retards?


Well-Known Member
BOOM, Fireworks to follow.

Hillary for Prison 2016 :)

Even the extreme left media smells the blood in the water.



Sad day in Canada. Your high court rules oral sex with animals legal. I'm sure this makes Hillary feel good. Because I've always put her in the she's a " Dog " column on looks. That should excite UncleBuck as well. He'll be stocking up on creamy peanut butter, and visiting a Dog adoption center soon. ;)
Trump is far behind in the polls and on betting sites...BOOM youre a chronic masturbator

Bro she was the sect of state you are a fucking stoner half wit...saying she is a "dog" lol, you live in maggot infested match box, she's moving BACK into the white house.
Bro, think about it. Youre the type of POS thats up on animal oral sex law!

You likely know you're dumb AF. Talking about dog sex is another turd on your crown of feces.
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Well-Known Member
i just want to see how you attempt to justify being such a retarded hypocritical idiot.
LOL. Anything to distract from your hypocrisy, FoxNews boy? Can't say I blame you. I'd feel pretty silly right now if I got busted being that dumb. There's no shame in admitting you watch FoxNews.

You're too easy. Maybe that's why?

And, if you can quote anything, anywhere from me being supportive of ANY political party, I'll concede. Fair enough?
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