Please help me name this new baby .....He is registered as Psnowman

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Well-Known Member
Dunno, you are the ones that keep coming after me, hell I was just trying to name my new baby, but yeah, I think when someone is so disgusting to throw out a name like "cunt flap", yeah is something I prefer not to see. I would think people could keep it slightly more civil than that...
Misrepresentation and strawman creation. I said "Dogfood". While I get a chuckle out of genitalia snarks, my style of humor is much more in the dark side; death, cannibalism, horror. I sincerely doubt I've ever made a genitalia joke right out of the gate


Well-Known Member
LOL...the dogfood one did not really bother me that much, I think I told you to eat it
This was my comment, so there is no more need to misrepresent sock
dogfood did not really bother me so much, but I am a big horse advocate, and the slaughterhouse life, and mistreatment of horses is a cause dear to my heart...I was considering Burger King!


Well-Known Member
LOL...the dogfood one did not really bother me that much, I think I told you to eat it

dogfood did not really bother me so much, but I am a big horse advocate, and the slaughterhouse life, and mistreatment of horses is a cause dear to my heart...I was considering Burger King!
You don't have to think; my quote will take you back so you can read the progression

cat of curiosity

Well-Known Member
some people are proud of really strange things...
i'll tell you a story steve. when i was 4, i was proud that i was the only one of my friends who could piss all the way across the creek, even though i had the smallest hose... man, those were the days...

i'm curious, are you more stevie nix or stevie wonder? i gotta know, i love them both, just in different ways...
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