Change is coming. Race relations in this nation have been trashed. It will take several years to fix the problems that happened. If you asked me 8 years ago. Do you think there would be more violence in the streets? Do you think it would be racially motivated? Do you think the police would be killing black people left and right? I would have said "not a chance". we have a black president. The states have spoken. They want race relations to get much better. There is going to be good change there.
Now current day. All that is happening. Us as a society failed each other. Lots of hate. There is more hate now between the races then 8 years ago. Blame can be pushed in all directions. It still comes back to each and every one of us. Time to stop blaming. Time to start changing.
Oh yes my IQ is well above 100 Mr. Admin. I know somebody complained. You did what your position in the group dictates.
You can read my words and start change. Or you can delete my post and forget about it. Keep going in the direction we are. I already know that won't solve anything. Because that isn't working. Yes we have the right to protest. Has that done anything good? I think not. Go ahead protest. I'm not standing in your way. Don't mind if I laugh at it when I see it on TV. That's my right.
@Admin Please feel free to ban me. This group has people that spread hate traps. I have never had to use the ignore feature in a group till now. So I don't want to be part of this one bit.
What ever you won't see me here. I don't need people pushing my rage button. This section and person did that. Behind a screen this is the only reaction

you get. In person a lot more.