EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

Right. So let's solve the AMERICAN poverty problem FIRST, then worry about the rest of the planet. Derp.
What poverty problem? Homeless are junkies and alcoholics we have shelters and food pantries they just choose to live that way. Disabled get in housing projects a check and food stamps. Not really much poverty everyone eats unless they have junky parents.
Right. So let's solve the AMERICAN poverty problem FIRST, then worry about the rest of the planet. Derp.
Plus that's what we should do all the foreign aid we give to 3rd world countries is what is holding back their own farmers and all. Why you think Myanmar told us to fuck off?
The clintons have a longer track record as well working for the community. they represented Arkansas which has much more of an AA population than Vermont. I think I met the AA population of Vermont one time, nice guy. Anyway the Clintons have more history, and familiarity.

Vermont is the whitest state in the nation.

Super predator.
Plus why are you crying about minimum wage? Do you have any idea what people live like in other countries it makes me sick. Over a billion people live on less than $1 a day and you want $15 for an hour to flip burgers?? That is fucking greedy. IMHO

What an astonishingly stupid, selfish and insipid thing to say. YOU go work for a buck an hour, or damn well support your fellow American's right to a better wage too, ya selfish prick.
Super predator.
Not saying they did more, they are just more natural in appealing to that demographic. Sanders is a good guy, with a better heart in my opinion. But he can't sell it like clintons can.



What an astonishingly stupid, selfish and insipid thing to say. YOU go work for a buck an hour, or damn well support your fellow American's right to a better wage too, ya selfish prick.
We sell plant clippings for 2000 a pound minimum and say other people make too much? Lol.

The guy who farms your lettuce isn't making 1/10th of what we can make an hour for almost the same work.
Super predator.

That super predator line came while Hillary was first lady in 1994 or something thereabouts. She said she was wrong and she apologized for that remark.

The intangible that Hillary has with the community can be summed up with these words from an article from NPR: "I didn't like the way [Obama] was being treated, and I don't like the way she's being treated," 65-year-old Queen Lewis told NPR's Sam Sanders recently, in the run-up to the South Carolina primary, where Clinton won by almost 50 points.


From your dialogue with bearkat, you pretty much dismiss there is racism that affect black people in any meaningful way. Or at least that's how I read it. This attitude and similar attitudes expressed by Sander's supporters are picked up and resonate in ways maybe you don't like or want to agree with:

well, maybe we’re just as turned off by the hipster racism exhibited by many fervent Sanders supporters as we are with the palpable racism from many of Trump’s. There are many very valid reasons for Black people not to support Sanders. (Just as there are many not to support Clinton.) Us not knowing whats good for us isn’t one of them.


The link to this article was posted earlier by @Ace Yonder in a different thread. I found it applicable here. It discusses the paternal attitude found in the community of Bernie supporters towards African Americans. @Padawanbater2 sounds very much like what the author is referring to. The author is basically saying that your logic isn't necessarily valid. That supporting a strong candidate who is most likely to win over the virulently racist Trump crowd is a good reason too.

who’s to say we (Black voters) aren’t looking out for our best interests by supporting Clinton? Maybe Sanders is the best option in a vacuum. But maybe we’re a bit more politically shrewd than we’re given credit for; a bit more in tune with the idea that, for myriad reasons, Clinton just has a much better chance of beating Donald Trump in the general election than Sanders would. Maybe we’re fully aware Clinton doesn’t deserve our vote, but we’ve done the mental calculus necessary to grudgingly accept her as maybe not the best option, but the strongest one.
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What an astonishingly stupid, selfish and insipid thing to say. YOU go work for a buck an hour, or damn well support your fellow American's right to a better wage too, ya selfish prick.
Stupid is someone who works for minimum wage. Not really something meant to work towards.
2. Having a job provides an income, an income provides a potential route out of abject poverty, out of the ghetto where police largely roam and make their arrests
3. Bullshit, I don't believe that for a second. Address Sanders stance on the war on drugs vs. Clinton's. Whose position would fair better for you, as a black person? An end to it entirely or Clinton's "end to an era of mass incarceration" without ending the war on drugs?
4. No he doesn't. He thinks with better opportunity in the black community provided for by jobs and training programs, they will have a better chance of breaking the cycle of poverty that permeates throughout poor communities
5. When was the last time you heard a rich black person complain about racism against them? Jesse Williams? No, he was addressing racism within the black community, largely made up of poor blacks like Tamir Rice. Have you ever seen Oprah or Tiger Woods address racism against them? Tyra Banks, Shaq, Kobe?

Take Ice Cube, he experienced considerable amounts of racism during the beginning of his career, 'Fuck the Police' is a perfect example of him expressing it. Since he's become rich, how much racism do you think he's experienced?

Rich people have power, regardless of color. You are absolutely fuckin' delusional if you think otherwise. Money makes the world go 'round, not skin color. There are ignorant assholes everywhere of every color, and I would agree with you that minorities in America get it far worse than whites, but for you to say that socioeconomic status holds little to no bearing on it is wrong. White people do not hate black people because they're black. Ignorant racist fucks hate black people because of their perception of them that's perpetuated by just as ignorant stereotypes, and it's not all a total fabrication of the white man's mind.

As Bill Burr says "Every asswhooping doesn't just come out of nowhere"

While ignorant racist white people hold the majority of the blame, it's not all on their hands. If BLM dressed in suits and ties like MLK did and didn't resort to violence during protests, they would have a much greater advantage. I've been holding out hope myself that someone within that organization will just read a little goddamn history and figure out what actually works instead of the shit they've been pulling, but it never happens and I'm just sitting there second guessing myself as to why.

No doubt you'll consider me racist after this post just because I spoke up against your opinion, but as a guy who legitimately holds no ill will towards people of other colors/races, it'll be meaningless. Nothing I've said this post is racist

+rep :clap:
That super predator line came while Hillary was first lady in 1994 or something thereabouts. She said she was wrong and she apologized for that remark.

The intangible that Hillary has with the community can be summed up with these words from an article from NPR: "I didn't like the way [Obama] was being treated, and I don't like the way she's being treated," 65-year-old Queen Lewis told NPR's Sam Sanders recently, in the run-up to the South Carolina primary, where Clinton won by almost 50 points.


From your dialogue with bearkat, you pretty much dismiss there is racism that affect black people in any meaningful way. Or at least that's how I read it. This attitude and similar attitudes expressed by Sander's supporters are picked up and resonate in ways maybe you don't like or want to agree with:

well, maybe we’re just as turned off by the hipster racism exhibited by many fervent Sanders supporters as we are with the palpable racism from many of Trump’s. There are many very valid reasons for Black people not to support Sanders. (Just as there are many not to support Clinton.) Us not knowing whats good for us isn’t one of them.


The link to this article was posted earlier by @Ace Yonder in a different thread. I found it applicable here. It discusses the paternal attitude found in the community of Bernie supporters towards African Americans. @Padawanbater2 sounds very much like what the author is referring to. The author is basically saying that your logic isn't necessarily valid. That supporting a strong candidate who is most likely to win over the virulently racist Trump crowd is a good reason too.

who’s to say we (Black voters) aren’t looking out for our best interests by supporting Clinton? Maybe Sanders is the best option in a vacuum. But maybe we’re a bit more politically shrewd than we’re given credit for; a bit more in tune with the idea that, for myriad reasons, Clinton just has a much better chance of beating Donald Trump in the general election than Sanders would. Maybe we’re fully aware Clinton doesn’t deserve our vote, but we’ve done the mental calculus necessary to grudgingly accept her as maybe not the best option, but the strongest one.

Don't defend her.

I am holding her to task..the liar of liars, crooked Hillary.

You don't like the 90's?..no worries..each decade brought something a little special from Mrs. Clinton.

For Final Jepoardy..and the answer is:

"What difference does it make?"

Soooo.... Bernie Sanders just endorsed Hillary Clinton

What a fucking sellout...

Score for the establishment.... LOL!!!