A Turd In My Res.


Well-Known Member
What you should do is punch yourself in the dick for allowing people anywhere near your grow room and then go punch your mom in her dick for raising a dumb ass.

Edit: The kind of people who shit in things are the kind of people who run off at the mouth, By now a dozen people or more know you grow.


New Member
just checking back to see if the guy said he killed the plants....
I see no such report so I must digress that the guy is an idiot....
I hope that you get a lot more intelligent soon, and I hope that you find somewhere to move the grow to as well that wont be compromisable....


Well-Known Member
Bra? What am i spposed to do? Ask everybodie there if they ate corn? I'm fucked.:wall:
kick is a cool bra;) aint got no prob with him
I have read a lot of posts on this forum and there have only been two people use the term bra. They both joined in August. This may be a coincidence, but considering the type of negative posts that they both make, it makes me wonder if it might be the same person with two different user names.


Well-Known Member
he started sayin it once I said it.
you can look at my diary nothin like his grow.
I don't make neg posts either.
Oh and many pple on here are using the term bra now.


Well-Known Member
Bogus thread! Anyone who has people over to party in the area of a grow op is a person begging to go to prison.

About 12 years ago I was helping a friend set up a large ebb and flow table. I mentioned that urine can be used as a fertilizer for outdoor plants if you dillute the urine enough. What does this dumbass do? He pees a few times in his reservior throwing the nitrogen levels off and fries his plants. We parted ways as far as growing after that; people that stupid tend to get busted.