Protests break out after Baton Rouge police fatally shoot man


Pickle Queen

I think you might have misunderstood the intent of my post, in the same way that I'm realizing I might have misjudged you, sigh, so much misplace anger...
It's called sarcasm. .I hate all races equally these days...I don't judge people I chose to converse and exchange views and cheeky remarks. .if u take it seriously that's on u sorry u feel the need to judge me by a few comments I make on the interwebs..


Well-Known Member
Cable news coverage of the shooting:
CNN = 1 hour, 54 minutes, 6 seconds across six segments
MSNBC = 1 hour, 40 minutes, 32 seconds across seventeen segments
Fox = 6 minutes, 17 seconds across six segments

Is anyone surprised?


Well-Known Member
Cable news coverage of the shooting:
CNN = 1 hour, 54 minutes, 6 seconds across six segments
MSNBC = 1 hour, 40 minutes, 32 seconds across seventeen segments
Fox = 6 minutes, 17 seconds across six segments

Is anyone surprised?
So we have established there is bias going both ways in the news business??

Why would anyone get their news from one source anyway? News is just information packaged by a certain entity to present a slanted reality.


Well-Known Member
I am in complete agreement but eventually the usuals will flow in here saying their obligatory "If he didn't do____, he'd still be alive.", "All he had to do was _____, and this wouldn't have happened.", or "What about black on black crime?".
BOTH of the incidents were caught on video, and it's really obvious that NEITHER had even a shred of justification.

In other selective enforcement news, Mrs Clinton will go scot free for putting classified materials on an insecure server- even though her staff will be sanctioned?!?


Well-Known Member
Divide and Conquer is the agenda of the MSM ... Turning neighbor against neighbor one of the most old school tricks in the book... just look at the Middle East... Shiite vs Sunni.. only 1 star of David benefits from this bloodshed ... same in the Black vs White situation

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Knowing what we know and the current standard for crimes committed by police, why would a person even bother taking them to court? Justice simply wont be served.

But enough people take care of things themselves, then the courts will have no choice but to start prosecuting the asshole cops who do step over the line in order to reel in the vigilantes and to show people the system does and can work and to balance things back out. Right now cops get away with murder and no one is doing a damn thing about it but holding signs and/or burning down their neighbors business. I dont believe middle ground will be found on this issue without first swinging violently back the other way.

If I was a cop that was capable of murdering someone and then everyone starting burning other peoples houses down in retaliation, I'd probably laugh and even possibly do it again someday. But if my house was a blaze, I'd be telling my coworkers to be scared and to not fuck with these people...

I think you may have just described the inherent and inevitable "chaos" caused by government which has metastized to where they all eventually end up...tyranny .

To me the answer lies not in "fixing" the system. I think, the answers are found when we ask different questions and apply different methods of providing services which don't grant immunity and monopoly to one class of people, like the present does for cops and courts etc..

For instance, in a free market with competing security and dispute mediation service providers, customer feedback
would weed out the back actors. That is impossible under the present government design where some people are delegated rights that other people do not have.


Well-Known Member
I think you may have just described the inherent and inevitable "chaos" caused by government which has metastized to where they all eventually end up...tyranny .

To me the answer lies not in "fixing" the system. I think, the answers are found when we ask different questions and apply different methods of providing services which don't grant immunity and monopoly to one class of people, like the present does for cops and courts etc..

For instance, in a free market with competing security and dispute mediation service providers, customer feedback
would weed out the back actors. That is impossible under the present government design where some people are delegated rights that other people do not have.
Competing security? So anyone gets to form their own possee and dispense justice. Yeah, sounds like it would work out greeeeeat....


Well-Known Member
Still haven't read the Market for Liberty have you?

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If you cannot explain a concept at a 4th grade level you cannot possibly accept it to work across society.

You suggested private security firms. By the way, since no body can have rights that a person cannot, this security company cannot detain anyone unless that power is granted to every citizen. So, basically anyone can kidnap and detain anyone else at any time in your society.

Here is how it works... A guy comes to your store and says he can protect your store from damage and if you have problems you should call him. The next week some kid shows up and breaks your windows. (what are you gonna do to the kid? are you going to attempt to detain him? Is your 'private' security firm going to do that for you? ) Then the guy waits for you to call him and start paying him 'Protection' money.

So, since you have read Market Liberty you should be well equipped to explain how that is not extortion on a basic level, how kidnapping and detainment is not something anyone can do yet somehow a body that is not granted that power is able to do the same???

If you cannot even give me a hint of how the enforcement side works without referring me to a book written by someone else then I am not buying...

The civil freedoms you describe are what I want in our lives. Unfortunately, you refuse to accept that human nature is much darker that your idealistic society envisions.