smokin inside vs. smokin outside


Well-Known Member
Smokin Inside

Up side

No Stragglers(i.e."yo let me get a hit")
No Wind

Down side

The Smell
U Got A Rug(ashes)

Smoking out side

Up Side

Cool Breeze
People Too Laugh At

Down Side

The Police

now im gettin lazy but u see were im goin with it..


I prefer to be inside because once in a while when I'm faded enough I'll practice my smoke tricks. :)


stays relevant.
Smoking outside is fine if you do it in a safe area... of course I am referring to outside, in my car.


Well-Known Member
OUTSIDE! i love walkin around with a J, you just gotta watch out and hope the paranoia doesn't set in hah


Well-Known Member
both side's are fine with me, outside is sweet when you got a sick view of the world (clouds,sky, trees, etc.), but inside is sweet when you dont feel like moving and when you want to watch tv, movies, or play video games and blaze at the same time..only downfall is it might reek, thats why i prefer to vape one inside.


Well-Known Member
theres always solution to a problem jus gotta find it. I've yet to find a place to smoke herb outside but thats jus the city inviroment


Well-Known Member
outside is cool because you can laugh at the crackheads bums & hoes if u live where those things are found


Well-Known Member
Outside, Next to the upper Kern river, smoking a fat joint, and tossing a trout lure around.
Inside, on the couch, ice filled bong, playing guitar hero, or gran turismo.


Well-Known Member
I actually like to burn a blunt on the way to school... Its pretty bad ass really..
That used to be so fun.
I had a nice blunt walkin to the bus stop.
and a wooden bowl in my pocket to hit on the bus right before i got off:).


Well-Known Member
If you're outside, and you end up walking for half a mile to find a decent place to sit..
You get stoned, and your high is ruined by the walk back.

I personally love sitting on the couch with a few mates, nice cold beverages, weed and a good new film.

Can't get that outside!


Well-Known Member
yeah dude i have this park bench next to my house and my house is kind of on a hill overlooking this decent sized pond, and i just walk outside and blaze one and sit on that bench that overlooks the pond and you can see the sky and the clouds and its awesome to just sit and watch and think


inside is cool mainly because of the safety issues.... but i dont have much of those here.... we are in the woods, so i can smoke outside as much as i want... but if i am inside smokin; im prob here on RIU... if outside, i am either in the garden, or sitting on the couch on the porch watching the world go by.


Well-Known Member
outside is nice to take a deep breath of fresh air then a deep breath of marijuana smoke...i smoke inside usually beofre bed..i find outside way better more peaceful nd u can enjoy ur suurondings happy smokin indoors or outdoors :)