Donald Trump

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One is promoting the idea of safety, and the other is a blatant race baiter. I know who I am voting for​
"White Americans need to do a better job of listening when African Americans talk about the seen and unseen barriers they face every day."

So this statement constitutes "race baiting"?? Seriously? Please tell me that you're basing this on something other than this very benign statement. WTF?? I'm also talking to those who have decided to "like" this bullshit post. You fucking clowns are REALLY starting to tell on yourselves.


Well-Known Member
"White Americans need to do a better job of listening when African Americans talk about the seen and unseen barriers they face every day."

So this statement constitutes "race baiting"?? Seriously? Please tell me that you're basing this on something other than this very benign statement. WTF?? I'm also talking to those who have decided to "like" this bullshit post. You fucking clowns are REALLY starting to tell on yourselves.
Bro think about it...they proudly support a fucking ass clown whose claim to fame is Obama's birth cert? WTF. How fucking thinly can you disguise appealing to the basest instincts, the lowest common denominator.


Well-Known Member
Bro think about it...they proudly support a fucking ass clown whose claim to fame is Obama's birth cert? WTF. How fucking thinly can you disguise appealing to the basest instincts, the lowest common denominator.
I get called that in here on a daily basis, and I've always known that it's just a defense mechanism for those who can't speak intelligently on the subject of race. Looking at this post though, actually shows me how low they've set set the "race baiter" bar. Apparently just saying the word "race" is enough.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
"White Americans need to do a better job of listening when African Americans talk about the seen and unseen barriers they face every day."

So this statement constitutes "race baiting"?? Seriously? Please tell me that you're basing this on something other than this very benign statement. WTF?? I'm also talking to those who have decided to "like" this bullshit post. You fucking clowns are REALLY starting to tell on yourselves.
I guess it was the fact that hillary seems to be shifting the blame and playing sympathetic when I know she is really a heartless bitch. That's why I tossed a like. Went and watched the speach. She sure is good at pretending to care now.

She didnt give 2 efs when blm came and asked about her "super predator" comment.


Well-Known Member
I guess it was the fact that hillary seems to be shifting the blame and playing sympathetic when I know she is really a heartless bitch. That's why I tossed a like. Went and watched the speach. She sure is good at pretending to care now.

She didnt give 2 efs when blm came and asked about her "super predator" comment.
I can't stand her either, but to label this particular statement as "race baiting" (whatever in the fuck that actually is), is just completely ridiculous on every level. Please explain to me what is wrong with this statement.


Well-Known Member
Trumps claim to fame is what I said
I guess it was the fact that hillary seems to be shifting the blame and playing sympathetic when I know she is really a heartless bitch. That's why I tossed a like. Went and watched the speach. She sure is good at pretending to care now.

She didnt give 2 efs when blm came and asked about her "super predator" comment.
those tired ass regurgitated, idiot talking points have begun to smell like puke. say something on your own, that you believe instead of the idiot shit your dump in here.

Phony fucking, half witted hypocrite

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
I can't stand her either, but to label this particular statement as "race baiting" (whatever in the fuck that actually is), is just completely ridiculous on every level. Please explain to me what is wrong with this statement.
I was not making that assertion. I think she is disingenuous about her desire to help black people. Or anyone below the 1%.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
those tired ass regurgitated, idiot talking points have begun to smell like puke. say something on your own, that you believe instead of the idiot shit your dump in here.

Phony fucking, half witted hypocrite
Hypocritical is voting for the establishment when we know the establishment is corrupt.


Well-Known Member
Hillary was the one who started the birth certificate schtick.
and she dropped it right after she discovered evidence to the contrary.

morons like you and your cheetoh-faced, racist shitbag of a hero perpetuated even after it was proven beyond all doubt.

then you started asking for his college transcripts, which is a nice way of implying that he is just a product of affirmative action.

your racist stains make me want to puke.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
and she dropped it right after she discovered evidence to the contrary.

morons like you and your cheetoh-faced, racist shitbag of a hero perpetuated even after it was proven beyond all doubt.

then you started asking for his college transcripts, which is a nice way of implying that he is just a product of affirmative action.

your racist stains make me want to puke.
So she did start it. Lol

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