Skinning the entire plant? Worked awesome..


Well-Known Member
I had a plant with one main stalk abut 2 feet high and bushing out about a foot, and I wanted to use this one as a sort of tester as I didn't want to do it to all of my plants..

What I did:

Trimmed EVERYTHING off of the plant so it was just a bare stick and that's it.

How it worked out:

I now have a 3ft mini bush, with quite a few main stalks.

Took about a week until it just started popping everywhere. Yes, outdoor grow.

Next year I am going to do this to all of my plants.

Sorry I can't take pictures until a few days, brother is in Europe with my camera. :S


Well-Known Member
wow nice. so you clipped all the way down and now you say your plant is bushier? do you plan to flower soon?

would definately like to see some pics asap

Bubba Kushman

Well-Known Member
Pretty cool! I pluck off all the big leaves but not everything. It lets more light get to the bottom buds. Ill have to try your way next year?


Well-Known Member
Yes I clipped everything off to just a BARE stick.

I thought my plant was going to die but within a few days it just started to fucking pop everywhere. I was like wtf.

Pics coming tomorrow or next day.


Well-Known Member
Fairly standard re-veg technique indoors, but quite unique outdoors, Good job!
What did you suspect would happen?


Well-Known Member
I thought for sure it was going to die. :S

BTW it was trimmed to a bare stick after about a month of veg.

Really happy about the outcome.

Quebec Big Dog

Well-Known Member
Dude thats not fair.......LOL

I got hamered here for trimming all my big leaves off and you gets congrats !!!!

Anyways if you saw how I got hammered and still did it then I say congrats also LOLLL

For all you who commented I'm just kidding all posts are appreciated !


Well-Known Member
Art student? FUCK NO

Ganja student =)

Haha, but the lines took me awhile to make, makin sure there straight. o_O

No but seriously guys, this worked very very well. If I had done this at the start of the season I would have anice bush going. It's only about 2-3 months old and is currently flowering.

Also, it was a SEED, can just imagine how much fun I would have with a clone at the beginning of the season.

If anyone is interested, prob not, here is my setup outdoors, lol. Taken from other thread.


Well-Known Member
GrowFag, I highly suggest you take yourself to the GrowFaq. Top left....on nav bar beside My Rollitup.