Are we a gang?

Our sign?
Sure, some of us know each other and there is an informal chat room some us frequent...

But it is not like we hang out or talk on the phone a lot.

We do tend to gang up on people though.

Please don't get me wrong - this is not a moment for self reflection nor am I considering the "error of my ways".

I am damn proud.

We even have "code names".

We should get jackets.
totally man, and thinking about it, we do sorta do the "beat-the-holy-bejesus" initiation process.
And then sometimes we even are cool to the poor bastards after, well at least from what I see.
I'm only here during business hrs, so after I go home? That's when the good shit happens...Well I call it good shit, impartial bystanders probably call it psychological abuse.
but po-TA-toe, po-TAH-to...