Protests break out after Baton Rouge police fatally shoot man


Well-Known Member
Look man, I can agree this is 100% bullshit, but people are stupid to fight back in the moment right on the streets with police. This is the shit that happens, they WILL fucking kill you.

Whatever happened to keeping your cool, surviving the encounter and then burning their house down later? Do they not teach this anymore?
Do you have information about him fighting back? If you do, please share, because this is the first I've heard of it.


Well-Known Member
Do you have information about him fighting back? If you do, please share, because this is the first I've heard of it.

Where is the video showing what happened to escalate the situation to the point they felt the need to wrestle him to the ground?

Not worthy of a death sentence whatever it was I'm sure, but again he is dead as fuck now regardless. Guess his buddies will have to file the complaint for him.


Well-Known Member
MuyLoco's Steps to Surviving Police Encounters

1. Don't sell bootleg DVD's/CD's late at night in the first place.
2. Don't brandish and threaten passerbys with a firearm.
3. If Step 1 & 2 are broken, expect police intervention.
4. When expected arrest occurs, politely place your hands behind your back for cuffing.
5. Address officers as Sir or Ma'am and follow all instructions immediately.
6. Don't initiate a brawl with your arresting officers*
7. Don't continue to brawl when your arresting officers taze you.

* Most important step

If you follow the steps above, regardless of your race, you will survive your encounter with the police. If you follow steps 1 & 2, you will likely never find yourself in the position of needing the remaining steps.


Well-Known Member
Where is the video showing what happened to escalate the situation to the point they felt the need to wrestle him to the ground?

Not worthy of a death sentence whatever it was I'm sure, but again he is dead as fuck now regardless. Guess his buddies will have to file the complaint for him.
From my understanding, there is both a dash cam video and a store security video that caught the whole thing.


Well-Known Member
This is why no one defends the police. This is why no one will assist them when they need it.


Well-Known Member
This is why no one defends the police. This is why no one will assist them when they need it.
Actually, citizens assist the police quite frequently. Many times in subduing other citizens that are overpowering the officer. I wouldn't hesitate for one second to assist an officer in need.


Well-Known Member
MuyLoco's Steps to Surviving Police Encounters

1. Don't sell bootleg DVD's/CD's late at night in the first place.
2. Don't brandish and threaten passerbys with a firearm.
3. If Step 1 & 2 are broken, expect police intervention.
4. When expected arrest occurs, politely place your hands behind your back for cuffing.
5. Address officers as Sir or Ma'am and follow all instructions immediately.
6. Don't initiate a brawl with your arresting officers*
7. Don't continue to brawl when your arresting officers taze you.

* Most important step

If you follow the steps above, regardless of your race, you will survive your encounter with the police. If you follow steps 1 & 2, you will likely never find yourself in the position of needing the remaining steps.
1. The store owner had no problem with him being there, so neither do I.
2. That has been alleged, which means nothing when dealing with police. Louisiana is an open carry state (unless you're black).
3. See #1
4. From the video you saw, there is absolutely no way to determine his level of cooperation.
5. Fuck that. Respect is earned, not given.
6. See #4
7. When was he tazed? Those were bullets, not electricity.

*Most important step

What you just said was complete bullshit.


Well-Known Member
1. The store owner had no problem with him being there, so neither do I.
2. That has been alleged, which means nothing when dealing with police. Louisiana is an open carry state (unless you're black).
3. See #1
4. From the video you saw, there is absolutely no way to determine his level of cooperation.
5. Fuck that. Respect is earned, not given.
6. See #4
7. When was he tazed? Those were bullets, not electricity.

*Most important step

What you just said was complete bullshit.
1. How you or the store owner feel is irrelevant to the law or its enforcement.
2. Citizens are arrested every day for "alleged", that just means innocent until proven guilty in a court of law, not that you can't be arrested for it. Open carry doesn't allow brandishing or threatening, silly.
3. See #1 & #2.
4. Who mentioned a video?
5. Respect has zero to do with this situation. Compliance is MANDATORY, respect is optional.
6. See #4
7. Reports I read stated tazed, then shot.

Everything you said is the ramblings of a petulant, delusional child.


Pickle Queen
Cops are lonely people. They can only hang out with other police losers. Losers with losers. Even their extended families don't like hanging out with them.

Who the fuck wants this social life?
No not friends dad and ex boyfriends brother inlaw are both awesome people and do great work in my old city..but these are Canadian men


Well-Known Member
It really is quite simple. If police officers ask you questions, you answer them. If they don't, you shut up. If they give you the opportunity to explain the situation, consider it a gift. If they don't or after hearing it they say the words "we're placing you under arrest", talky time is over. Put your hands behind your back, because you're either going to jail, going to the hospital and then jail or you're going in the ground.

That's the reality, that's exactly the way it should be and if you think it shouldn't be that way, then you're an idiot that thinks cops should be street judges who you plead your case to without the benefit of a idiot.


Well-Known Member
4. From the video you saw, there is absolutely no way to determine his level of cooperation.
7. When was he tazed? Those were bullets, not electricity.
From the store owner/witness you touted earlier in this thread. Not surprised you haven't seen this, I'm guessing you rely on the liberal agenda/feels filtered media.

The store’s owner, Abdul Muflahi, told WAFB-TV that the first officer used a stun gun on Sterling and the second officer tackled the man.

Muflahi said as Sterling fought to get the officer off of him, the first officer shot him “four to six times.


Well-Known Member
From the store owner/witness you touted earlier in this thread. Not surprised you haven't seen this, I'm guessing you rely on the liberal agenda/feels filtered media.

The store’s owner, Abdul Muflahi, told WAFB-TV that the first officer used a stun gun on Sterling and the second officer tackled the man.

Muflahi said as Sterling fought to get the officer off of him, the first officer shot him “four to six times.
"Four to six times"


Well-Known Member
It really is quite simple. If police officers ask you questions, you answer them. If they don't, you shut up. If they give you the opportunity to explain the situation, consider it a gift. If they don't or after hearing it they say the words "we're placing you under arrest", talky time is over. Put your hands behind your back, because you're either going to jail, going to the hospital and then jail or you're going in the ground.

That's the reality, that's exactly the way it should be and if you think it shouldn't be that way, then you're an idiot that thinks cops should be street judges who you plead your case to without the benefit of a idiot.
What you're doing here is blaming the victim. Are the police ever wrong in your eyes?