same challenge to you. show me one post i have made that is racist.

don't just sit there and blather all night.

Oh man...that is the absolute funniest shit I've seen on this site. can......accuse someone of.........(BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!) blather.

Oh Gawd....I can't breath.
Stop it Bucky!!!!!!
Bucky, you casually litter any thread you visit w/ some much racial separation I don't have to.
You proved exactly how racist a race baiter you are when all I said was "wookie cookie" and let your mind make up the rest of what you claim above.

Does repetition help when tackling the tough concepts of your hypocrisy Bucky?
I'm trying to do my part here to help my fellow man. Now put down that paint can! ;)
well I am a Chewbacca fan, I will have you know and honestly comparing some people to Chewbacca is just not fair, they are not in the same class!
steviebrevie, who idolizes MLK, is buddying up to choomer, who called obama a kenyan muslim homo and called his wife sub-human, which choomer claims is totally not racist.

this is all perfectly consistent.

still waiting on either of them to cite their claim that i am racist (not only that, but the ONLY racist on RIU) with any evidence whatsoever.

smart money is on more complaining, whining, crying, moaning, and general claims of persecution at the hands of a single internet poster.

prepare yourselves for it.
well I am a Chewbacca fan, I will have you know and honestly comparing some people to Chewbacca is just not fair, they are not in the same class!

But...but...but BUCKY DOES so it MUST BE TRUE!!!!

I'm sorry for his prejudice against fictional characterizations.

I prefer to think of Bucky as "Guy Smiley" as he talks about things he has the absolute inability to understand yet does it in a way that is supposed to convince you it's true.

Do you think he moonlights for Alex Jones in content farming too?'s getting late Bucky, and Alex is hard nosed about punctuality!
i don't think there has been any video of the lead up to or the actual shooting, just the aftermath. just enough for all the low-info folks to draw their conclusions. and the cop that shot him, after all the white people hate was gathered turned out to be hispanic.
Show your source. Cite them and inform people. Just because you say it doesn't make it so.

What sources state the victim was a burglary suspect.

There may be a source that says that but it would be easy for cops to say that to help one of their own. You know, to cover for him.
Show your source. Cite them and inform people. Just because you say it doesn't make it so.

What sources state the victim was a burglary suspect.

There may be a source that says that but it would be easy for cops to say that to help one of their own. You know, to cover for him.

a cursory google search now that more info is out should get people what they want. for me int's an internet forum and they usual suspects are going to doubt whatever is said that does not fit their agenda even in light of all the proof in the world. if someone chooses not to believe me, so be it. if i wanted to cite sources and do a bibliography i'll take ENG 102 at the community college and write a research paper :)
besides, there are no give and take in these threads, they always break down to one side spouting ad hominem bs. i'm most likely staying out of these threads from now on.
If you wanna play, know your playground (as if what we say here has any relevance to any life but ours alone). :D

If anyone compares the tendency towards racism between us, do you think my paltry ~250 posts can compare to your 94K+ body of work and proven (lack of) content consisting mostly of attacks bourn of self loathing what do you think the conclusion will be?

Didn't people teach you that race baiting is part of racism?

C'mon, you're just itchin' to TLDR since real argument and evidence is a bit beyond ya to spin.
<proof of concept>

Was this beyond your ability to understand or so embarrassingly true that you have nothing to say?

Was that one so embarrassing to you that you whined to have it removed?
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Oh man...that is the absolute funniest shit I've seen on this site. can......accuse someone of.........(BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!) blather.

Oh Gawd....I can't breath.
Stop it Bucky!!!!!!
View attachment 3731059 View attachment 3731059
But...but...but BUCKY DOES so it MUST BE TRUE!!!!

I'm sorry for his prejudice against fictional characterizations.

I prefer to think of Bucky as "Guy Smiley" as he talks about things he has the absolute inability to understand yet does it in a way that is supposed to convince you it's true.

Do you think he moonlights for Alex Jones in content farming too?'s getting late Bucky, and Alex is hard nosed about punctuality!
Seriously? Youre a jack ass.
This from a content provider of memes (aka I can't think on my own so I stole the work of someone else to make my point)?

I don't have much against memes, just those that use the work of others without any ability to craft their own.

Seems some of your content (the attachments) is rather rarified as I don't have permission to view it.
I haven't posted enough to enjoy "known to reach around" member status.
besides, there are no give and take in these threads, they always break down to one side spouting ad hominem bs. i'm most likely staying out of these threads from now on. don't want to do that as they'll count it another notch in the condom.

Funny that they don't see how counter-productive that is. don't want to do that as they'll count it another notch in the condom.

Funny that they don't see how counter-productive that is.

well, i'm ignoring all of them so really i have no idea what they are saying, and zero fucks are given by me what they think.
You know his asshole puckered shut when the robot came in. Lol

Plus you would have to be a bit scared taking on a police station alone.

I bet he didn't pucker from the bot. He probably thought it was a negotiation bot. He never would have guessed it to be a suicide bot. "Tali-bot"
This from a content provider of memes (aka I can't think on my own so I stole the work of someone else to make my point)?

I don't have much against memes, just those that use the work of others without any ability to craft their own.

Seems some of your content (the attachments) is rather rarified as I don't have permission to view it.
I haven't posted enough to enjoy "known to reach around" member status.
Seriously? Youre a jack ass.
a cursory google search now that more info is out should get people what they want. for me int's an internet forum and they usual suspects are going to doubt whatever is said that does not fit their agenda even in light of all the proof in the world. if someone chooses not to believe me, so be it. if i wanted to cite sources and do a bibliography i'll take ENG 102 at the community college and write a research paper :)
You made the claim. Back it up. Give me your source. Where did you read it?

Not that hard. Cite one source.

I bet $100 you will post something else beside where you read it.