The French Cannoli` Hash Thread

Amber doesnt he say in his old video's?
But i was kind of shocked when I was watching this new video because he ran the first was for like 1 minute and then the second run for 2 minutes. That is very different then how I remember it being the entire cycle of 15 minutes of washing in his old videos.
Im not sure if he figured that less time works just as well or what???
It would beat sitting around for 10 - 15 minutes waiting for the wash to complete.

Looks like he was also in my neck of the woods this past weekend. There is a video of him in some classroom in Portland with a pointer stick and a huge Trichome drawn on a chalkboard and he is teaching the class all the parts of the trichome. lol. check it out its pretty comical.
I just tried watching this newer version of Frenchy Hash making and was surprised how short of time he took agitating the trim/ice/water on the first wash?
I have studied Frenchys techniques from older videos taken and posted a couple years ago... and I recall he used to go at least 10 minutes a wash.
Im having a hard time getting through this new video. Someone thought it was cute to distort his voice and make it even harder to understand him. :-(
Again another frustrating hash making tutorial by Frenchy. Dont get me wrong, I love frenchy. I own his bags and washing machine and have painstakenly studies every move he makes so just wanted some clarification on the TIMING.. how long per wash?:leaf:
The first wash like 30 sec. That first wash gets all the dust and dirt out of your hash. I wash as long as it takes for the 45 bag to drain scrape and alcohol wash. then dump again. I did 9 washes on the Sugar Black Rose I ran. My wash #8 didnt have shit in it. 9 was a waste of time. Now when I ran the Jamaican Dream, by wash 7 i was wasting my time. So some strains will run better then others.

Listen, if there is anything I can say that I have gotten from Frenchy is to just feel it out. it will tell you. He always seems to say that when hes pressing it. But its true even when your washing.

Going into this with the knowledge i learned here It got me to the end result I really wanted. Shatter. But i dont separate most of my grades anymore. I separate the 190 from everything and just gather from the 25mu bag. Then dry it all out and rosin press it into shatter. im seeing a ~88% return. In only loosing ~12% to "plant material". And it dabs amazingly. Better then any BHO i've had.
thanks for sharing your expereince m$s73r . that is interesting about the 30 second wash to get the dust and dirt out. He never mentioned that before. :leaf:
thanks for sharing your expereince m$s73r . that is interesting about the 30 second wash to get the dust and dirt out. He never mentioned that before. :leaf:

I took Frenchy's class in Seattle a couple of months back He's not doing a wash to get dust and dirt out, thats just plain false and misleading information. No idea where that came from but you would be tossing many of your best trichome heads.

The first wash is 15 - 30 seconds and subsequent washes are closer to 5 minutes a piece, until the material quits putting out.

Hope that helps.
Thanks crabby, that helps.

I pulled out my hash class notes out this afternoon Doc and realized that I needed to clarify what I told you earlier. The first wash was fifteen seconds, the second was five minutes and then he said "each wash should get longer and longer". But during the class he didn't go to much longer than five minutes per wash.

If you ever get a chance take the class. Frenchy spends a whole day going over the details of his methods. It's a good time..
I pulled out my hash class notes out this afternoon Doc and realized that I needed to clarify what I told you earlier. The first wash was fifteen seconds, the second was five minutes and then he said "each wash should get longer and longer". But during the class he didn't go to much longer than five minutes per wash.

If you ever get a chance take the class. Frenchy spends a whole day going over the details of his methods. It's a good time..
Wow, you are so sweet. :hug:Thank you so much for taking your time to check for me Crabby!:D
first wash 15 secs
:joint:second wash 5 min
:joint:then longer and longer.
:joint:But in class he didn't go longer then 5 min... wierd. Im assuming strain dependent he knew it didnt wash more then 5 or time constraints...
you know what would be really trippy Crabby.
What if you accidentally over heard Frenchy speaking with a think New York Accent and the French accent was a total fake.
His accent keeps getting thicker, heavier year after year and he lives in California.
How much was the class.? I missed him in Portland last week, kinda bummed about that. Our timing was off. I have been meaning to meet up with him for a very very long time. I was going to take him hiking up in the North Cascades of Washington one day but I moved from Washington. I still have the killer Cuvee Hash seeds he recommended I get that is to make the most creamy hash.:weed:
Wow, you are so sweet. :hug:Thank you so much for taking your time to check for me Crabby!:D
first wash 15 secs
:joint:second wash 5 min
:joint:then longer and longer.
:joint:But in class he didn't go longer then 5 min... wierd. Im assuming strain dependent he knew it didnt wash more then 5 or time constraints...
you know what would be really trippy Crabby.
What if you accidentally over heard Frenchy speaking with a think New York Accent and the French accent was a total fake.
His accent keeps getting thicker, heavier year after year and he lives in California.
How much was the class.? I missed him in Portland last week, kinda bummed about that. Our timing was off. I have been meaning to meet up with him for a very very long time. I was going to take him hiking up in the North Cascades of Washington one day but I moved from Washington. I still have the killer Cuvee Hash seeds he recommended I get that is to make the most creamy hash.:weed:

Yeah you're right Doc, he said it's all strain dependent. After working with a strain for a few runs you learn how to best work with that particular strains trichomes. He also said he often runs his material 10 - 15 times and the ripest trichomes fall off in the first 15 second wash. He made a big impression on all the nonorganic growers. He strongly believes that it's important to work with only organic material.

I can't remember exactly how much the course was but it was around couple of hundred. It's really quite inexpensive for what you receive. I had to travel so I had additional travel and lodging expenses. But it was one of the best times I've had in quite sometime and there were a several other people at the course saying the same thing. When he comes back to Seattle I may retake it just for the good times.

Frenchy obviously knows his hashish and is one of those very special people that makes everybody around him feel like family. You can tell, he really enjoys sharing his knowledge. I hope you get a chance to take his class before long and if you do, get up there and assist him, I did. It's a blast, there's no better way to learn and he enjoys the help:bigjoint:
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Some do a first "dip" to wash off dirt. Its not a WASH, only a quick dip in and out.

Just be careful. There are a lot of trichomes that fall off in that first 15 second wash, it's a very productive wash.

I think your just talking about a rinse prior to an actual washing cycle if it's dusty from being outdoors, right?
Just be careful. There are a lot of trichomes that fall off in that first 15 second wash, it's a very productive wash.

I think your just talking about a rinse prior to an actual washing cycle if it's dusty from being outdoors, right?
Exactly. Dip in and out
When I was in Nepal I sat with the Nepalese making temple balls, they just hand rub all the trim left over from harvest. Its very dry & powders away leaving a thick sticky resin buildup on your hands, every once in a while they scrape this off with a dull blade add some of the powder pull off blade continue rolling in your hands. Put to side rub more trimmings continue process very easy, very sticky. I saw the same process in Afghanistan but hay what would they know? no disrespect to anyone :wall: This is the K,I,S,S. method to making HASHISH!
Ok well all the runs ive done, the first wash didnt really produce shit.
So i went back and looked at my notes. My first turning on the machine i ran it to the count of 5 then drained it. That didnt really produce much of anything. A little scoop, maybe 4 grams.
The next 4 washes were amazing. then 5-9 were ok. I did get to a point that the little itty bit i was getting was just taking too long. And to be honest i kept all my washes separate and the very first wash tasted ok but not amazing. The rest was amazing. Like seeing boobs for the first time amazing. Hence my comment on the dirt. I put on a brand new dust filter on my inline fan and it was brown by the end of the run. So I know theres dust flying around the room getting on the buds. I am going to seal my room up nice and tight and see what i can do about the dust. Basement grows....

Never really thought about a dip. I wash fresh chopped. I cut the tops off that I want to keep them use a sharp knife and just shave the buds off the stem right into bucket to then go to the washing machine. My next round im only doing 2 strains. 4 seperate strains took forever to wash.
The first wash like 30 sec. That first wash gets all the dust and dirt out of your hash. I wash as long as it takes for the 45 bag to drain scrape and alcohol wash. then dump again. I did 9 washes on the Sugar Black Rose I ran. My wash #8 didnt have shit in it. 9 was a waste of time. Now when I ran the Jamaican Dream, by wash 7 i was wasting my time. So some strains will run better then others.

Listen, if there is anything I can say that I have gotten from Frenchy is to just feel it out. it will tell you. He always seems to say that when hes pressing it. But its true even when your washing.

Going into this with the knowledge i learned here It got me to the end result I really wanted. Shatter. But i dont separate most of my grades anymore. I separate the 190 from everything and just gather from the 25mu bag. Then dry it all out and rosin press it into shatter. im seeing a ~88% return. In only loosing ~12% to "plant material". And it dabs amazingly. Better then any BHO i've had.
My first wash is NOT to get dust and dirt out!!!
When I was in Nepal I sat with the Nepalese making temple balls, they just hand rub all the trim left over from harvest. Its very dry & powders away leaving a thick sticky resin buildup on your hands, every once in a while they scrape this off with a dull blade add some of the powder pull off blade continue rolling in your hands. Put to side rub more trimmings continue process very easy, very sticky. I saw the same process in Afghanistan but hay what would they know? no disrespect to anyone :wall: This is the K,I,S,S. method to making HASHISH!
You saw Nepalese producing export Charas/Hash but you have not seen a Nepalese make Royal Nepalese Temple Balls if you are my age or younger, I will turn 60 in December and Royal Nepalese Temple Ball were already a myth when I was in Nepal in 1980.
Ok well all the runs ive done, the first wash didnt really produce shit.
So i went back and looked at my notes. My first turning on the machine i ran it to the count of 5 then drained it. That didnt really produce much of anything. A little scoop, maybe 4 grams.
The next 4 washes were amazing. then 5-9 were ok. I did get to a point that the little itty bit i was getting was just taking too long. And to be honest i kept all my washes separate and the very first wash tasted ok but not amazing. The rest was amazing. Like seeing boobs for the first time amazing. Hence my comment on the dirt. I put on a brand new dust filter on my inline fan and it was brown by the end of the run. So I know theres dust flying around the room getting on the buds. I am going to seal my room up nice and tight and see what i can do about the dust. Basement grows....

Never really thought about a dip. I wash fresh chopped. I cut the tops off that I want to keep them use a sharp knife and just shave the buds off the stem right into bucket to then go to the washing machine. My next round im only doing 2 strains. 4 seperate strains took forever to wash.
You have to understand that I collect trichomes like I would collect ripe fruits from a tree since trichomes are made like a fruit with an abscission under the heads so that they fall when mature and ripe. My first wash is a light shake so that the ripest fruits fall, my second wash is slightly stronger to get the second dimension of ripeness, the third stronger again and so on until there is no fruit left.