The Irish Growers Thread!

For small amounts get the olive or pickles in Aldi/Lidl eat and put in dishwasher then clean with iso.
Spaghetti holders are good too.
Larger amounts i would use food safe plastic vessels, brew shop has good ones.
Serious question. Have any Irish growers had problems with excess electricity consumption being detected ? I am planning to build up slowly to prevent a sudden increase & I am on a payg meter.

theres no safe/unsafe formula such as 1000w per bedroom like in the usa, high usage gets flagged, what constitutes high usage = i dont know, when your flagged its not a "real" issue(plenty of legit reason to have high use), the immediate concern is that your usage is high because of commercial use and the electricity company is charging you the wrong rate , business pay higher (their not getting their full pound of flesh). If your running retarderly high numbers then maybe they jump to growing immediately. Working your way up is the way to go. How you extract is the bigger issue and where you have to read up, attic issue like everyone said in partiular. Gardai arnt the only people with helicopters and thermal cameras, they arnt spending their time hunting folks tmk but going A to B and they spot something dodgy they wont ignore it.

No idea in regards to pgy meters, some in the uk would say their licenses to go wild, probably not with the new models.

Yup, coz you can still get them.

its all kraft shit now, miss the old mars bars, are fat frogs gone?
i'd think a goodclone onli that's fro ma medical/rec state in Murcia- may be min, 50 u.s. currently. ova there, least twice that.. so at .9 conversion, 90e+ for top shelf clone. perhaps less with more, or more w less. thirteenth donut is freedom
its all kraft shit now, miss the old mars bars, are fat frogs gone?

Yeah, cadbury's sold out, the bastards.

Fat Frogs the ice lolly or drink? Can't say I've seen the ice lolly's in a long time but the drink comes in 750ml (or thereabouts) bottles, usually found in the fridge along with bacardi breezers, smirnoff ice and other alchopops. It gives me wicked heartburn, yuk!
:shock: suddenly clears up so much
