extracting psilocybin


Well-Known Member
anyone have experience with a tek for psb extraction from shrooms? i had some psb peanut butter cups a couple years ago and i'm looking to make some.
It is next to impossible to perform an extraction which results in Crystal psilocybin.

Alcohol is about as good as you will get.
Bro I do it and it looks like crack lol I add it to water and it dissolves and I take 2 to 3 drops on a pice of paper and go lol or add it to liquor or honey to keep it for years..
anyone have experience with a tek for psb extraction from shrooms? i had some psb peanut butter cups a couple years ago and i'm looking to make some.
I make peanut butter cups by bringing the shrimps into a poweder then mixing it in. Last batch I made had about a gram per peanut butter cup. It worked really.