Are we a gang?

But it is not like just anybody gets picked on. Nor is it the same group of people that pick on people. Is it that we gang up on people or is it that each of us reach their own personal limit and acts accordingly?

There are certain times when boundaries get crossed and rules get broken. But there are also the rules of sock puppetry - we are almost always on guard against those who have violated those rules and cast down into GC and SH.

It seems to me that anytime somebody gets ganged up on, they get the chance to back off and reconsider what they are doing. And then there are those that don't. They violate the informal hierarchy, react badly to it, and then double down with whatever they are doing.

Are we just culling the heard?

*grabs pitchfork, lantern, (doobie), (wife's buttocks), plaid jacket*
I totally see what you're saying, I mean I've seen it myself although not to the degree I've heard of from people who have been here longer, and lines do get crossed sometimes but that's just life isn't it, people have limits? maybe I'm oversensitive at the moment but I just find it a bit uncomfortable sometimes when it crosses threads and it seems like every other post is one of those lines getting crossed. I know it happens every so often in t&t and it isn't like it's always that way at all, I love it in here and I can't bear to go on fb anymore cos it's just not the same. I felt the same last time it happened and got shit for it but I'm just soft and don't like a bad atmosphere. So that's just my personal feeling, I have so much respect for so many of you and I have laughed my way through a horrible week or so thanks to lots of you, I'm not having a go at anyone but since put you've made the thread asking the question, I'm answering it rather than muttering quietly.
A gang always has the powerful, yet sensible mother figure.
That's fine, I've been watching blue crush while listening to Taylor swift. I'd say I'm lubed but that's an understatement. Take off your watch, you'll lose it in my slippery stink cave, and you may even find lemmiwinks' skeleton in there.
you are ready.